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Xbox 360 adds 1080p

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Xbox 360 adds 1080p

Postby ctbx » Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:54 pm

Sorry if this has been posted somewhere already, but...

Source: Engadget

A software update this year will enable 1080p output on the friggin' Xbox 360! Your rig will finally benefit by pushing the full 60 megapixels per second of visuals to your compatible HDTV. Sorry, no HDMI cable yet (or ever?), though, this is only over component and VGA. Users can expect 1080p upscaling immediately on current games and DVDs and native 1080p on compatible HD DVD titles, but Microsoft hasn't yet announced future games that will rock 1080p natively. Watch out Sony, that whole 1080p song and dance isn't such a marketing edge for you guys anymore.
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Postby ssj100matt » Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:40 pm

*deep sigh*

Not everyone has an HDTV let alone the ability to use 1080p... Right now 1080p is pointless because its far from being the standard with anything... TV stations rarely use HD (at least the local stations) because very few people own a HDTV or a widescreen TV... Its not needed and most people will notice very little diffrence between 1080i and 1080p... Its nice but its not needed... And what annoyes me is that Sony and Microsoft are using this and making people pay extra to use technology that would require us to buy a +$6,000 HDTV (1080p) to fully utilize its ability...

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Postby Eddy » Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:37 pm

But there's the difference. Sony is trying to make you pay for the 1080p through the use of Blu-Ray and HDMI, saying you can't use the 1080p unless it's through HDMI, thus onnly giving you 1080p in the 60G version, which is essentially making you pay for it.

Whereas in the case of the Xbox, it's available through a software update, which would be free and available easily through LIVE.
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Postby Graywulf » Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:16 am

Hmm first microsoft is against 1080p now there trying their hardest to put it on there. Sounds lame to me maybe soon they will have a emulated 6 axis controller or I know a hdmi to component cable (what it doesnt exist) lets put it in there and pass it off they will buy it after all they all hate sony.
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Postby Eddy » Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:10 pm

Your fanboyish ramblings are not welcome here. If you have something to say, at least say it normally instead of trying to bash Microsoft. If you like the PS3, that's fine, but having a post like that takes away from your credibility.

Microsoft was not "against" 1080p, they just didn't have the technology to do it at launch.

No one knows if the whole motion-sensing technology is going to catch on yet. There is a chance that everyone will hate the Wii after it comes out. If anything, not having motion sensing at this point is smart, since they could introduce it if it does catch on and not waste a whole bunch of money if it doesn't.

If you know that HDMI to Component doesn't exist, what kind of argument are you trying to make?
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Postby Graywulf » Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:32 pm

So so Sorry I guess I should realize that these forums are for Sony Bashing only. Didnt see the sign on the URL when I came in.

I guess what these forums should be is console chatter and anything you can find to say somethings wrong with Sony. :lol:
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Postby mikew0440 » Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:38 pm

For TV watching there is almost no point for 1080p over the interlaced. Most (read, everyone but Discovery Channel) TV stations HAVE to compress the signal that is being broadcast. Only 1 network goes higher than something like 720P. I also have a question....If the signal from the 360 to the TV is component, not digital, is it even capable of 1080p? Not that it really makes a huge difference between prgressive and interlaced.
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Postby theafroguy » Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:21 am

ssj100matt wrote:*deep sigh*

Not everyone has an HDTV let alone the ability to use 1080p... Right now 1080p is pointless because its far from being the standard with anything... TV stations rarely use HD (at least the local stations) because very few people own a HDTV or a widescreen TV... Its not needed and most people will notice very little diffrence between 1080i and 1080p... Its nice but its not needed... And what annoyes me is that Sony and Microsoft are using this and making people pay extra to use technology that would require us to buy a +$6,000 HDTV (1080p) to fully utilize its ability...

Too right. Here in the UK, I know only one person who owns a HDTV, and they also have every console under the sun and a large collection of ornamental swords in their loft.
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