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Orange Lounge Radio Episode 188 - 6 / 26 / 06

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Match Game Joke

Postby robbway » Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:28 am

TheIchibanCrush wrote:He may be right on this now. But I live in Athens where everything is slooooooooow....


It's SO SLOW, that taking your time requires a mandatory waiting period.
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Postby VxJasonxV » Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:46 am

You forgot to include a [blank] :P.
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Postby DarkSakura » Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:01 am

I've driven all over the South, dears. Trust me, I know the lunatic drivers, the slow drivers, and then ex-boyfriends who were 'Good ol' boys' who liked driving big trucks on dirt roads. I must also add that California drivers are scary, but slightly more predictable. :wink:
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Postby robbway » Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:11 am

VxJasonxV wrote:You forgot to include a [blank] :P.

Things are soooooooo slow, in order to change lanes on the highway, you have to [blank]. (Cue the porn music....)
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Postby Reenee » Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:27 pm

Match Game isn't porn music!
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Postby ssj100matt » Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:16 pm

Heres an interesting survey/study i saw a few months ago... It shows the worst cities with Road Rage....

Least Courteous Cities (Worst Road Rage)::
1. Miami
2. Phoenix <----- (me and Jason agree)
3. New York <---- (its not that bad)
4. Los Angeles
5. Boston

Most Courteous Cities (Least Road Rage):

1. Minneapolis
2. Nashville
3. St. Louis
4. Seattle
5. Atlanta

Other cities surveyed include Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas/Fort Worth, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco and Washington/Baltimore.

The Survey/study also went on to say:

Behaviors by other drivers that cause stress for commuters, and which can lead to road rage, include:

-- Driving too fast (57 percent observe this happening every day)
-- Tailgating (50 percent see this every day)
-- Cutting over without notice (44 percent see this every day)

Commuters also reported that other drivers frequently:
-- Talk on their cell phones (98 percent observe this at least once a week)
-- Run red lights (59 percent observe this at least once a week)
-- Slam on the brakes (54 percent see this happening at least once a week)

As a reaction to rude or bad driving by others, people surveyed reported that they:

-- Honked their horn at the offending driver (40 percent)
-- Cursed at the other driver (32 percent)
-- Waved their fist or arms (9 percent)
-- Made an obscene gesture (8 percent)
-- Called the police to report the driver (5 percent)
-- About one in one hundred (1 percent) said that they actually slammed into the car in front of them, although not always intentionally

Interesting i must say... I do agree though that Phoenix and Miami are bad... Ive been living in Phoenix for 5 years and Tailgating is Phoenixes national past-time along with Cell Phone driving and just plain old drivers with a "deathwish"... Ive driven once in Miami and ill never do it again... And a friend of mine's brother was actually dragged out of his car and beaten in the middle of a traffic light... Although im not sure if it was a road rage thing... NYC really isnt that bad, you just have to be quick on your toes or you will be honked at mercifully.... And i could imagin if someone couldnt handle that they would be really stressed out... ... oryid=4329

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Postby skie » Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:16 pm

Part B is up

Iwata & Miyamoto on the Wii... Use your macbook like a Wii controller... New Wii Trademarks... Immersion has got their eye on Wii... PS2 is not a computer after all... Games are like steak... Igarashi on the PS3... Ubisoft characters in Smash Bros Brawl?... Things get really heated during our regular mailbag segment... Nightline on Terrorist Video Game Study... Gamer Girl Guilds boycott Miss World Series of video gamers with their own pagent... Tivo on your PSP... Depp to be in the upcoming PotC game... Prey demo coming to XBL... Forza 2... Blizzard's WoW ideas... How to save money on next-gen games... And More!
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Elmer Fudd and Loki

Postby robbway » Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:35 am

Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm in Ghost Wiicon Advanced Wawfwighter. Hahahahahahahaha.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to respond to reader's email, but really:
If you don't like Loki's responses or expertise, you should probably just ignore him like you'd ignore a movie critic that never seems to get the reviews right. And you can always not listen to the podcast.

I thought Loki was very funny and consistent to his views on parental responsibility. Still, the opposing view means something to me. Different people will expect different things from their parenting, society, and their children. Opposing views are truly best presented by offering up an example of why you disagree.

I'll give it a shot, here's my example: You're a single parent with two kids and two jobs. You co-op daycare with the lady down the hall who works nights. At an early age, you can't supervise the children in the way that other childless, more fortunate, and/or less experienced people can. You've got two completely different child-rearing philosophies and punishment methods. It's impossible to raise your kids as you ideally want.

So the rhetorical questions follow: how can society help me with these violent games? How do I keep it from infringing on others' rights, like the woman who watches my kids from 11am to 7pm? And more importantly, how do I keep my own rights intact? These three questions have no easy answer.

I think the most important thing to take away from Loki's humorous point-making is this: Society may have certain responsibilities to take care and police itself, but history has shown that you can't rely on it getting it right.
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Postby lordkaosu » Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:13 am

I wonder, are the stinky people at cons the gamers?

I recently went to A-Kon in TX and I was expecting to come across several stinky folks that forgot how to shower. To my surprise, we only came across 1 person that stunk. This was in a hallway, he was walking towards the elevator to get back to the room. We never saw him again.

I also never went into the gaming rooms. Maybe the gamers just park their ass in the gaming rooms and never move to clean up or anything. I'm not sure since I never even bothered.
How happy is your house?
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Postby Blackwolf » Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:26 am

The confunk is a combination of factors - only one of which being congoers who do not shower. It's amplified by the fact that the rooms are small and poorly ventilated - electronics are hot. There are usually 10-12 TV's - and each TV has a game console hooked up - in the room. Add in an average of 2 people per system (sometimes 4, sometimes 1) and the fact that it's just a small meeting room that the hotel can scrounge's all physics from there.

At Anime Weekend Atlanta, where I staffed for two years in the game rooms, we would close the rooms every four hours, turn off all of the electronics, spray febreeze/lysol everywhere, and essentially defunk the room. (It also helps the game systems - we had an Xbox overheat because we didn't close down the room all afternoon - it burned my hand as I was taking it away from the room.)
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Postby krispykreme » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:43 pm

Did we mention the topic for skype voicemail?
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Postby The23rdMagus » Sat Jul 01, 2006 1:11 pm

Reenee wrote:Match Game isn't porn music!

Bow-chicka-bow wow.
The future is comin' on...
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