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GS/EB offering PS3 and Wii reserves in the most retarded way

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GS/EB offering PS3 and Wii reserves in the most retarded way

Postby sephiroth1215 » Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:06 am ... eorder.jpg

Starting monday for a few days they are allowing people to reserve the wii or PS3 for $50....with a catch. You must do it only in trade-ins at that point!!!!!!

I see what they're doing here but this is the most fucking retarded thing they can possibly do!! I personally don't have games or hardware that I want to trade in (well maybe a few but not enough) and this really pisses me off since not everybody wants to wait in line for hours and what if you're a person who doesn't have many games? or if it's someone else who wants to give one for the holiday's? Sure this really brings up the odds of getting what you want but this also could just be a rush to see who gets there 1st.

I am currently trying to find the best deals to find cheap games (anywhere) that will create an equal or better value of trade in. So far k-mart and circuit city are best with deals. If anyone has any suggestions please do tell, tomorrow I will try some things out and see how well they work.
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Postby ssj100matt » Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:34 am

See this is what i dont understand... I keep hearing that they need to clear inventory of their used games to make room for the Wii and PS3 stuff... I know a few stores are running sales to remedy that issue... But why would they want people to give them more crap that will just overstock them... It doesnt make sense... Your right this is retarded....
(btw Justin, i would talk to Art... Im sure he will help you out)

I dont intend on reserving the Wii since there will be soo many in stock across the country, i can just wait a week and pick it up with no trouble... And i wont have to deal with clawing and scratching fanboys and their odors on release day...

As for the PS3... Well, lets just say i know someone ... :wink:

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Postby LOKI » Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:29 am

I'm pretty sure tha's fake seeing as Gamestop hasn't decided when they're taking preorders yet.
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Postby bandit » Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:54 pm

Hey Gamestop here's a BIG Virtual Middle Finger In Your Face!!!!

That chain of stores can goto hell, seriously! I'd rather just goto one of the other chain stores in my area. In my area there are 2 gamestops set up less than 1 mile from one another (makes no sense at all).

The stores that are 30 seconds from the Gamestop we have in the mall here are Circuit City and Best Buy. The stores closest to the new Gamestop that was built right down the road litterally are Super Walmart and Target.

WTF would make me want to trade in underpriced used games for either system? Joystiq reports that you are really trading in atleast $150-$200 worth of games to get to that $50 mark through their trade in service.

We all know this store gives people shit for their used games, it's a fact.

On a side-note I noticed that you can get a new XB360 game for $9.99 with the trade in of 2 working XB360 games. Gamestop/EB then go on to sell the used games for $49.99 or $49.95 each.

If they sell both games they are making $100 if both games sell, then you add the $10 that you give them for your new game and it comes to $110 total that the are making.

Add a warranty on the side to protect the game and that's even more money that they are making.

The only thing that they are loosing is the $40-$49 that the company probably paid for the game from the distributor before the markup in the firstplace.

I don't own a 360, yet, but when I do buy one I guaran-damn-tee that I will not ever buy two 360 games for $120 ($60) each then go and trade them back in for $5 less than half value just to get 1 new game.

I'm sure there are people out there who like to take advantage of offers like this, by beating their games as quickly as possible so that they can get the most value out of a trade in. I like to take my time with the games I buy and not rush through everything just for trade in value.

I may actually return to the local video chain stores and start renting games again. It's cheaper and there are plans at Blockbuster where you pay $20/month (i believe) and are able to rent as many as you want a month. This would be the route i'd go with if I planned on buying a PS3 but that company in the last year has been nothing but a let down to me in it's next gen format and lack or good PR.

No wonder Sony's PR woman quit right after E3.
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Postby ssj100matt » Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:32 pm

Well it seems this rumor has been somewhat confirmed (oxymoron i know)

Heres the downlow from

Yesterday, we ran a rumor about how GameStop and EB Games were thinking of changing their pre-order policy so you had to trade in $50 worth of games as a deposit. Anyway, a couple of these issues have been looked into and the true story is out. The rumor we ran yesterday is both true and untrue.

The trade-in thing is only happening in Hawaii and Guam as of now. They're doing a test run in the region to see how it goes. If you live in those two regions, you can pre-order your Wii and PS3 starting Monday by trading in a bunch of your games. If you do not want to contribute to this corporate tactic, then don't go.

If you want a PlayStation 3 or Wii and don't live in those regions, you will not be able to pre-order until the stores find out exactly how many units they will be receiving. Hawaii and Guam may have a "normal" pre-order campaign where you put down cash later on, but that is not confirmed.

Thats somewhat of a relief but the fact that Gamestop/EB is actually doing this is still puzzling... Yes its being done only in Guam and Hawaii but thats only for the time being... If its done here on the mainland, it will suck for alot of us... Im sure alot of our games that we COULD (or would actually want to) trade in wont come close of that $50... Most of us know that the high trade in value games are the ones that have literally just released... And i know nobody is nuts enough to go out and buy new games to trade in to get these reserves... But if thats going to be the ONLY way to reserve your system then its gonna suck... Especially if you want BOTH the Wii and the PS3....

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Postby sephiroth1215 » Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:30 am

Yes it can still happen here so for those who live in Hawaii and Guam....PLEASE DON'T PARTICIPATE IN THIS. As you can see it is a test and if people don't buy into it everyone will be able to reserve the old fashioned way including those in Hawaii and Guam.

Why do I have a feeling that this will be a success? The U.S. is screwed for this huh?
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Postby krispykreme » Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:16 am

I called my EB and GS and they said this was BS cause they can't even start taking pre-orders.
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Postby ssj100matt » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:07 pm

krispykreme wrote:I called my EB and GS and they said this was BS cause they can't even start taking pre-orders.

The trade-in thing is only happening in Hawaii and Guam as of now.

This is only in Hawaii and Guam right now... Your EB and GS wouldnt know about this...

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Postby krispykreme » Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:22 pm

ssj100matt wrote:
krispykreme wrote:I called my EB and GS and they said this was BS cause they can't even start taking pre-orders.

The trade-in thing is only happening in Hawaii and Guam as of now.

This is only in Hawaii and Guam right now... Your EB and GS wouldnt know about this...
Yeah. I listened to AGI on monday and heard them call in to corporate.
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Postby sephiroth1215 » Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:49 am

Yeah that was rather enjoyable.
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Postby ssj100matt » Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:09 pm

It seems our complaining and outrage got somewhere... It seems EB and GS has let up and is pulling back this offer things will go back to it usual way...

Got this from Kotaku

Although they aren't starting them now, here's the information I've got so far. (At least pertaining to my local store, located in Morgantown, WV.)

1. They aren't taking Wii pre-orders YET, but ARE taking pre-orders for Wii launch games (IE Zelda:Twilight Princess). That's $5 minimum down.

2. IF you pre-order a Wii game, you will recieve an automated call they day that they will start taking Wii pre-orders.

3. Wii pre-orders will not be delegated by the bundle you buy, but rather a "first come, first serve" basis.

4. Wii pre-orders are $50, and this does NOT have to be in trade-in credit.

5. If you trade in any old games/DVDs towards your Wii, you will get an additional 30% credit.

we can all breathe a sigh of relief now

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Postby krispykreme » Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:04 pm

ssj100matt wrote:It seems our complaining and outrage got somewhere... It seems EB and GS has let up and is pulling back this offer things will go back to it usual way...

Got this from Kotaku

Although they aren't starting them now, here's the information I've got so far. (At least pertaining to my local store, located in Morgantown, WV.)

1. They aren't taking Wii pre-orders YET, but ARE taking pre-orders for Wii launch games (IE Zelda:Twilight Princess). That's $5 minimum down.

2. IF you pre-order a Wii game, you will recieve an automated call they day that they will start taking Wii pre-orders.

3. Wii pre-orders will not be delegated by the bundle you buy, but rather a "first come, first serve" basis.

4. Wii pre-orders are $50, and this does NOT have to be in trade-in credit.

5. If you trade in any old games/DVDs towards your Wii, you will get an additional 30% credit.

we can all breathe a sigh of relief now

*BREATHES A BIG SIGH OF RELIEF* phew. Thats releaving.
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Postby sephiroth1215 » Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:51 am

Yup and I'll be there opening 1st day to be sure.
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Postby krispykreme » Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:01 am

Me and my bro are gonna go pre-order 2 or 3 games this weekend (Twilight Princess and Red Steel for sure) just to make sure we are gonna get called by EB for Wii pre-order.
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Postby sephiroth1215 » Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:52 am

Meh that's only a call that you can get anytime that day, it's best to find out the heads up on the internet.
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