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Thoughts on PS3's "Home"?

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Thoughts on PS3's "Home"?

Postby ssj100matt » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:28 pm

Yesterday Sony announced a brand new feature for the PS3 Entitled "Home"...

Here's the Wiki of it:

PlayStation Home (or simply "Home") is a community based service for the PlayStation Network which has been in development since early 2005, Home allows users to create an avatar character for their PlayStation 3 console. This avatar will get their own house, which can be adorned by items players can receive in several achievements. In the future the service will also expand, allowing players to have more sorts of clothing, as well as hold pets. When it is available, Home will be launched via its own category in the XMB between the "Game" and "Network" category. This service will be free of charge.

Additional info from Gamespot: ... ot;title;2

Here is the HD trailer for it:

Wow just wow....

To tell you the truth im very very impressed with this... Although people are crying that this has "stolen" elements, i think this may save Sony and bring a few people back to them... It even looks like it took some elements from FF11 (which is about time because i loved the layout of 11)... It has the elements that everyone likes... Full customization avatars, free roam and "E-Penis" achievements... And personally i like it... Its like the Sims meets Second life meets XBL achievements (i respectfully refuse to agree with the consensus that this is entirely Mii inspired)

It doesn't surprise me that Sony's been working on this since 05... And the fact that it will be available in a few short months shows that as well... With something as advanced as this, i highly doubt they started working on this when the Mii's were announced... And if you think about it, this was hinted a little bit when they announced that the PS3 Online Network would allow for customized Avatars... But seriously i do think this should have been out when the system came out... I guess this sort of goes along with Sony's Long term mindset...

Sony really pulled a fast one on everybody with this move and if it works as good as the keynote and the trailer says then it will rock the gaming world... I am very anxious to see how the beta works out... Because in reality i have a feeling this will lag quite a bit (then again I've never played Second Life so idk how that works)...

Originally i was about 5 minutes from buying a 360 over a PS3 but with this "Home" element added im starting to second guess things... At this point i am going to need one or both systems because the Wii has major problems right now... I mean one can play Wii Sports, Zelda, Wario Ware, and Elevator Action just so many times :P ... I love the Wii but come on Nintendo! A little substance please...

Getting back to Sony... They almost have me sold on the "Home" system... Now all they have to do is drop the price by $100 and i'll take them back like an Ex-girlfriend... I can't wait till Sundays show to hear what Loki, Rob and Jamie have to say about this...

What are your thoughts on this?[/b]

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Postby robbway » Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:50 am

If Sony wants to steal ideas, let them. First off, MSN had badges before Xbox Live Arcade. XLA is a numerical extension of that with achievements. Where Sony is going RIGHT is that this is a very innovative combination of Sims/Animal Crossing/Achievements.

Afterall, how great would it be if they had a trophy room? I think it'd be nice! I'm hoping they have an arcade populated with your download games. Given the popularity of the Sims with women, this will probably be more appealing to women than either Wii or XLA.
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Postby ssj100matt » Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:37 am

Agreed.... I'm finding it laughable that Nintendo fans are saying that Sony stole their Mii idea but in reality this has been in development for a few years before the Mii's were even announced...

The trophy room will be great... I'm loving the idea that you can upload video in it of your greatest lap in Motorstorm or a key moment in any other game (like flipping enemy crabs)... And the amount of work Developers will need to do to create a trophy for their game is funny... Because its nothing more than creating a larger, more animated and 3d model of the little icons you see in your PS2 memory cards...

Im also liking the idea of creating a space for Clans, groups or friends in your apartment... Im sure when this comes out theres going to be a OLRmy place... :)

The level of customization that one can do is amazing and also a little scary... I mean i don't see anything stopping anyone from putting up porn on one of your TV's in your house... lol

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Postby Graywulf » Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:01 am

Hmm well matt im surprised to see comments like these comming from someone who like OLR a lot. But anyhow I shouldnt feel that everyone on OLR is a Fanboy.

Anyway I am a Beta tester for Home and contribute to the Beta forum.

To explain myself I am biased for I never owened a XBOX but I dont just own Sony either.

Have been playing Video games for over 20 years on plenty of consoles.

For this post I am in total agreement with you and see your statements are fair and truthfull.
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Postby act_deft » Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:52 am

Like I've said...
Home = Second Life (PS3 Edition)

Not that it's a bad thing though, but it won't add too much to the console.
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Postby theafroguy » Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:12 pm

Ahh, Graywulf. Why contribute to the discussion when you can accuse others of being fanboys?
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Postby ssj100matt » Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:45 pm

Graywulf wrote:Hmm well matt im surprised to see comments like these comming from someone who like OLR a lot. But anyhow I shouldnt feel that everyone on OLR is a Fanboy.

Anyway I am a Beta tester for Home and contribute to the Beta forum.

To explain myself I am biased for I never owened a XBOX but I dont just own Sony either.

Have been playing Video games for over 20 years on plenty of consoles.

For this post I am in total agreement with you and see your statements are fair and truthfull.

I don't understand what your getting at... Are you seriously fishing that deep for something that i said 5 months ago?... Whatever i don't care, i don't need to explain comments i made many months ago... Call me a hypocrite or a fanboy but i hold *zero* loyalties to any console...

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Postby thedoctor » Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:44 am

im all for it i suppose.
If I ever do get a PS3, which I know I will, because im a Sony fanboy (as well as Nintendo) Ill be getting it in the near future.

But i still need me a 360
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Postby Jayveemon » Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:15 pm

In this month's GameInformer there is an interview with Reggie Fils-Aime and they asked his thoughts on HOME and his response was...

Reggie Fils-Aime wrote:I think it's been done before right? It's called Second Life

Looks like act-deft and Reggie are on the same page. :-P
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Postby chad28 » Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:22 pm ... acter.html

Home is going to have a dress feature that will let you make any type of clothing you want complete with logo's etc and even sell it over psn.
Someone should make an OLR shirt - Way better than gamefaqs
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