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Should games be more "diversified?"

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Should games be more "diversified?"

Postby Eddy » Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:16 pm

Note that this post is not meant to offend anyone.

After seeing the 20 Gayest Video Game Characters list, I began to wonder, should games include more homosexuality? I mean, everyone likes to say everybody are equal, but then shouldn't we be more open about homosexuality in North America and in our media, TV and movies do a pretty good job, but what about games? So far, the only representation they really have here in North America is in the "controversial" games, (not sure if GTA has any, but probably does). So then, if everyone is equal, why do the games have to be controversial for them to include gays? If homosexuals are part of our everyday lives, then shouldn't for example the games set in modern day have homosexuals in them? Or even back in the Roman days, where a whole bunch of soldiers were gay, so shouldn't games like Rome Total war have homosexuals in them in some way? And I'm not talking about the stereotypical gays either, like cross dressers and guys with feminine voices. I'm talking about normal people who admit to being gay in game.

Or, on the other hand, would doing things like this futher segregate the homosexuals from the non-homosexuals and the gap becomes larger, like the girl gamer and the plain gamer seperation?

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Postby ssj100matt » Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:31 am

I believe the Sims already has the ability to create homosexual characters in it... But as for making more like that?... I dont see why not... Aside for some ignorant people our societys pretty open about stuff like that...

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Postby tweak_ » Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:32 am

ssj100matt wrote:I believe the Sims already has the ability to create homosexual characters in it... But as for making more like that?... I dont see why not... Aside for some ignorant people our societys pretty open about stuff like that...

My friend was proud of his house in the sims with 8 lesbians who fought over eachother.
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Postby Eddy » Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:19 am

Has your friend no shame??? :wink:

Quick, get LORD VOLDEMORT on the line, girls are kissing girls in the Sims!!! It must be banned!!!
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Postby ssj100matt » Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:52 pm

Eddy wrote:Has your friend no shame??? :wink:

Quick, get ______ __________ on the line, girls are kissing girls in the Sims!!! It must be banned!!!

Shhhhh that name isnt allowed to be mentioned around here

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