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Postby Misty » Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:04 am

[22:56] <Shade23> HAIL HUMVEE!
[22:56] <Shade23> oh shit

[23:33] <deepthought_42> it rocks Driv3r I was typing the “Driv3r” out for the fuck of it and that’s what it ended up in front of ^^;;;

[21:36] <Sakurina> YOU're not fucking celebrities
[21:36] <Sakurina> But you're close Another out of context one, heh.

(mod search from "penis" to "dick"...)
[21:48] <Spaceboy> Tilt SUCKS
[21:49] <Misty> A BIG ONE
[21:49] <Locke> Tilt didnt upgrade all their machines
[21:49] <Locke> I worked for them
[21:49] <Locke> they do suck a donkey dick though

(back to whatever stuff just catches my eye that I don't already have)
[22:06] <blackdevilrx> well, ive finished my dinner, so now it's time for CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH ICE CREAM!!!!!!1!1! omgwtfbbq!
[22:07] * blackdevilrx casts lvl 32 choc chip cook. dough. ice cream
[22:07] <darkknight> oh i want some blackdevilrx
[22:08] <darkknight> the natives r restless
[22:08] * blackdevilrx casts lvl 32 choc chip cook. dough. ice cream on dk
[22:08] <darkknight> um
[22:09] <blackdevilrx> 1000000 lines of text can't beat my ice cream!
[22:09] <darkknight> ummy

[17:37] <DarcLion_XVI> Looks like Skie's gonna need some pronunciation helps for IIDX RED songs from me while I'm gone.
[17:37] <VxJasonxV> bwahahaha
[17:38] <VxJasonxV> just let him sound white
[17:38] <VxJasonxV> that's all that matters
[17:38] <VxJasonxV> it's good for the comedy factor of the show

[17:59] <VxJasonxV> Fuck Bemanistyle Indeed

[18:20] <VxJasonxV> BRING IT ON
[18:20] <monty> it has already been broughted

[20:46] <ElMullet> Hot damn, Floatwalk. REMEMBER THE COOKIES?!? REMEMBER?
[20:46] <ElMullet> THE COOOOOOOOOKIES?!?
[20:47] <VxJasonxV> And then the room died... Good job ElMullet ;).

[19:32] <sgoast> hahaha, I work at a place that sells rock and roll t-shirts next to a christian high school that doesn't allow them to wear band shirts
[19:32] <sgoast> they're like 17 year olds outside of a porn store

[19:39] <Rychan_VxgfxV> if my cat weren't asleep, I'd let her type
[19:39] <Unknown_Gamer> your pussy? o_o

[22:32] <VxJasonxV> I'd like to make a request of the listeners as well
[22:32] <VxJasonxV> if you guys could hit and check the forums
[22:32] <VxJasonxV> I want to replace that ugly green
[22:32] <VxJasonxV> anyone have any suggestions?
[22:32] <Lunarius> skie blue :p

[23:50] * JonFields raises his drink
[23:50] <JonFields> XP SP2, I hate you. *Dumps drink onto XP SP2 install file.*

[18:51] * skie|out ( has joined #orangelounge
[18:51] * skie|out is now known as skie
[18:52] <Unknown_Gamer> Ew, who invited him?
[18:52] <Unknown_Gamer> I mean, HI! :D!
[18:52] <skie> >:O

[19:12] <Unknown_Gamer> So, did anyone hear Tom Brokaw say "Bukkake"?
[19:12] <skie> hahahahah no, when was that
[19:12] <Unknown_Gamer> Remember when the russian airplanes crashed and stuff recently?
[19:12] <skie> yes
[19:12] <Unknown_Gamer> Tom Brokaw said "B...B... Bukkake!"
[19:12] <VxJasonxV> o_O
[19:12] <Unknown_Gamer> he was trying to say the city name.
[19:12] <Unknown_Gamer> Who wants to hear it?
[19:12] <skie> LOL
[19:12] <VxJasonxV> smooth
[19:13] <skie> omg send me that file
[19:13] <VxJasonxV> that's like 'blow job' on fox news :P
[19:13] <Unknown_Gamer> I of course ripped the clean version and the BUKKAKE version.
[19:13] <Unknown_Gamer> Because they actually cleaned it up for the west coast feed.
[19:13] <skie> well now see, i'm on the west coast so i wouldn't have seen it :P
[19:13] <VxJasonxV> of course :P
[19:13] <Unknown_Gamer> haha.
[19:13] <Unknown_Gamer> here...
[19:13] <ElMullet> This is why I live on the East Coast...wait, no it isn't...

[19:24] <JonFields> Hey the internet turns 35 on tuesday.
[19:24] <ElMullet> Whoopdie shit! 35 years of porn and spam!

[19:27] <Unknown_Gamer> My mind must be in a really dirty place right now...
[19:27] <Unknown_Gamer> Because all I saw was dirty things in what you just said.
[19:27] <ElMullet> You left it on DDRFreak?
[19:27] <Unknown_Gamer> EM: Maybe. :X

[15:06] * Toshin rolls his Katamari over Rychan ^_-
[15:06] <Rychan> :o
[15:07] <Toshin> XD
[15:09] * VxJasonxV runs into Toshin
[15:09] <VxJasonxV> DROP IT
[15:09] <VxJasonxV> DROP IT
[15:09] <VxJasonxV> DROP IT
[15:09] <VxJasonxV> :P
[15:09] <Toshin> aiee
[15:09] <Toshin> :p
[15:10] <Toshin> ok ok..
[15:10] <Ninst> wha... what did I walk into here
[15:11] <VxJasonxV> Katamari Damacy
[15:11] <Toshin> I was rolling randomly, I picked up a Rychan but since it was Vs Jason charge and rolled into me and I lost it
[15:11] * Rychan ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:12] <Toshin> Jason won :o
[15:12] <Toshin> hands down -_-
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Postby Sakurina » Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:59 pm

21:57 * Sakurina goes Mei[a7] on mpq
21:57 <+mpq> o rly
21:58 <+jgamer> ya rly
21:58 * mpq goes Mei[a14] on mpq
21:58 -!- ssj100matt [] has joined #orangelounge
21:58 -!- mode/#orangelounge [+v ssj100matt] by skie
21:58 <+mpq> :P
21:58 <+Sakurina> LMFAO
21:58 <+mpq> wait
21:58 <+mpq> FUCK
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... ZOMG last of that file!

Postby Misty » Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:07 am

[17:25] <Misty> ... i need to get off my ass and get a working ps2 when i pay my credit card more or less off...
[17:30] <Misty> ... well, i could stay on it and order one... don't need my mom asking, "why'd you buy a new playstation? don't you already have one?"
[17:30] <Turboneko> say the dog pissed in it
[17:30] <Turboneko> and its dead.
[17:32] <DarkTetsuya> :O:(
[17:33] <Misty> where i kept it and the size of my dog, pissed on it's not a plausable excuse, 'cuz the biggest dog i have is a fox terrier/chiuhuahua mix. she'd have a hard time reaching it on the entertainment center that i've got in my room, plus she's 9 years old and housetrained. the other dog's a tiny-ass yorkie that coundn't reach it to piss on it even if he wanted to.

[18:51] <Toshin> sigh, i get to learn to drive this weekend
[18:51] <DarkTetsuya> :O
[18:52] <DarkTetsuya> no drifting :P
[18:53] <Toshin> I know this isn't like delivering tofu ^_^..
[18:53] <Toshin> but the water almost spilled

[23:20] <Toshin> hey mr wonderful!
[23:20] <Misty> are you for real?
[23:20] * Toshin forgot

[23:30] <Toshin> DT find me a 5th mix for my psone
[23:30] <Toshin> ^_-
[23:30] * blackdevilrx ( has joined #orangelounge
[23:30] * skie|out sets mode: +v blackdevilrx
[23:31] <DarkTetsuya> what do I look like, the game fairy?
[23:31] <blackdevilrx> o.0
[23:32] <Toshin> I don't know what you look like anyway XD
[23:34] <blackdevilrx> (I sign on, and all of the sudden DarkTetsuya's all, "what do I look like, the game fairy?"...)

[18:46] * ElMullet got Katarami Damacy.
[18:46] * Toshin rolls over Mull
[18:46] <Toshin> XD
[18:47] * ElMullet finally knows what its like to get high without actually trying drugs.

[20:29] <ElMullet> Blame school.
[20:29] <skie> PIKACH.. I MEAN SCHOOL... I BLAME YOU!

[21:09] <ElMullet> Note to self: watch what I say in the chat room.

[19:22] <Dork> SKIE!
[19:22] <Dork> I AM HERE!
[19:22] <Dork> ^____________^
[19:22] <skie> O_O

have some shit from the Top 14 special...

[14:59] <Cutriss> PPP needed harder songs. People don't look spazzy enough.

[15:02] <Misty> I whore Firefly 'cuz it was my first Heavy AA ^^;

[15:19] <Illusion> cuz US liscensed songs=lame-o
[15:19] <Illusion> minus UM2
[15:19] <tomo_kun> NO
[15:19] <tomo_kun> EX USA
[15:19] <tomo_kun> SEX
[15:19] <Cutriss> Heaven is good.
[15:19] <tomo_kun> YES
[15:19] <Illusion> you misspelled sucks
Last edited by Misty on Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Spiritsnare » Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:36 pm

tomokun: lol
ColorOfSakura: YES
tomokun: Naoki Terry
tomokun: Injection of love
Sakurina: Like Akira Shintani :P
tomokun: isnt injection of love seriously the new song by paula terry?
s1n: love this song
ColorOfSakura: No.
Jaded2005: Kosaka Riyu... Thats the name of the girl i can never remember to save my life.
Sakurina: Passion of Love
ColorOfSakura: That's a Sana song.
ColorOfSakura: Passion of Love is the Paula Terry song
DarkTetsuya: tomo: somethin like that
Sakurina: HOT*
DarkTetsuya: yeah thats the one
tomokun: Dead Beat = <3
tomokun: Go away! Go To Hell!
Spiritsnare: Sakurina: I mistook that for Erotic Speed Hardcore.
Sakurina: haha
Sakurina: LMFAO
Misty: :O
Spiritsnare: Seriously. XD
Sakurina: EROTIC SPEED HARDCORE - rislim -English Version- - ric feat. Paula Terry
tomokun: lol
Spiritsnare: OH GOD, PLEASE NO.
Sakurina: hahahaha
ColorOfSakura: NO. PLEASE NO.
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:33 pm

<Jaded-Lurking> I became a baseball when nothing was on TV, and i started watching it one night :)
<thelegendofzaku> damn, we gotz some tight ass pitching tonite
<Fireboma> Goggle: you a Mets fan?
<ElMullet> You turned into a BASEBALL?!?!?
<Jaded-Lurking> yeah.
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Postby Misty » Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:29 pm

[21:55] <Kamui988> LCL tastes good..............i guess

[21:55] <Dork> oh shit, i'm here
[21:55] <Dork> hahaha
[21:55] <Dork> i may as well tune in

(timestamp inconsistencies occur for this one because I copied half of this from a log teh skie sent me)
[18:32] <OMGtitsBOOBS> lol i made it just in time for the show
[18:32] * dj is now known as dj-darkknight
[18:33] <OMGtitsBOOBS> i JUST NOW got back from orlando
[18:33] <OMGtitsBOOBS> since like 5 in the morning i've been there
[18:33] <Reznor> Damn, where is here now?
[20:33] <OMGtitsBOOBS> what do you mean where is here?
[20:34] <Reznor> I mean, where are you now? So I can get an idea of the speed limits you broke.
[20:34] <OMGtitsBOOBS> oh yea, im in broward
[20:34] <OMGtitsBOOBS> sunrise
[20:34] <OMGtitsBOOBS> 4 hour drive
[20:34] <Reznor> Soo... 75, 80?
[20:34] <OMGtitsBOOBS> 85
[20:34] <Reznor> My kind of driving.
[20:34] <OMGtitsBOOBS> AND im 14
[20:34] <OMGtitsBOOBS> even better =P
[20:35] <Reznor> Yes, you'll be a fine driver when you grow up. :D
[20:35] <OMGtitsBOOBS> ima be a drifter
[20:35] <OMGtitsBOOBS> i better be

[20:37] <DarkTetsuya> OMGtitsBOOBS: the internet's broken? I haven't noticed :P

[20:43] <DarkSakura|SSF> Dan got challenged to race last night
[20:43] <Chimera> Was it like in the animes?
[20:43] <DarkSakura|SSF> >D

[20:47] <mpq> I'm tired of hearing UM2 songs
[20:48] <skie> well if your sick of UM2 music, the good news is that tonight you get to hear UM3 music :P

[23:35] <BRPOhioBemani> I dunno how many icons a Free user gets but I know I get 6 being an EA
[23:35] <Vandalous> oh
[23:36] <Vandalous> so it's better than free but not as many perks as a paid member?
[23:36] <BRPOhioBemani> EAs get about as much as Paying users in terms of features, though
[23:36] <Vandalous> nods
[23:36] <BRPOhioBemani> like I can embed my LJ
[23:36] <BRPOhioBemani> w/o using stupid stuff like javascript for it
[23:37] <BRPOhioBemani> my current style exports to PHP syntax
[23:37] <BRPOhioBemani> and I can pull my entries from the generated array
[23:40] <Vandalous> ah
[23:40] <Vandalous> was that english?
[23:40] <Vandalous> ;)
[23:40] <BRPOhioBemani> yes
[23:40] <BRPOhioBemani> I'm geeking it out half asleep
[23:40] <BRPOhioBemani> so ignore me
[23:40] <BRPOhioBemani> should be in bed
[23:40] <BRPOhioBemani> like 02:45
[23:40] <Vandalous> heh - it's almost 3am isn't it
[23:41] <Vandalous> heh
[23:42] <BRPOhioBemani> damn my insomnia

[23:20:48] <DarkSakura|SSF> My purpose as a freshman was to freak people out.

[23:20:39] <mpq> I should have set my enemies on fire
[23:20:50] <mpq> or at least punch the stupid couples making out in the halls

[23:37:02] <VxJasonxV> Ren And Stimpy is retarded
[23:37:05] <Same> :(
[23:37:07] <Spiritsnare> :O
[23:37:11] <tomokun> .....
[23:37:12] <skie> DIE JASON
[23:37:12] <Spiritsnare> BUT IT'S THE GOOD KIND OF RETARDED
[23:37:12] <tomokun> oh no you didnt

[13:57:15] <Sakurina> […] WIRELESS FUCKING ADAPTER
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Postby Sakurina » Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:58 pm

re: My school musical, based on ABBA's Mamma Mia
23:51 <+Sakurina> skie: I INVITE YOU TO SEE IT
23:51 <+Sakurina> BUT IT'LL BE IN FRENCH
23:51 <@skie> FUCK THAT THEN

Rock on, skie, rock on! :D
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Postby DarkSakura » Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:19 pm

<Jajuka> crap did I just miss cage match?
<skie> :P
<skie> yes :P
<neo14789> Yup...
<Ranchan|TV> vote for taq!
<Jajuka> shit shit shitty shit shit
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Postby Sakurina » Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:11 pm

00:06 <+ColorOfSakura> Rislim -Remix-
00:06 <+Sakurina> RISLIM REMIX
00:06 <+Sakurina> :D
00:07 <+Sakurina> 2AM
00:07 <+ColorOfSakura> It'll taint us if we aren't listening to it at 2AM with Headphones on!
00:07 <+ColorOfSakura> YOU'RE RUINING IT
00:07 <+ColorOfSakura> XD
00:07 <+Jaded2005> or... Mr. Odvious.
00:07 <+PoPanda21> stop eating those cookies!
00:07 <+Sakurina> DOOO NOOOOT WANNNT
00:07 <+Sakurina> NOOOOOOOO
00:07 <+Sakurina> BLASPHEMY
00:07 <+Roz> The Roz Rozzerts show, representing the east coast, yo.
00:07 <+ColorOfSakura> YOU DESTROYED THE MAGIC
00:07 <+ColorOfSakura> XD
00:07 <+Sakurina> YOU BITCH

For those who don't get it:
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Postby Misty » Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:38 pm

[23:35:06] <PoPanda21> suck my dick
[23:35:27] <Sakurina> PoPanda21
[23:35:30] <Sakurina> You don't have a disk
[23:35:31] <Sakurina> er
[23:35:33] <Sakurina> dick
[23:35:41] <PoPanda21> I know.. I can pretend!
[23:35:47] <Sakurina> STRAP-ONS
[23:35:51] <PoPanda21> HELLS YEAH!
[23:35:55] <ssj100matt> she doesnt need to pretend shes already a man
[23:36:00] <PoPanda21> Suck my strapon matt!
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Postby VxJasonxV » Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:07 pm

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Postby Misty » Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:14 pm

Let’s start with this post off with the Animal Crossing edition of The Rob Roberts Show, then we’ll get to some older stuff, ok? ^^

[21:38:51] <Ninst> damn you all and your wifi crack
[21:39:33] <Misty> if i were *that* addicted to wifi i would have gone to mcdonalds after work instead of sitting at work till my mom came to get me

[21:41:55] <skie> <3
[21:42:02] <Misty> i swear it's not me this time ;-;

[21:44:26] <Misty> come the fuck outta city hall now! ... wouldn't call one person with a bugnet a lynching party :P
[21:44:31] <Sakurina> *points to Misty* SHE'S WAITING FOR YOU
[21:44:50] <Misty> fine, i'll beat the door in the meantime :P
[21:46:54] <Misty> i think skie's afraid to leave out of fear of the bugnet :P
[21:47:01] <darkknight> LOL
[21:47:09] <skie> no i'm finding music lol
[21:47:16] <Misty> suuure :P

[21:49:59] <Roz> Collecting cherries, I'll try to get over there in a minute...
[21:50:25] <Sakurina> lol cherries
[21:51:23] <Roz> For some reason, my towns always have cherries.
[21:51:42] <Sakurina> That must be because you're a virgin </lol sex joke>

[22:17:04] <blackdevilrx> Misty? friend code and town/nick?
[22:17:16] <blackdevilrx> harold? same
[22:17:28] <WonderDogHarold> uh...check the thread in the OLr forum :p
[22:17:43] <WonderDogHarold> too lazy to check
[22:17:47] <WonderDogHarold> oh wait, it's not that hard

[22:27:58] <skie> lol sorry i was being slow, i was sending a message on myspace *hangs head in shame*

[22:43:26] <sephiroth1215> brb, SEPHIROTH NEEDS FOOD BADLY
[22:44:00] <skie> remember sephiroth: don't shoot food

[20:29:21] * SKRN|showertime is now known as Sakurina|
[20:29:29] * Sakurina| is now known as Sakurina
[20:29:32] <Sakurina> :(
[20:29:34] <Sakurina> I feel sad
[20:29:40] <darkknight> why?
[20:29:41] <Misty> ?
[20:29:44] <Sakurina> I don't know
[20:31:59] <VxJasonxV> because he just advertised his nudity to us
[20:32:01] <VxJasonxV> that's why he's sad

[22:45:42] <blackdevilrx> if I had a million dollars, i'd donate all of it to Orange lou--i mean, charity.
[22:45:53] <sephiroth1215> dude that's a lot
[22:45:57] * Tora-kun thinks that if he had a million dollars, he'd move to mexico
[22:46:08] <skie> you'd be the richest person there, tora
[22:46:16] <Tora-kun> 02Exactly ^ ^

[21:37] <Misty> gonna go for now. see ya next time!
[21:37] * Misty has quit IRC (Quit: "I'm just here to chew bubble gum and kick ass... and I'm outta bubble gum." Seto Kaiba, obtained from
[21:37] <ZiM> cya
[21:38] <T23M> seto kaiba, my ass
[21:38] <T23M> try duke nukem. Piss off, dude. :P This was when I was still in my phase where I liked the redubbed stuff. I was boredly searching the site and found a quote that I liked

[21:38] <TrueZero> so when does OLR play?
[21:38] <TrueZero> like what days
[21:38] <skie> the station is running 24/6
[21:38] <skie> erm
[21:38] <skie> 24/7 too

[19:48] <sgoast> I want to sing in loki's ass.

[20:06] <darkknight> ok question for the chat room if there was a song u would like to do for a marching band drumline what would it be?
[20:06] <DMNeoblade> james bond theme
[20:06] <St00pidBaka> Max300. :P
[20:06] <thelegendofzaku> Max. (Period)
[20:06] <sgoast> Little Bitch
[20:06] <thelegendofzaku> or Captain Jack
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:53 pm

<DirtyThief> i'd do both tia and skie at the same time
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Postby DarkSakura » Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:29 pm

<DarkSakura|SSF> IN GERMAN!!
<darkknight> LOL
<darkknight> silly girl
* darkknight chases jamie with the olr ferrets!
<DarkSakura|SSF> NOO.
* DarkSakura|SSF counters with a burrito.
<darkknight> AH BURRITOS
<darkknight> getting weaker
<darkknight> "THUD"
<DarkSakura|SSF> =D!!
* DarkSakura|SSF eats the HELL out of that burrito in VICTORY.
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Postby DarkSakura » Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:12 pm

<DarkSakura|SSF> YEE HAW
<T23M> :D
* T23M gets his fiddle
<darkknight> SHENANIGANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<T23M> uh
<T23M> is there a special version of tourette's that only kicks in over IRC?
<T23M> >_>
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