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Got a chance to play the Xbox 360 today.....

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Got a chance to play the Xbox 360 today.....

Postby ssj100matt » Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:57 pm

A friend of mine works at Wallmart and i got a chance to play the 360 Sunday night for an hour or so after they set it up the display...

I got a chance to check out all the videos and play "King Kong" and "Call of Duty 2" on it and to tell you the truth im not tooo impressed... Yes the graphics look great but it wasent what i expected... I was hoping to see some outstanding stuff like in Call of Duty 2 when i was up against a wall i wanted to see the grooves and the textures on the bricks... i didnt see that...

I have to give it up to Microsoft though... They really fixed up the controller eventhough i noticed they have their own variation of Sony's R/L1 and R/L2 buttons... The controller is alot lighter, the buttons have more substance to them, and the sticks are manoverable (then again lets see that stick after 3 months of nonstop halo play)....

I was impressed by a couple of the videos for their upcoming titles... But it just makes me want to see a playable version of those games... And again my biggest gripe is that i wasent too impressed with the graphics... Just felt to me like they stuck 2 Xbox's together...

Idk i must be a stickler for context and quality since im in the film business but from a far the games look amazing but up close you see alot of errors... Like when i played King Kong... At one point i forgot i was in play mode when i thought it was a cutscene or something... But then i saw alot of the usual, layers falling into eachother, items going magically thru other items, and blurry or distorted edges... Which kind of makes me think that the 2 games they are showing off have these many problems and the system only comes out in less than a month shows that they really rushed this thing...

I was hoping they would have a sports game on it because you have to admit sports games are the only things that you can look in comparrison with to real life... You cant look at Saving Private Ryan and Call of Duty, because Private Ryan isnt the real thing... Although the 360 had an NHL2K6 video in it i really wanted to see a playable version of it so i can try to compair it visually to hockey itself...

But i cant really give a final say on this thing till i accually play a few more games on it... But in the meantime it makes we want to see the PS3 evenmore since it will be alot more powerfull than the 360... I probally wont get the 360 on launch since i dont feel like waiting on the kidney doner like list at Gamestop and EB games...
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Postby LOKI » Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:10 pm

Well there's alot of issues with the launch titles. For starters the Walmart displays suck. They're only 480p for one. Also some of the cross platform games look a bit week visually, like Gun, King Kong, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, and Call Of Duty 2. The 1st party games look awesome. Kameo and PGR3 especially.
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Postby ssj100matt » Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:51 pm

yeah i agree the displays are off... HDTV would do it great justice.... but i have a real strong feeling that these dropped layers and edging problems will be common every once in a while....
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Postby lordkaosu » Wed Oct 26, 2005 8:08 pm

ha! I don't even use s-video, so much for hd-tv. I'm still using old fashioned composite cables on my ancient tv.
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Postby VxJasonxV » Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:37 am

LOKI wrote:Well there's alot of issues with the launch titles. For starters the Walmart displays suck. They're only 480p for one.

lordkaosu wrote:ha! I don't even use s-video, so much for hd-tv. I'm still using old fashioned composite cables on my ancient tv.

^ Seconded.
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Postby lordkaosu » Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:31 am

Glad I'm not the only one.
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