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Postby Graywulf » Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:28 pm

Also to be realistic Sony is not going to go down because of a high priced game machine.

For my opinion what is not a good idea on Sony's part is to think that a game console needs to sell alot and to put it in a price range of a PC but maybe sony is not relying on the massive sales that the game consoles have seen. Perhaps Sony has a long term plan that game console kids are not patient enough to understand.

point in fact the PSP has been out for over 2 years and had picked up in sales recently maybe they see the same thing with the PS3.

the PSP was priced high for a handheld too by comparison.

I could talk about this for some time but I think that some of you will get the idea.

Sorry Sony is far from going down. maybe Ken Kutaragi could resign but that would be the biggest upset to sony.

Sony in itself with Sony Music, Sony Movies and Sony Electronics have far more income than Sony Playstation.
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Postby krispykreme » Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:31 am

Don't triple post.
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Postby Graywulf » Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:55 am

is there a 3 word minimum per post ?
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Postby Eddy » Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:04 am

Nobody said that Sony is going down, of cource they are not. That's like saying Microsoft is going down because the Xbox sold the least amount of units.

What we are saying is that Sony might lose this console war, for the first time.

There is no doubt that the PS3 will sell well, but we don't know how it would sell compared to the 360 and the Wii. That is what determines the winners and loser of a console war. Sure, the PSP picked up in sales, but compared to the DS Lite, or Phat even, it pales in comparison.

As for BLu-Ray, so far, only 2 studios, not counting Sony's internal Movie division has said that they will publish exclusively for Blu-Ray. HD-DVD has 1 (Universal Studios). The companies are all there to make money. If Blu-Ray flops, which I'm not saying it will, they would be more than happy to switch to HD-DVD. All I can say is, this format war is really stupid and puts the consumer in a position they don't want to be in. Nobody wants to spend $600+ on a fancy-shmancy up-ressed DVD player to have it become obsolete in a few years if their chosen format fails. And nobody wants to buy a HD-DVD and a Blu-Ray player to watch Sony and Universal movies.

Edit: Greywulf, triple posting means posting 3 posts consecutively. IF you have something to add, edit your first post and mark the additions with EDIT, like I have done here.

Second Edit:If you are implying that the hosts and listeners of this show are Xbox fanboys with your "Get your heads out of your XBOX" comment, I am here to inform you you are wrong. In fact, most listeners own PS2 because this used to be a music video game station, and most music video games are on PS2 (Guitar Hero, DDR etc.). Also, skie used to be a huge PS2 fan and thought Xbox was going to fail, though he owns both a 360 and a Xbox now. LOKI doesn't even have a Xbox, but owns a 360. And I think DarkSakura owns every console known to man. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only listener who doesn't own a PS2.
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Postby Graywulf » Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:00 pm

thanks for the reply I am wrong for the XBOX comment I still till this day do not see a reason for an XBOX other than to give Sony competition and keep them from becoming more of a monster than they are now.

I do understand Sony is going allittle too far like the PSP when they released that at a high price and I didnt buy that untill just this last christmas.

I stay away from unnecesary spending allthough I have bought just about every system except the XBOX, DS lite, 360 or the Gboy SP. other than that ive had all the other systems. When I say unnecesary spending I am referring to games that are not worth the price of admission.

I use to rent my games before I bought them and if I could play a game on my system there was no need to buy another to play the same game with only slightly better graphics.

Getting back to Sony might be going allittle far for people by going as far as making a PC with architecture that it has as well as XBOX 360 has both are far better than PCs in the long term for gaming.

Perhaps people cant adjust to having everything but iI do applaud Sony for giving it there all to create awsome hardware.

I personnally work at RadioShack for over 3 years now and have been gaming for over 20 years, and as far as paying 600 for a BD player that might not exist in the future is not verry likely no more so than the people that allready paid twice that amount for a HD-DVD allready.

I have spoken to hundreds of people and I have found alot of people allready ready to pay for the PS3 most likely cause they allready bought a PS2 and had a verry good experience without problems.

I myself have had 3 PS1 machines and 3 PS2 machines each lasted over a year but mainly it was because I had let my son get a hold of them so the center rings allways were broken.

well we shall see but if you need me to find out anything else from customers who spend outrageous amounts of money on electronics let me know.
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Postby Eddy » Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:02 pm

First off, you got the prices wrong. The Blu-Ray Player made by Samsung, which is the only one out right now, is $1200. The two HD-DVD players, made by Toshiba, cost $600. So Blu-Ray costs twice as much as HD-DVD, not the other way around.

As for the reason to own a Xbox, it is the same reason why you would want to own a PS2. THE GAMES. See, a lot of the people on this forum own a PS2. Why? Guitar Hero, DDR, Rez, Guitar Freaks, Beatmania, etc. etc. Now with the exception of DDR, the above listed games are all PS2 exclusives. Not to set racial steoreotypes here, but you might say the PS2 caters to a more Japanese game oriented crowd.

As for the Xbox, it targets a whole different market than than the PS2 does. Xbox targets people in the ages ~30-45, GameCube targets the ~7-17 crowd, while PS2 targets the ~15-28 crowd. Not saying that people outside those age ranges can't get a PS2 or Xbox, It is just Sony and Microsoft's target audience.

Xbox caters to the more "American" style of gamer. FPS, Sports, and action adventure/RPG games suits their taste. Obviously, most of the sports titles are not really the ones that will push you over the edge in you decision of which console to get, since they are multiplatform. But if say Madden became exclusive to 360, you bet that more people are going to buy a 360 than a PS3 in the US, since Madden is the only NFL game out there. But the games that will make people buy a Xbox are games like Halo, which I'm not a big fan of, but it is agreeded upon by most of the world that is the best FPS avialable on a console and the best online FPS experience on a console in the case of Halo 2. Fable, while not a spetacular game and fell short of even its developer's expectations, definately sold a lot of Xbox units.

In the console wars, what it really boils down to is how many spetacular, game of the year-winning exclusives you have. In the PS-N64-DC era, for example. What made PS win? Final Fantasy, Grand Turismo, Metal Gear, and so on and so forth. And another interesting tidbit from that era; everyone was suspicious of Sony's foray into videogames, and everyone thought the N64 was going to be the winner once more this time around, just like in the days of Genesis and the like. However, it turned out that Sony had been able to make itself a name in the games industry, and now, they have become the standard. So who knows, maybe Microsoft will come out on top, just like Sony did back in the day. Granted, the Xbox didn't make as much of a stir as the PS1 did back in the day, but this generation I believe is going to crown a new king, whether it will be Nintendo or Microsoft. Or it might just be that the PS3 comes out on top again. We won't know for certain until the PS3 and the Wii comes out.

Anyway, I got a little sidetracked there. I was talking about exclusives. What sold so many PS2 units? GTA, Grand Turismo, Devil May Cry, Metal Gear and the like. What sold Xbox units? DoA, Ninja Gaiden, Fable, PGR, Splinter Cell (yes, I realize this isn't exclusive, but the other console versions just can't compare.), Halo etc.

This time around, Sony has lost so many "must buy" exclusives, while Microsoft's list of exclusives continues to grow. And the Wii? Well, lets just not count them since their exclusives are like in the hundreds. :roll: Some examples of no-longer-exclusive IPs include Armored Core, GTA, Devil May Cry, WWE Smackdown (in fact there isn't going to be a PS3 version this year). And the beat out ones include SOCOM (beat by GRAW on 360. the PS2 and Xbox versions are crap.) Tekken (DoA just plain out beats it. Still no online mode for Tekken, while DoA has had it fr 2 games already. And I'll bet there isn't a Tekken Xtreme Beach Volleyball :lol: ).

In a way, I see PS3 making some of the mistakes N64 made in its time. Expensive development cost, lack of lots third party surpport (Developers surpported the PS2 for so long because for a while it was the most powerful console and the only console out there, until the GameCube launched.) And a format most developers don't want to switch too. In fact, many developers think the DVD-9 is more than adequate. I mean, if Oblivion can fit on a 9-gig disk, what do you need 25 gigs for? And for that matter, some non-PS fanboy consumers might not want to switch either, depending on the price. Kaz Hurai said that he "expects" PS3 games to be under $100, but said people shouldn't "ding" him if they happen to be above $60, whatever ding means. Which means that PS3 games could cost as little as $50 (not likely, like a 0.0001% chance) or more likely, the $70-80 range. Heck, the games could be $90 dollars for all we know.

I guess what I'm trying to say with all this is that while there is a chance that Sony might reign supreme once more, all the evidence is kinda pointing towards "no" right now. And even more so if the Wii does indeed launch before PS3. It would be bleek for Sony indeed if that was so. After all, consumers who spends $600 based on brand loyalty has to be a smaller percentage than smart consumers who base their decisions on cold, hard facts.

Anyway, thanks to all who cared enough to read my rambling. I realize that it might not have been the most exiting of posts, so you get a cookie for reading all this. :wink:
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Postby Graywulf » Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:50 pm

Oh yeah your right on that part the HD-DVD was a cheaper way to go for the industry make more money off of people with tech that doesnt need to be re invented.

although I am almost 40 myself I dont see how XBOX was made for me sorry to say so but its not.

and for my part and all that will be waiting to get a PS3. Why settle for second best this ime around. The last time it was XBOX with better hardware and tons of stuff to add on to it just to soak you for as much as M$ could get from you thats what I seen when I allready had a PS2 with all the games that are commng out for XBOX today....

What the Japaneese have is talent for games that only happens from taking chances that if arogant american press criticts would have a field day with stating how stupid Japaneese honor talent even if some of it is lame they just dont buy it.
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Postby Eddy » Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:55 am

I didn't say that the Xbox was made for YOU. There are tons of people who doesn't like the Xbox in the 35-40 age range, but that's the Xbox's target market and most Xbox owners are indeed in that price range. A console can't please every single gamer. There are always people who doesn't like a console for one reason or another.

Also, if you are implying that Xbox games are just old PS2 games remade, i'm afraid you are wrong. The only multi-platform game that launched earlier on the PS2 than the Xbox was the GTA series, and that's it. All the rest of the multi-platform games lanuched at the same time on both consoles.

Lastly, the PS3 isn't that much better than the 360. Sure, the PS3 has 7 processors, but as a programmer, I know for a fact that programming across several proccessors is very difficult. Even companies with vast amount of resources have only bothered to program across 3 of the 7 proccessors on the PS3. (My uncle works at a major development studio, I won't say which though.) So in terms of general (used in games) proccessing power, the 360 is actually better, while the PS3 is better at Floating Point proccessing. Also, the GPU on the 360 is actually better than the one on the PS3, being able to render images at a much faster rate than the PS3's GPU. Also, the PS3's hard drive is not upgradable, unlike the 360's. The 20G version does not have a HDMI port, which means that it won't be able to display 1080p images, so it doesn't look any sharper than the 360. You'd have to buy a 60G version for there to be a difference in resolution with the 360. And even then, you'd have to have a $1600+ 1080p HDTV for it to actually work.

So you see, in terms of hardware, the PS3 isn't much better than the 360. And if you read my last post all the way through, you'd see that the software isn't much better either.

While I probably can't change your mind on buying a PS3, and I absolutely respect your opinion if you wish t do so. I must inform you that from a consumer and business (I study business in school.) standpoint, it isn't looking to good for the PS3.

But I'm just 16-year old punk-ass kid, what do I know? :wink:
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Postby Graywulf » Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:03 pm

To start just want to say your verry smart and well read. And I am not trying to sell you a PS3 either or change your mind about the XBOX 360.

But on the other statements your not convincing me how XBOX will beat the PS3 in performance I have proggrammed in a few languages myself.

And apparently there is a compiler that fits the needs of a multiprocessing device and as far as having a multiprocessor for games it is exactly the kind of device to do the job for todays gaming needs.

My reference to games that I could play on Playstation and where XBOX gets the same game were mostly the sports titles of course you see there were several games that came out on both systems and some like GTA are now comming on XBOX perhaps Residant evil and Devil may cry will follow but anyhow it does not concern me too much as to what rights XBOX needs to stay in the game.

And as far as buisness Sony is big buisness and losses are common and just a note I have had people allready asking me here at radioshack if we have a waiting list or pre order for PS3 so not sure where you are comming at with the buisness outlook report that you have.
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