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Results of 2006 Predictions

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Results of 2006 Predictions

Postby robbway » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:37 am

Last year, I started a very short prediction list for this years events in gaming. I include the serious and silly predictions. Here's the rundown and how they did:

In brief JustiNIC got more right.

Robbway (ME):

prognostication: XboxLiveGold will support podcasting
Result: WRONG! Not even close
Commentary: What was I thinking? I gave MS too much credit for system stability that I thought they'd be there by now.

prognostication: Nokia's new Burrito-shaped handheld phone with "end-talkin'"
Result: WRONG! Not even close
Commentary: Too bad, with extra spicy hot sauce, this could've been a winner. On the other hand, Taco Bell was offering a lifetime of burritos for a PS3!


prognostication: Microsoft will win the Japanese console wars.
Result: WRONG!
Commentary: Well, they did improve their popularity there. It's a start.

prognostication: Blizzard will file for bankruptcy due to huge losses on WoW.
Commentary: This could happen in any of the remaining 23 days of the year 2006. Don't hold your breath.

prognostication: The Nintendo Revolution will launch with a game entitled "Couch Potato," in which you control a lazy TV watcher who must defend the world against alients using his remote control -- the control scheme will earn a 10 on Gamespot.
Result: Almost RIGHT!
Commentary: You shoot down aliens in Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz in at least 3 mini games. Okay, so the couch potato looks like a monkey. You quickly learn that subtle motions are better in SMBBA, so couch potato it is. Gamespot gave it a 10-divided-by-10, didn't they?

prognostication: The Nintendo DS will launch a new game design that connects the two screens, has a physical rather than horizontal layout, doubles the battery life, and now supports UMD movies just to stick it to Sony!
Result: WRONG!
Commentary: Nintendo's invention this year was the DS Lite, and the discontinuation of the Gameboy. So many people try to use the upper screen as a touch screen that I wouldn't believe it possible, though. The UMD movie thing? What's a UMD Movie? Sounds like "Sucks."


Advent Children will be pushed back to 2007, but for good reason: It will be a playable game on PS3! (wrong! but Dirge of Cerberus wins the "I thought that was Castlevania" award)

Revolution will wipe out Microsoft and Sony in the console war, and all will be right with the world once again. (sort of correct. By sheer numbers, Wii wins. By profits, they come out waaaaaay ahead. It looks like 2007 will be Console Wars when prices start dropping).

There will be at least twelve games with "Mario" in the title. (May be correct. I didn't do the count, but there were a lot of Mario games. How did you make such an outlandish prediction? :wink: )

PSP redesign, which Sony will undoubtedly charge way too much money for. They don't want it to be "easily accessible," they want people to get second jobs to afford it. (CORRECT! The price didn't drop, they're using cheaper parts, nobody wants the UMD movies, the Media Center costs too much, the games and the PR are no good (even if white is the new black)they update the firmware only to circumvent hacking, and no GT4 pocket. If that didn't make it inaccessible, nothing does. Still, you can get good games on PSP with a little research.)

Besides existing sports title sequels, Mario and gang will go surfing, curling, wrestling, into space, and hang-gliding. (wrong, I think? In space, no one can hear Mario Jump)
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Postby VxJasonxV » Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:10 am

Random Trivia that surpassed all expectations:
Nintendo launched a console without a new Mario game :O:O:O.
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Postby theafroguy » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:02 pm

Err... yes, it was called the Gamecube.

Luigi's Mansion doesn't count.
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Postby DJPooEater » Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:41 pm

there's corm in my poo
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Postby VxJasonxV » Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:48 pm

Uhhhh, Luigi's Mansion does count.
It is in the Mario universe, that and it was FUN, and freaking amusing.
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Postby sephiroth1215 » Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:59 am

VxJasonxV wrote:Uhhhh, Luigi's Mansion does count.
It is in the Mario universe, that and it was FUN, and freaking amusing.
I completely agree!! That was a very fun thanksgiving weekend for me, and that's when I broke my wrist and blood wouldn't stop pouring out of me for a while :P
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