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Orange Lounge Radio Episode 177 3 / 20 / 06

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Postby DarkSakura » Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:40 am

You can't get on a computer at home at all? Sucks!!
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Postby krispykreme » Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:02 am

DarkSakura wrote:You can't get on a computer at home at all? Sucks!!
Yeah. Plus i'm leaving town for 3 days today. I won't be on the computer till late saturday. Maybe I can listen to all of the podcasts that i listen to then.
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Postby Reenee » Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:18 pm

I'm probably one of the poor schmucks who have that stereotype of girl gamers.

But not in the typical sense as depicted on the show. I'm actually pleasantly surprised to hear or see girls playing because...there aren't many! :P

I like girls. Hee. :D

I wouldn't have picked up on that silly stereotype anyway. Back when I was just 5 years old and kicking ass on SMB3, my sister would play too. She's 8 years older than me.
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Postby TheIchibanCrush » Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:43 pm

Regarding that Square MMO, I'm thinking the "other" Square MMO y'all were trying to think of is Fantasy Earth, which I have heard almost squat about other than that it's extremely PvP based. It's apparently out, but like Front Mission Online, nobody seems to have noticed.

I used to date a girl who whipped my ass in Killer Instinct constantly. Also, my SO of three years and I used to play FFXI and WoW together (then the academic whirlwind hit). Don't tell me girls don't know how to play, I can give you about eleventy bajillion more arguements and I really don't want to spend that much time debating on a subject that I thought we were long past in this day and age.

My only real problem is how girl gamers are being oversexed and overhyped. Not the fact that there are girl gamers. Granted, I love sexy chicks as much as the next bloke, and I love games, and hell, mixing the two together IS hot. But almost every time I see something that's TRYING to be serious on the subject of female gamers, it's almost ALWAYS a display of borderline geek smut by parading only HOT female gamers. There are examples I'd like to actually give, but don't feel it's a good idea to bring it up here. I just don't feel comfortable dropping names. Let's just say that, in short, I wish certain gaming media syndications would try a LITTLE harder to actually put intelligence over their d-cks.
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Postby antimony » Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:56 am

Actually, I keep hitting the opposite stereotype of girl gamers: "oh, your (sic) a girl, you must be fat/ugly". Okay, so I'm not supermodel material, but I'm no slug, either. There's a similar stereotype for boys, but I've never heard someone use it on a gaming messageboard -- only outside the gaming community.
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Postby Illusion » Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:18 pm

antimony wrote:Actually, I keep hitting the opposite stereotype of girl gamers: "oh, your (sic) a girl, you must be fat/ugly". Okay, so I'm not supermodel material, but I'm no slug, either. There's a similar stereotype for boys, but I've never heard someone use it on a gaming messageboard -- only outside the gaming community.

That's because guy nerds have high opinions of their own appearances.
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