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Postby mcziggz » Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:57 pm

check out this site to find out why not to get the xbox360 on launch

don't get screwed!
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Postby lordkaosu » Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:19 pm

Kind of a funny site, but that's a bit stupid too.

To note, I'm not getting a 360 for a year or 2 myself.
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Postby skie » Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:11 am

I dunno I kind of found it interesting that amongst ALL THOSE FREE PAY ads on the site, one of them was for a free xbox 360. That kind of made me snicker a bit.

Interesting that this topic gets brought up right now though because I have an interesting personal note for tomorrow's podcast and that's all I'm going to say for now :)
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Postby VxJasonxV » Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:19 am

Amature Ad-Whore trying to make a quick buck.
Too bad the site looks like trash...

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Thanks for using our forum to advertise. I appreciate it.
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Postby Reenee » Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:22 am

The Xbox has not yet run its full course, its far from dead yet

Same goes for the PS2 and Gamecube. Not for the N-gage though.

There is no rush, M$ could take their time and make the system better (aka include things like HD-DVD)

Too bad that's half true. Microsoft distinctly said the system was upgradeable. You can upgrade the DVD drive to HD-DVD.

Games are going to come underdeveloped and require you to buy additional levels or gear, or features through Xbox Live's Online Marketplace

Isn't this supposed to be "episodic content"? Meaning, you can buy a piece of game for drastically a lot less than a normally-priced game and if you do like what you're playing, you can purchase future parts for a few dollars apiece? This isn't as costly BUT it is incredibly risky. The future portions could take a huge dip in terms of quality.

There will be no MUST HAVE games at launch

Quake 4?

In less than a week you'll just put your Halo 2 disc in your Xbox 360, then feel stupid for buying a new console to play an old game

I can't believe this is one of the more smarter things said there yet.

They are not making hard drives standard, so game developers can't count on them, thus taking steps backwards from what was cool about having a hard drive for the first Xbox

Hmm, I'd say this sounds quite true.

The controller is much smaller, and anyone used to the original (Duke) Xbox controller will likely find it incredibly uncomfortable (especially for FPS)

Uh, yeah? That thing is BULKY. AS. HELL. And FPSs are not meant for stupid controllers. THEY ARE FUCKING KEYBOARD AND MOUSE AND NOTHING ELSE.

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Postby lordkaosu » Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:51 am

Well, keyboard being the best fps controller is more of an opinion. I'm not much of an FPS fan, but I'd much rather use a controller when I do play one. It just depends on what you're used to.

The new Revolution controller seems to have a lot of FPS fans thinking it'll be brilliant for those types of games too.
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Postby LOKI » Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:08 am

# The Xbox has not yet run its full course, its far from dead yet

Well neither has the PS2 but it's time to move on.

# There is no rush, M$ could take their time and make the system better (aka include things like HD-DVD)

For starters even if there was an HD-DVD drive Microsoft has said they wouldn't use the format for games, only movies. Also the way things are looking now Blu-ray will probably end up dominating the market.

# M$ doesn't care about the gamers, they are rushing a console for the sake of making money

Well they do have a better online gaming system as well as a matching system. Content downloads, add-ons, etc.

# Its just plain stupid to have faceplates and other gimmicks for spending more money on your console

Yes it is stupid and nobody is forcing you to buy them. But a lot of people buy stuff so they can customize it (ie. stupid iMACS, iPODS, Gameboy Micros, multi-colored game systems, etc.)

# Games are going to come underdeveloped and require you to buy additional levels or gear, or features through Xbox Live's Online Marketplace

Total speculation and comepletely unsubstanciated

# There will be no MUST HAVE games at launch

Granted there will be games that do not take the full advantage of the hardware, just like any console launch. But there will be games that truely shine on the console. PGR3, DOA 4, Kameo, Call Of Duty 2, are some pretty good games that look great on the console. Others like Gun, King Kong, Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, do not use upgraded character models, just enhanced textures.

# In less than a week you'll just put your Halo 2 disc in your Xbox 360, then feel stupid for buying a new console to play an old game

In a couple of weeks you'll put Halo 2 in and see that the game emulation has the game running smoother with higher-res graphics (720i). Just because you buy a new console doesn't mean you should throw your old games away.

# Microsoft is plotting to undersupply stores so that they can stage a sell out and make a big fuss about it so that it will get news attention (its all about money)

So far this is just speculation. But that could be true that it's for hype. Of course we don't know how short the stores will be because nobody has been shipped their allocations yet.

# You are going to have to spend more money on a new system, or some sort of upgrade in a year when M$ finally takes the time to support HD-DVDs. (more money)

Once again, since the market is heading towards Blu-ray, you probably won't be buying an upgrade for your system. Also once again Microsoft will not be using HD-DVD for it's games.

# They are not making hard drives standard, so game developers can't count on them, thus taking steps backwards from what was cool about having a hard drive for the first Xbox

The original XBOX used the hard drive for saves and downloadable content. The PS2 didn't come with a memory card but games support memory card saves. Nobody is saying game publishers couldn't make a game requiring a hard drive.

# The controller is much smaller, and anyone used to the original (Duke) Xbox controller will likely find it incredibly uncomfortable (especially for FPS)

OK this is just a retarded argument. The first controller design isn't even used anymore. They were too big. The new controller is almost the same as the current controllers except with the black and white buttons becoming new trigger buttons.

# Most games coming out for the 360 for the next 6+ months will come out on the Xbox & PS2 also (probably the gamecube even)

Well seeing as most publishers haven't even announced most of their 1st quarter titles yet I don't see how you can even claim that. Sure there will be more games coming out for existing systems but that's not a reason not to buy a system.

# The 360 will not be able to live up to the hype of HDTV gaming, and is not even as powerful as gaming on a decent PC

Right. Because you know those triple core 3.2 gHz based PCs out there are a dime a dozen.

# All the games initially scheduled for release are single-threaded games (aka: nothing special, just ports of any other game to the Xbox 360, utilizing nothing new or impressive)

True, the games at launch will not take full advantage of all the 360 has to offer. But that doesn't mean they'll suck. That's like saying "Stay out of the movie theatres until every movie is being shot on digital." Specs do not make a great game system. The games do.

# M$ is reincarnating the Dreamcast

Wow, what an original idea. I'm sure a website like gamespot would never come up with that one. You know it's funny, the last time I checked it was the Microsoft XBOX 360, not the Microsoft Dreamcast 2 or the Sega XBOX 360.

# Halo 3 won't be out for at least a year

You know there's othergames out there other than Halo.

# Backwards compatibility will be limited, and accomplished via an emulator

I think what they've done with the backwards compatability is pretty good so far. 200 games at launch with more being added each week isn't bad. Plus the added enhancements are nice.

OK, for starters, if you're going to make claims like this at least back them up with facts. Also the website looks like crap, and a bad attempt to get some click-throughs. I'm sure there are people who agree that buying a 360 at launch is a bad idea. But the reasons you gave are not really valid. Also, thanks for spamming.
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Postby VxJasonxV » Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:49 pm

LOKI wrote:
# Microsoft is plotting to undersupply stores so that they can stage a sell out and make a big fuss about it so that it will get news attention (its all about money)
So far this is just speculation. But that could be true that it's for hype. Of course we don't know how short the stores will be because nobody has been shipped their allocations yet.
Somebody hasn't been reading the news :P.

LOKI wrote:
# They are not making hard drives standard, so game developers can't count on them, thus taking steps backwards from what was cool about having a hard drive for the first Xbox
The original XBOX used the hard drive for saves and downloadable content. The PS2 didn't come with a memory card but games support memory card saves. Nobody is saying game publishers couldn't make a game requiring a hard drive.
Just curious, didn't you make a similar statement on a podcast not to far back?
Not to say you don't make a perfectly valid point right now too.
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Postby LOKI » Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:27 pm

Actually I have been reading the news. Just because Microsoft is saying they're shipping X number of units doesn't mean more will arrive than stated. I have a feeling that will be the case as I stated on this week's podcast.
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Postby VxJasonxV » Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:54 am

LOKI wrote:Actually I have been reading the news. Just because Microsoft is saying they're shipping X number of units doesn't mean more will arrive than stated.
Point taken. (Again)
LOKI wrote:I have a feeling that will be the case as I stated on this week's podcast.
Oh, I see.

Only time shall tell :-).
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Postby LOKI » Mon Nov 14, 2005 2:57 pm

Here's a perfect example of my theory:
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Postby VxJasonxV » Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:13 pm

You want to talk about making me feel like a damn tool.
I think I have a comment response to make right now...
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