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Episode 289 -- July 27, 2008

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Episode 289 -- July 27, 2008

Postby DarkTetsuya » Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:29 pm

There is still plenty left to discuss about E3 as the fallout continues from the highlights (and lowlights) of the convention and the press conferences. Tonight during Orange Lounge Radio Part A, a lengthy discussion ensues about Nintendos press conference and what they could have done to make things better with the core gamers. Plus, what changes should be made to E3 to satisfy those corporate types that are frustrated with the scaled-down show?

A very strange homebrew game using Wii-motes and a very sexy Castlevania arcade game are discussed, as well as plenty of retro-goodness to file under what Capcom is doing very very right this year. Part A is closed out as always with the retro goodness that is the Classic Game of the week.

In Part B, the complaints are already rolling in for Fat Princess, but do the people complaining really have a point? To noones surprise, a Dark Knight game is confirmed for the consoles, but that is not the only Batman news when we hear that the Joker is to be coming to MKvsDC! In our mailbag segment, one e-mailer wants to see more Gears of War love, so what better to follow the mailbag tonight than a Gears of War 2 update? Apparently some 16 year old says the Playstation 3 is winning the console war, but it definitely looks like Hasbro is about to win the Scrabble wars on facebook.

All this and more including your live chat, e-mails and phone calls on Orange Lounge Radio, the gaming podcast where every gamer has a voice!
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Re: Episode 289 -- July 27, 2008

Postby act_deft » Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:39 am

DarkTetsuya wrote:In Part B, the complaints are already rolling in for Fat Princess, but do the people complaining really have a point?

No they don't.
Jamie spoke the truth right there and then.

As for the Gears of War, yeah, even I that I'm a big fan of the game hearing news everywhere gets a little tiring, though that SE that Amazon is going to sell with the Lancer looks jawesome <_<

And remember of the JTV special of Wario Land Shake, be sure to catch it on the Highlights section of OLR's Justin.TV channel.

No, MGS4 isn't coming to the 360. Never was, never will.
If I'm mistaken, Ranma gets a free copy of it. =P
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Postby letshavetea » Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:28 am

Was I the only person who lol'd at Jamie's ironic rant?

"How about they all just shut up and get over it?".... then goes off on a tangent about how everyone else doesn't shut up about it. And how everyone else can't just accept someone else's decision.

Then after Ranma calls in...

"Whenever ANYTHING happens someone's going to stomp their little foot, roll their eyes, and then bitch. 'I don't like it, this offends me'"

"Seriously though, can't people be easy going and go with the god damned flow? I know I'm stubborn about a lot of things but I'm really really trying to be a lot more fluid with how I react to certain things."

"There's gunna be things out there that you don't like. You don't have to throw a hissy. Just be like 'I don't like this' and then... get over it!"

I know there's a difference about bitching about the game... and then bitching about the people bitching about the games... but... I still lol'd.

Still <3 ya Jamie. No hate, just lulz.
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Postby robbway » Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:39 pm

Apparently some 16 year old says the Playstation 3 is winning the console war

My nephew is 10 and he says Wii is winning the console war.
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Postby katamaris4ever » Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:44 am

I'm 14 and I think that consoles are winning the console wars. Do I count :lol: ?
Waiting for the day DDR X gets released...
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