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FU of the moment thread

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FU of the moment thread

Postby Rychan » Mon Oct 04, 2004 11:35 am

Since some of us have morning after angst :evil: or just need to let it out before Sunday night :twisted: . Perhaps some of these are good enough to resurface during the show, at least you'd have a place to write them down to remember them.

FU... :x
FU to Microsoft Word for it's retarded auto format... I hate you, you suck cock with mad amounts of teeth! I've wasted so much time this morning because you are so retarded.

FU to people who don't know how to describe their problem right. "OMG OMG MY FILE'S GONE!!" No, you somehow managed to delete all the text on it, therefore screwing yourself out of hours of work. Good job, you rock.

FU for being dragged out of bed at 8am over the previously mentioned subject and made to retype said document taking close to 4 hours to do so.

FU to parents who don't attempt to understand that you have your own schedule and that you are allowed to vary from theirs. I hope I have lots of money soon so I can move out and not have to hear your shit when it comes to my schedule ever again.
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Postby Misty » Tue Oct 05, 2004 2:01 pm

FU to the people that won't come close enough to the window so I have to lean most of the way outta the window to give them thier stuff.

FU to the people that *have* to sit at the window and get everything ready OMfGrightNOW~! There are parking spots just a little way down, and then you won't be fucking my drivethrough time up :\
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Postby Misty » Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:27 pm

eff having to open every day that i go in this week
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Postby Rychan » Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:39 am

FU to myself for not getting things done when I should and for being an attention whore.

FU to money. Everything in life revolves around it and to be happy you have to have enough to get yourself the things you want.

FU to my need to straighten out my priorities in terms of money.

FU to the holidays coming along with my birthday. I don't want to get older and I don't want to spend all my money on other people but I don't have a choice in either matter :X.
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Postby OtakuRatt » Thu Oct 07, 2004 11:03 am

FU to having to work for greedy greek bosses that won't give you anymore raises eventhough you've worked there for 5 years.

~Jason, somtimes sensless shit makes you feel good
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Postby Misty » Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:18 pm

FU to the people that won't leave me alone for five minutes so I can get something ready for lunch without being interruped.

FU to the bitch that said I "dropped" her debit card when she's the one that knocked it out of my hand.

(BTW Rychan, did ya notice that I have taken quite well to this idea? ^^; )
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Postby Rychan » Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:33 pm

Misty wrote:FU to the people that won't leave me alone for five minutes so I can get something ready for lunch without being interruped.

FU to the bitch that said I "dropped" her debit card when she's the one that knocked it out of my hand.

(BTW Rychan, did ya notice that I have taken quite well to this idea? ^^; )
:wink: Quite well indeed :D

FU to something fuggering up in my windows making my Skype not work properly, playing my sounds instead of the mic. Took the mic back and turns out it wasn't the problem in the first place.
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Postby blackdevilrx » Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:26 pm

Rychan wrote:
Misty wrote:FU to the people that won't leave me alone for five minutes so I can get something ready for lunch without being interruped.

FU to the bitch that said I "dropped" her debit card when she's the one that knocked it out of my hand.

(BTW Rychan, did ya notice that I have taken quite well to this idea? ^^; )
:wink: Quite well indeed :D

FU to something fuggering up in my windows making my Skype not work properly, playing my sounds instead of the mic. Took the mic back and turns out it wasn't the problem in the first place.

Yeah, this was me, wasn't it? I tried to talk and all i could hear were the trillian sounds! lol. Anyways, I have trillian so maybe it might work now.
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Postby Rychan » Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:26 pm

blackdevilrx wrote:
Rychan wrote:FU to something fuggering up in my windows making my Skype not work properly, playing my sounds instead of the mic. Took the mic back and turns out it wasn't the problem in the first place.
Yeah, this was me, wasn't it? I tried to talk and all i could hear were the trillian sounds! lol. Anyways, I have trillian so maybe it might work now.
The issue ended up being on my side and all is fixed. I was trying to talk to Jason last night and it did the same thing. I returned my mic and got a replacement because I thought it was something wrong with the mic itself but it wasn't.

Everything is all better now thanks to the wonderful knowledge of VxJasonxV :oops: <3 to him.
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Postby Misty » Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:18 pm

FU to the people that "gotta" stop their cars just outta my arm range and make me almost fuck my shoulder up just to give them thier change/food.

FU to my cell's Mobile Web for not letting me access the FU thread while I was on break and making me waste one of the phone posts for my LJ to remind myself to put this up.
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Postby Rychan » Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:00 pm

FU to the people who only think of themselves and don't give a shit about the rest of the world. Try being considerate for once in your life.

FU to red light runners who are driving SUVs while talking on the cell phone, then flipping someone off for honking at them for doing just that.

FU to the wind for screwing up a lot of our Ultimate Frisbee game today.

FU to getting hit in the mouth with a frisbee and now having a bruise on the inside of my lip.

FU to myself for not sleeping when I should.

FU to people who drive in the fast lane but going 10 miles under the speed limit. Excuse me but some people have places to go and would like to be on time. If you're going to drive slow then stay in the lane to the right, no I don't give a shit if you are turning 5 stop lights down the road, you don't belong in the fast lane.

FU to my body's alarm clock for waking me up an hour before I have to be. *kicks herself* I went to bed late and now I'm up and can't go back to sleep before otherwise my head will be screwy all day. :X
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Postby Misty » Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:53 pm

eff me for dropping the bracelet i was making, since i lost a good one-third of the more "special" beads that i had.

eff it for not being Saturday, 'cuz i want to get my ass to six flags. gonna get to see a guy that i haven't gotten to see in awhile. :D
Last edited by Misty on Fri Oct 29, 2004 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LOKI » Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:55 am

Fuck my costume for being stupid. I don't care. It was a waste of $25 though. NM my friend loaned me his jacket. Now the costume looks right.
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Postby Misty » Fri Oct 29, 2004 4:46 pm

... gonna get to see a guy that i haven't gotten to see in awhile. :D

eff said guy's work for making him come in early enough that he can't come to six flags after all. did get to see him today 'cuz of that though.
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Postby Rychan » Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:37 am

FU to the heater core on the Accord going out on me while driving today... thanks to it I had to ditch all plans for DDR with Aaron and the new guy in town...

FU to myself for leaving my memcard in the car... I won't get it back until probably Wednesday if I even get it back at all... THANKFULLY I have the HDD so I have everything backed up in said case (almost 100 hours on FFX International and the Yuna of doom).

FU to the fumes of the antifreeze that were billowing out of the vents as though they were fog machines, quit fucking with my head!

[edit 11-3]
FU to my dad for feeling the need to tear everything down from halloween in one day.

FU to my mom for running inside and sticking me with the job of helping dad tear down. As a result I got sick.

FU to being sick. I missed out working with Sharon, hanging out with friends, and playing DDR.

FU to my caffine addiction, I was awake at 6am with a nasty headache because of you.
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