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Postby Insanest » Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:42 pm

<Drewnami> HEY
<Drewnami> LISTEN
<DMN|sleep> hey
<DMN|sleep> listen
<DMN|sleep> hey
<DMN|sleep> listen
<DMN|sleep> hey
<DMN|sleep> listen
<DMN|sleep> hey
<DMN|sleep> listen
<DMN|sleep> hey
<DMN|sleep> listen
<DMN|sleep> hey
<DMN|sleep> listen
* You were kicked by Drewnami (*snap*)
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Postby ssj100matt » Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:31 am

* DarkSakura has joined #orangelounge
* ChanServ sets mode: +o DarkSakura
<DarkSakura> PENIS
<DarkSakura> I win.
<DarkSakura> Bye!
* DarkSakura has quit IRC (Quit
<VxJasonxV> now that must be an inside joke I'm not in on
<Zappy> that was so random
* Zappy wonders if skie was with her and travis got another drunked voice mail
<VxJasonxV> :P

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Postby DarkSakura » Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:10 pm

My awesome knows no bounds.

<AlphaCananogram> DarkSakura: YOU can't Destroy ME!!?!?!!?????
<dk|DA-BEARS> i been to disney world
<dk|DA-BEARS> thats about it
<AriRockefeller> I hope you got deep pockets if you're going to Disney Land, MG.
* DarkSakura is now known as Dalek
<AlphaCananogram> :D
<mikew|homework> Like a crack whore coming back to her crack
<Laser123454321> Quick, someone make a Gradius Reference involving me!
<Jayveemon> The Phantom Manor always scares me.
<Fireboma> and then when we were getting off, we were all like "What the hell was that"
* Dalek is now known as Dalek_Sak
<Maximillion> disney World kicks ass
* Dalek_Sak exterminates Alpha.
<AlphaCananogram> where did DarkSakura?
<AlphaCananogram> AHHHH!!!!!!!!!
<ShadowCharlie> lol
* Jayveemon is now known as Cybermen
<AlphaCananogram> AHHHH!!!!!!!!!
<Jaded> lol.
<MysticGohan> goood tiimes...
<Cybermen> DELETE!
<Cybermen> DELETE!
<Laser123454321> WHERES MY GC PHAT MIX!!!
<Cybermen> DELETE!
<Maximillion> The worst day i had there was the day i left
<DarkTetsuya> sounds like fun
<Brad--PodCulture> Daleks beats Cybermen anyday
<DJMorpheus> HA
* RobertM has quit IRC (Quit: Java chat, out!)
* Cybermen is now known as Jayveemon
<Jayveemon> Lol.
<ssj100matt> 27-21
* OLRmyRecruit4169 has joined #orangelounge
<ssj100matt> pats
* Dalek_Sak is now known as DarkSakura
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:59 pm

<DarkTetsuya> damn... just broke 100K on mario bros.
<ssj100matt> thats over 9000!

(NOTE: why is that suddenly funny now, anyway?)

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Postby DarkTetsuya » Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:45 pm

<mikew|> TDS?
<DMN|hi-on-vike> It's an NL-style team ssj sorry
<mikew|> I know I'm a noob
<Jaded|Mythbusters> Tetris DS.
<mikew|> oh
<DMN|hi-on-vike> Titties DS.
<DMN|hi-on-vike> DAMMIT JADED
<Jaded|Mythbusters> LOL!
<mikew|> one sex
<mikew|> *sec
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Postby gs68 » Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:35 pm


[210235] <dmn|injured> Hey drew, it's 4th and 16.
[210249] <Drewnami> 4th and 16? OH SHI-
[210303] <Dj_darkknight> lol
[210303] * dmn|injured punts drewnami
[210308] <NM64> XD
[210309] <Drewnami> WAAAAAAAAAGH
[210311] <kittenbebe> Stop is Drew or im gonna come over there
[210314] * Khimaera watches Drewnami fly
[210316] <Dj_darkknight> ITS HIGH ENOUGH
[210322] <Drewnami> HAS IT GOT THE DISTANCE?
[210324] <Khimaera> But will it make it!
[210326] <Dj_darkknight> IS IT STRIGHT ENOUGH?
[210329] <dmn|injured> TO THE TRACK
[210332] <dmn|injured> TO THE WALL
[210333] <Khimaera> lol!
[210337] <Drewnami> HE'S GOING THE DISTANCE
[210340] <Drewnami> HE'S GOING FOR SPEEEEEED
[210345] <gs68> OVER THE DISTANCE
[210349] <Khimaera> Drewnami = Cake
[210353] <Drewnami> mm, Cake.
[210354] * dmn|injured watches Ranma catch Drewnami and run it back
[210355] <kittenbebe> Cake...
[210358] <Dj_darkknight> LOL how did i not know drew was going to bring it up
[210403] <Dj_darkknight> CAKE OR DEATH!
[210403] <dmn|injured> n---a stole my punt!
[210408] <Drewnami> They all want cake.
[210416] <Khimaera> Cake or Death?
[210421] <Dj_darkknight> well......................were all out of cake!
[210422] <Drewnami> uh, Cake!
[210425] <Drewnami> wait
[210428] <Drewnami> so my choice is OR DEATH?
[210428] * Ranma touchdowns and spikes Drewnami
[210430] <Khimaera> Sorry all out of cake
[210444] <Khimaera> Good thing Drew is wearing a helmet
[210447] <Drewnami> xD
[210452] <Dj_darkknight> (japanese-english voice) TOUCHEDOWN!
[210453] <Drewnami> MM, CRAYONS.
[210503] <Drewnami> ...
[210507] <Drewnami> dmn|injured, go to hell.
[210510] <Drewnami> Go directly to hell.
[210514] <Drewnami> Do not pass Go.
[210516] <Dj_darkknight> look its ranma, no its..................EYE SHIELD 21
[210518] <Drewnami> Do not collect $599US

[210636] * Drewnami was kicked by dmn|injured (DMN's 38 yarder is up.... AND IT'S GOOD!!!!)
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:24 pm

<Ranma> wtf
<Ranma> the show is over?!
<Jaded|Encoding> yeah.
<Ranma> what the fuck happened
<Jaded|Encoding> the show was over before it started actually.
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:26 pm

<DJ_Jinnai> snakes on a game
<DarkTetsuya> snakers on a plane
<Ranma> snakes on a mario kart 64
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:48 pm

What started as a conversation about whether LOKI or Nelly was Jewish and the other converted, reminded me of something from way the hell back in OLR history:

<Ranma> i thought he was a jew and nelly converted
<DarkTetsuya> I heard the opposite lol
<ssj100matt> no Nelly was always jewish... idk if loki converted
<Ranma> i think he is a jew, his last name is Whiteman
<DarkTetsuya> LMAO
<DarkTetsuya> actually that reminds me of something that came up on an *early* ep of OLR
<Ranma> oh?
<DarkTetsuya> let's see if anyone remembers it?: he mentioned something about building a portal to hell using instructions off of the internet
<Ranma> sorta

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Postby VxJasonxV » Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:28 am

I remember that!
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Postby DarkSakura » Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:52 pm

<Solidgoomba> cap't america sucks
<azuramei> Sony should call a DUE OVER on the ps3 recall all the systems and try again next year lol
<DarkTetsuya> I just want Rub a dub ducks: THE GAME
<Ranma> azuramei: seriously
<AlphaCananogram> Solidgoomba: DarkSakura is gonna kill you!
* Solidgoomba was kicked by DarkSakura (FINAL JUSTICE!!)
* Gamingnerd talks like old man "BACK IN MY DAY CONSOLES WERE $150-200
<ShadowNextGen> I paid $400 for my 360
* HolyShounen has left #orangelounge
<azuramei> SONYREP : Err..... mulligan!!!
<esoteric> lats time i tried to play MUA online on the ps2 there was 0 people on
<AlphaCananogram> DarkSakura: LOL
<ShadowNextGen> I won't pay over $400 for a PS3
<ddrdollarbill> DS wins, PERFECT! :)
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:28 pm

<Khimaera> OLR is a gateway to Porn?
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Postby Randy » Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:32 pm

DarkTetsuya wrote:<Khimaera> OLR is a gateway to Porn?

Hmmm...I do remember an episode where Skie mentioned something about a video on PornoTube. :P
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Postby alphacananogram » Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:12 pm

Sorry, i couldn't help it XD

[23:51:43] <Da_money125> how do you type in pink?
[23:53:27] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> pink?
[23:53:32] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> you mean like this?
[23:53:36] * AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN is crazy?
[23:53:50] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> it's blue on my chat program?
[23:54:06] <Da_money125> weird?
[23:54:16] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> type "/me is dumb"
[23:54:43] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> but don't type the quotes
[23:54:46] * Da_money125 is dumb
[23:54:48] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> HAHAHA!!!!!!!
[23:54:49] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> HAHAHA!!!!!!!
[23:54:56] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> you just said you are dumb
[23:54:58] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> hahahaha
[23:55:00] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> XD
[23:55:14] <AlphaCananogram|OKUSENMAN> just kidding
[23:55:49] <Da_money125> :(

I later apologized :D
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:58 pm

<Yunie> *is looking for some random Black wolf to come up and bite her ass* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lol
<Yunie> first time I was there that happened
<Yunie> =/
<VxJasonxV> some random Blackwolf? I don't think he's into ass biting
<VxJasonxV> I could be wrong though, I really don't know
<DarkTetsuya> ...
<VxJasonxV> :D
<Yunie> lol Im talkinga bout Wow >>;
<Yunie> dork
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