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Postby DarkTetsuya » Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:59 pm

<Unknown_Gamer> I'll come over. :) <3
<Unknown_Gamer> And I can play with your...
<Rychan> :X
<Unknown_Gamer> your DDR. :)
<Rychan> yes and I have lots of it
<Unknown_Gamer> I bet.
<Rychan> :D
<MeowMeow> I hate pulling the thing from the thing
<Unknown_Gamer> Me too.
<DarkTetsuya> same here
<Unknown_Gamer> I pulled the thing from the thing once, and I had to go to the hospital :(
<MuffinJuice> lol
<DarkTetsuya> LOL
<Unknown_Gamer> so they could put it back.
<MeowMeow> did they have to put a thing on your thing?
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Postby Misty » Thu Sep 16, 2004 7:35 pm

[22:56] <DarkSakura> Dear world.
[22:56] <DarkSakura> Loki is a social terrorist.
[22:56] <DarkSakura> Love,
[22:56] <DarkSakura> OLR staff.
[22:56] <DarkSakura> PS
[22:56] <DarkSakura> ZING
[22:56] <blackdevilrx> LOL
[22:56] <Shade23> hah a bomb
[22:56] <darkknight> lol
[22:56] <JonFields> All your bomb are belong to loki
[22:56] <blackdevilrx> Dear OLR staff
[22:56] <darkknight> WE GOT THE FUCKIN BOMB!
[22:56] <blackdevilrx> I am aware that Loki is a social terrorist
[22:56] <Shade23> "its not a bomb, its a portal to hell!"
[22:57] <blackdevilrx> thank you for your information
[22:57] <blackdevilrx> Love,
[22:57] <blackdevilrx> blackdevilrx
[22:57] <Misty> Dammit, how many times do I have to say send it to me?!? I could use it! (ref = this week's FU)
[22:57] <blackdevilrx> PS
[22:57] * TheIdol ( Quit (Quit: )
[22:57] <blackdevilrx> Loki, you need help
[22:57] <DarkSakura> Dear blackdevilrx,
[22:57] <DarkSakura> We are aware Loki needs help. We're giving him alcohol instead.
[22:57] <DarkSakura> Love,
[22:57] <DarkSakura> OLR Staff.
[22:58] <darkknight> lol
[22:58] <DarkSakura> PS
[22:58] <Sigurd> yay Mel is speaking the good word!
[22:58] <Lunarius> L
[22:58] <Tora\nolongernekki> Dear Sakura-chan,
[22:58] <Lunarius> OL nice DS
[22:58] <DarkSakura> Give DarkSakura a dollar.
[22:58] <Tora\nolongernekki> Shut the fuck up please? KTHXBYE
[22:58] <Tora\nolongernekki> Love,
[22:58] <Tora\nolongernekki> Tora-kun <3
[22:58] * KarmaTitan gives DarkSakura a dollar
[22:58] * Kyle ( Quit (Quit: )
[22:58] <Tora\nolongernekki> ^_~
[22:58] * Ebisumaru ( has left #orangelounge
[22:58] <DarkSakura> Dear Tora-kun,
[22:58] * blackdevilrx gives DarkSakura a dollar, but DarkSakura can only spend it on alcohal for Loki :)
[22:58] <Misty> Damn, can we share teh booze?
[22:58] <DarkSakura> Come here and make me. IT'S ON.
[22:58] <KarmaTitan> lol
[22:58] <DarkSakura> kthxbie <3
[22:58] * Tora\nolongernekki jumps for joy out of his boxers
[22:58] <DarkSakura> o_o
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itallics is my fave line.

Postby Misty » Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:29 pm

[20:03] <Toshin> I womnder what Katamari would taste like
[20:03] * ApTek ( Quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[20:03] <Angel|OLR> lol Toshin
[20:04] <ElMullet> Chicken.
[20:04] <ElMullet> EVERYTHING tastes like chicken.
[20:04] <Toshin> some that funky colored can't be all bad
[20:04] <Angel|OLR> Chicken tastes like chicken and nothing else
[20:04] <Angel|OLR> ;)
[20:04] <Misty> depends on the crap that's in there, wouldn't it?
[20:04] <Angel|OLR> lol true Misty true
[20:04] <Angel|OLR> :))
[20:04] <Toshin> hope it rolls over a liqor store
[20:04] <ElMullet> If you roll a bunch of chickens in the Katamari? What THEN, Angel?
[20:05] <Misty> true toshin, true ^^;
[20:05] <Angel|OLR> chicken soup and crap?
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Postby Misty » Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:21 pm

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Postby DarkSakura » Sun Jan 02, 2005 8:22 pm

<rhayam> on other words "make more noise than"
<Illusion> oh wait it stopped sucking...
<Illusion> oh nevermind
<Illusion> no it didn't
<Jaded2005> lol
<Illusion> it tricked me
<blackdevilrx> ok this is getting seriously annoying
<Jaded2005> LOL
<Illusion> why won't this crap stop?
* Jaded2005 mutes his computer
<Illusion> it just keeps going

(In regards to Loki's Cage Match pick.)
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Postby DarkSakura » Wed Jan 12, 2005 9:13 pm

<BRPOhioBemani> why must women keep men so infatuated with them that we lose sleep over them just by thinking of them... *le sigh*
<BRPOhioBemani> sorry, just thinking out loud again
<DarkSakura|SSF> Because we're evil.
<BRPOhioBemani> well, that is true
<BRPOhioBemani> but it's a good kind of evil
<BRPOhioBemani> hehe
<DarkSakura|SSF> But now that I've told you our secret...
<DarkSakura|SSF> I have to kill you.
* DarkSakura|SSF slaps BRPOhioBemani around a bit with a large trout
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Postby VxJasonxV » Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:34 pm

19:32:18 <+BRPOhioBemani> I'm on the east coast so that makes ME easy... oh wait, wtf did I say?
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Postby VxJasonxV » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:49 pm

21:34:27 <+JonFields> ...*pushes button*
21:35:13 * JonFields pulls plunger
21:37:38 * JonFields releases the plunger
21:37:52 <+JonFields> Now hold still, I want the skill shot.
21:38:29 * JonFields watches it contact Jason
21:38:38 <+JonFields> Alright! 2 million!
21:39:13 <+Llama_Juice> lmao nice
21:39:19 <+Llama_Juice> good shot!
21:39:34 * JonFields catches ball in flipper
21:39:45 * JonFields fires at LJ
21:40:01 <+JonFields> Thanks, *ball sinks in LJ's mouth*
21:40:06 <+JonFields> hehe....Ball 1 locked
21:40:24 <+Llama_Juice> lol... you have to find some other things to fill your day
21:40:52 <+JonFields> You saying you don't want Orange Lounge Radio the Pinball machine?
21:41:23 <+Llama_Juice> .... depends... is the machine solid orange?
21:42:07 <+Llama_Juice> lmao i love these commercials they have on here
21:42:10 <+JonFields> Yes, and it plays Moba Moga as the song you hear through the game
21:42:33 <+Llama_Juice> oh then of course its okay
21:42:45 <+JonFields> thanks *shoots another ball into LJ's mouth
21:42:51 <+JonFields> Ball 2 Locked
21:43:10 <+Llama_Juice> alright... now i have 2 balls in my mouth....

^ X'D
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Postby letshavetea » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:59 pm

haha good thing nobody knows that Llama_Juice is really me!.... damnit
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Postby VxJasonxV » Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:06 pm

.o/ Game
\o. Set
\o/ Match
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Postby AzNbuddypaul » Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:16 pm

VxJasonxV wrote:21:42:10 <+JonFields> Yes, and it plays Moba Moga as the song you hear through the game

I'd totally buy a OLR Pinball machine
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Postby Misty » Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:52 pm

AzNbuddypaul wrote:
VxJasonxV wrote:21:42:10 <+JonFields> Yes, and it plays Moba Moga as the song you hear through the game

I'd totally buy a OLR Pinball machine

I so would, too. <3

actual post planned for when i get back online, i've got a file with log quotes sitting on my hard drive atm ^^
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Postby DarkSakura » Tue May 24, 2005 7:18 pm

<Ranchan> my niece going to a gorillaz signing!
<darkknight> lol
<DarkSakura|SSF> Ranchan!!
<DarkSakura|SSF> Have her get one signed for me!
<DarkSakura|SSF> I'll send you money, I promise.
<DarkSakura|SSF> *faint*
<Ranchan> i was going to ask abotu that. ^^
* darkknight fans jamie to get her to wake up
<Ranchan> that wont work.
<darkknight> you ok?
* Ranchan uses a Phoenix Down on Jamie
* DarkSakura|SSF perks up.
* darkknight waves a gorillaz cd in front of her
<DarkSakura|SSF> Ooooooh, so sweeeeet.
<darkknight> there that'll get her up
<darkknight> lol
<DarkSakura|SSF> Smells like Murdoc's feet. ^^
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Postby gameboyguy13 » Mon May 30, 2005 8:45 pm

Hehe, I know this is off-topic, but I'm reminded of something funny from Legendary Lily Pad...

And remember, Phoenix Downs won't always work. That's right, I'm looking at youuuuuuuu, Aeris...
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Postby Misty » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:46 pm

this is not all of the ones that I have found, but what i have takes 33 pages in arial narrow size ten font, so I'm cutting in into mulitple posts. here's the first part, and sorry to those that are stuck accessing from dialup.

"so i finally caved" and other assorted shit. odds are that some of these are taken way the fuck out of the original context. my comments are in itallics, and where i remembered, i restored bold and stuff like that from the original irc log

[20:09] <thelegendofzaku> IIDX RED, fuck yeah
[20:09] <DarkTetsuya> LOL zaku
[20:10] <DarkTetsuya> someone should write a bemani-themed parody to that XD
[20:10] <thelegendofzaku> 10-footers, fuck yeah
[20:10] <thelegendofzaku> Freestyle, fuck yeah
[20:10] <DarkTetsuya> Legend of MAX, fuck yeah
[20:11] <thelegendofzaku> Yasu and Take, fuck yeah
[20:11] <DarkTetsuya> LOL
[20:11] <thelegendofzaku> Edits, fuck yeah
[20:11] <ElMullet> Japanese purism, fuck yeah...*cough*
[20:11] <thelegendofzaku> Bar Rape, fuck yeah
[20:11] <Misty> 5th mix Fuck yeah
[20:11] <ElMullet> FUCK YEAH!
[20:12] <DarkTetsuya> maxmizer, fuck yeah :P
[20:12] <thelegendofzaku> PSMO Shuffle, fuck yeah
[20:12] <JonFields> Matrix...
[20:12] <Rychan> Not answering Ry's question Fuck yeah
[20:12] <Misty> PSMO my ass
[20:12] <thelegendofzaku> DDPD, NYC's priemer DDR team, fuck yeah
[20:12] <thelegendofzaku> Shuffle tournaments, fuck yeah
[20:12] <thelegendofzaku> 1.5x, fuck yeah
[20:13] <ElMullet> Hey, love IS orange!
[20:13] <ElMullet> ...not my best one, I'll admit...
[20:13] * Sigurd ( has joined #orangelounge
[20:13] * skie|backat630 sets mode: +v Sigurd
[20:13] <Misty> hey!
[20:14] <Sigurd> ahoyyyyyyy chat room
[20:14] <thelegendofzaku> Akira Yamaoka, fuck yeah
[20:14] <DarkTetsuya> ahoyyyyyy sig
[20:14] <thelegendofzaku> Naoki, fuck yeah
[20:14] <DarkTetsuya> XD
[20:14] <ElMullet> Whooooo!
[20:15] <thelegendofzaku> Pop'n Music, fuck yeah FUCK YEAH!
[20:15] <ElMullet> Being better than Skie at Timber, fuck yeah
[20:15] <DarkTetsuya> LOL
[20:15] <thelegendofzaku> Ferrets, fuck yeah
[20:15] <thelegendofzaku> matrix walks, fuck yeah
[20:16] * Rychan pets her poor broken ferret
[20:16] <DarkTetsuya> ry: :(
[20:16] <Misty> aw, how'd it break? :(
[20:16] <Sigurd> poor rychan ; ;
[20:16] * JonFields goes to get dinner before show starts
[20:16] <thelegendofzaku> Muthos, fuck yeah
[20:16] <thelegendofzaku> RVGL, fuck yeah
[20:16] <Rychan> XD
[20:17] <Rychan> Gotta love Japanese girls singing Engrish
[20:17] <ElMullet> UM2 V-Rare, fuck yeah
[20:17] <thelegendofzaku> Arcade Infinity, fuck yeah
[20:17] <Misty> w00t mullet!
[20:17] <thelegendofzaku> Dance Maniax 2nd Mix, fuck yeah
[20:17] <Sigurd> Pibb Xtra, fuck yeah
[20:17] <ElMullet> Zaku: agreed
[20:17] <thelegendofzaku> Cobalt Flux, fuck yeah
[20:18] <DarkTetsuya> sigurd: we were kinda adlibbing a take on the team america song and it just sorta took off
[20:18] <Sigurd> I can't play? ; ;
[20:18] <DarkTetsuya> sure you can :P
[20:18] <ElMullet> ...That's what we're doing? Fuck yeah!
[20:18] <thelegendofzaku> Guitar Freaks, fuck yeah
[20:18] <DarkTetsuya> but we were thinking more of a bemani themed remake
[20:18] <DarkTetsuya> :P
[20:18] <thelegendofzaku> Beatmania, fuck yeah
[20:19] <ElMullet> Mambo A Go Go, fuck yeah
[20:19] <thelegendofzaku> Martial Beat, fuck yeah
[20:19] <thelegendofzaku> Drummania, fuck yeah
[20:19] <thelegendofzaku> Keyboardmania, fuck yeah
[20:19] <ElMullet> Taiko No Tatsujin, fuck yeah
[20:19] <Rychan> Sonic Mega Collection, fuck yeah
[20:19] <Sigurd> I guess it's all lost on me, I've never seen th emovie
[20:19] <Sigurd> OMG HOT LIMIT
[20:19] <ElMullet> Neither have I.
[20:19] <thelegendofzaku> Dancemania, fuck yeah
[20:20] <thelegendofzaku> HOT LIMIT, fuck yeah
[20:20] <DarkTetsuya> just heard the song... it was a few weeks ago actually
[20:20] <thelegendofzaku> Eurobeat, fuck yeah
[20:20] <Sigurd> I prefer John Desire's version
[20:20] <Sigurd> though the video for this song is HILLARIOUS
[20:20] <thelegendofzaku> Para Para dancing, fuck yeah
[20:20] <thelegendofzaku> glowsticks, fuck yeah
[20:20] <thelegendofzaku> IIDX ASC's, fuck yeah
[20:22] <thelegendofzaku> come on guys, don't leave me hangin' on this "fuck yeah" thing
[20:22] <ElMullet> Nintendo DS, fuck yeah
[20:22] <thelegendofzaku> Pocky, fuck yeah
[20:23] <thelegendofzaku> Ramune, fuck yeah
[20:23] <thelegendofzaku> flat PS2, fuck yeah
[20:23] <Rychan> omg
[20:23] <Rychan> gross
[20:23] <ElMullet> What the hell happened to Be Together?!?
[20:23] <DarkTetsuya> the original be together... eh
[20:24] <Rychan> it's like let's stick it in a crap maker machine
[20:24] * DDRAngel ( has joined #orangelounge
[20:24] * Cow sets mode: +o DDRAngel
[20:24] * skie|backat630 sets mode: +v DDRAngel
[20:24] <Sigurd> awww I kinda like it
[20:24] <Rychan> Yuck
[20:24] <thelegendofzaku> 5th Mix "Be Together", fuck yeah
[20:24] <Misty> hey angel
[20:24] <ElMullet> Damn the chorus being slightly bearable. Now I can't hate the whole song.
[20:24] <DarkTetsuya> I'm with Rychan :P
[20:24] <Rychan> I love the 5th mix one
[20:25] <Rychan> so yeah
[20:25] <Rychan> I'm with Zaku
[20:25] <DDRAngel> hi everyone
[20:25] <Sigurd> See I like this one more than the 5th Mix one, I hate the 5th Mix one :/
[20:25] <Rychan> 5th Mix, fuck yeah
[20:25] <ElMullet> Yo, Angel
[20:25] * skie|backat630 is now known as skie
[20:25] <skie> SUP
[20:25] <Sigurd> hoi angel
[20:25] <ElMullet> 5th Mix, fuck yeah
[20:25] <Sigurd> SUP SKIE
[20:25] <thelegendofzaku> 4th Mix Plus, fuck yeah
[20:25] <Sigurd> IN CAPS
[20:25] <DDRAngel> HI SKIE
[20:25] <skie> SUP SIGURD
[20:25] <ElMullet> SKIE! I surpassed you in Timber!
[20:25] <skie> ANGEL! .O/
[20:25] <DDRAngel> heh
[20:25] <thelegendofzaku> _10[_03Fserve Active_10] - Trigger:[_03/ctcp thelegendofzaku /ctcp Side 3's Stepmania Songs folder_10] - Users:[_030/5_10] - Sends:[_030/1_10] - Queues:[_030/1_10] - SysReset 2.53
[20:25] <skie> >_< i'll get you next time mullet... next time... *meow*
[20:25] <DDRAngel> hey sorry I'm not there
[20:25] <skie> it's ok... it's really crowded here tonight :x
[20:26] <DDRAngel> not exactly at 100%
[20:26] <ElMullet> Heh.
[20:26] <DarkTetsuya> angel: :(
[20:26] <DDRAngel> so I'm shilling out in the chat room
[20:26] <DDRAngel> er
[20:26] <DDRAngel> chilling
[20:26] <skie> awwww bummer :(
[20:26] <skie> well it's fun to listen once in a while too
[20:26] <DDRAngel> I'll be fine
[20:26] <DDRAngel> yeah
[20:26] <skie> wish i could break once in a while :P
[20:26] <ElMullet> I WILL come to Cali one day...or year...
[20:27] <skie> woot
[20:27] <Rychan> I'm sure Jason and I will make the trek at some point
[20:27] <DarkTetsuya> skie you missed it the chatroom wrote a whole take on 'fuck yeah' from team america, bemani style
[20:27] <skie> oh lord :P
[20:27] <skie> put it in the quote thread?

[22:31] <DarkSakura> I have no faith.

[20:57] <BlackLab> jamie having a positive influence on people?
[20:57] <BlackLab> huh?

[21:19] <VxJasonxV> Saint Goes Marching, I Do I Do I Do, what else are they going to play
[21:19] <Spaceboy> No Doughnuts for you1
[21:19] <Spaceboy> !*
[21:19] <VxJasonxV> ouch
[21:19] <Ninst> hahaha
[21:19] <Spaceboy> I Do I Do I Donut!
[21:20] <Spaceboy> HAHAHAHA
[21:20] <DDRAngel> hahahah
[21:20] <DDRAngel> LOL
[21:20] <Misty> I like that idea... ^^;
[21:20] <Spaceboy> I Dough I Dough I Dough (Nut Nut Nut)

[23:17] <EvilNaokiIIDX> no pron <3
[23:17] <EvilNaokiIIDX> *prob
[23:17] <EvilNaokiIIDX> damn what a typo

[21:42] <DarkSakura> Song 2- Basement Jaxx - Plug it In -
[21:44] * Dork plugs it in
[21:44] <DarkSakura> Oh baby. =P
[21:44] * Dork is electracuted
[21:44] <DarkSakura> LOL
[21:45] * Dork plugs it in Loki's coin slot
[21:45] <Dork> FREE PLAY!
[21:45] <DarkTetsuya> .... I'm not cleaning that up

[23:26] <Misty> "useful" is for when i'm at work/being paid.

[20:25] <skie> i decided to turn the studio into a fishtank
[20:26] <Dork> yay
[20:26] * Dork throws in some crabs

[20:44] <Misty> That's why I don't write checks!
[20:44] <VxJasonxV^Clone> Writing checks, BAH
[20:45] <Misty> That's why debit cards were made. <3
[20:46] <VxJasonxV^Clone> Misty: AGREED

[21:35] <Misty> Hail Vegas. <3
[21:36] <DJRanmaS> Misty, greetings from NY! *throws a snowball*
[21:36] <Misty> Cool, St. Louis could use some damn snow. *catches it*

[21:39] <skie> SONG 1 : J PUNCH - BITCH (OPEN AIR MIX)
[21:39] <DJRanmaS> Bitch? They did a song about my sister? :D

[22:34] <Sigurd> JAMIE
[22:34] <Sigurd> what if I say
[22:34] <Sigurd> "I wub u"
[22:34] <Sigurd> is that bannable?
[22:34] <DarkSakura> Um...
[22:34] <Illusion> gimme wots ub wuv
[22:34] <DarkSakura> warnable.
[22:34] <DarkSakura> =
[22:34] <Sigurd> its being cutesy
[22:34] <DarkSakura> D
[22:35] <DarkSakura> You're forgiven, because you're sexy.
[22:35] <Illusion> and he has a sweet ass
[22:35] <VxJasonxV^Clone> XD
[22:35] <VxJasonxV^Clone> :X
[22:35] <Sigurd> yay I am sexy... and I got a new haircut and its hotalicious
[22:35] <Illusion> hotalicious haircut+bootylicious ass=very happy Illusion
[22:36] <Sigurd> Illusion, my hat's off to you for making math sexy
[22:36] <Illusion> :)
[22:36] <Illusion> hooray for hot asses
[22:37] <Jaded2004> since when was a math problem sexy, i always hated math LOL

[21:43] <Sigurd> ElMullet sounds too laid back... he needs to stop that
[21:43] <Sigurd> who said that?
[21:43] <Sigurd> I DIDNT ASK IF HE WAS HIGH

"Cagematch, I say we got screwed over."
[22:35] <Sigurd> WE DID GET SCREWED OVER

[23:18] <DarkSakura> Politics are part of life. A few of us are politically minded.
[23:18] <darkknight> nitro works better
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