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Orange Lounge Radio Episode 183 5/7/06

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Orange Lounge Radio Episode 183 5/7/06

Postby skie » Sun May 07, 2006 11:12 pm

E3ONPSP.COM ... Wii Trademark Official... Wii getting Spiderman 3, Blitz & Metal Slug... Oblivion gets the rating changed due to a hack... Next Call of Duty game... Gamecube price drop... Seattle named top gaming city in the nation... HOTPXL... Xbox Live gets Messaging Upgrade... Nintendo World Store to stream E3 press conference.. PS3 controller to be unvieled at E3?... Sega at E3... Lego Star Wars... Games on the Sopranos, Scarface and Reservoir dogs... and more!

Note: Part B will actually be up a little earlier than usual, to make way for the special E3 podcasts this week.
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Postby skie » Sun May 07, 2006 11:28 pm

Well I screwed up and left one of our false starts in there, if you were lucky enough to grab it in the 15 minute window before I caught it, consider yourself lucky :P
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Postby sephiroth1215 » Mon May 08, 2006 12:22 am

Sorry to all you people that listen to part B for wasting time on the skype. I had a big list of things to say about superNOVA that I wanted to say very quickly but I realized when I started that I couldn't do it in enough time so I froze up and gave up (pressure got to me). I will be posting my list over in the forum when I have time to, mostly good things and very few bad :)
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Postby YURILOVER » Mon May 08, 2006 2:45 am

My first time listening to the live show and I get announced on air! w00t. ^^
Click All Zig.
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Fake Hype

Postby robbway » Mon May 08, 2006 6:12 am

:lol: Joke follows....

Microsoft announced they have just begun development on their previously code-named Nextbox 9. "Previously" means they have already picked their system name.

The name is Pupii.

MS PR Rep, John "The Scatman" Curruthers, says the name evokes many thoughts:

1) The Pupii encourages learning, because it is similar to the word "Pupil." With the emphasis these days on "brain games" and puzzles, the Pupii is as easy as sitting down and pulling out the newspaper.

2) The Pupii represents life, as the pronunciation is similar to "Pupa." Like a butterfly being born, controlling the Pupii is the first step towards adulthood.

3) The Pupii brings everyone together. Hence the two "i"s. Everyone Pupiis.

4) The Pupii is 'Xbox360 No. 2." That was such an unweildy name, and frankly, it sounded like crap. The Pupii means that Xbox movement is in the right direction. The two "i"s again evoke the Roman Numeral II. The deuce is wild, man.

5) Pupii is cuddly. Starting with "pup" and almost sounding like "puppy," it will make you want to play with Pupii every day.

6) Pupii makes you feel better. At the center of Pupii is the word "up." The innovative control scheme means sometimes you will Pupii standing, sometimes you will Pupii sitting, and you can even Pupii squatting! Pupii eliminates dull gaming.

7) Pupii is also a household word. Since our decision to make our Pupii public, everyone knows about it. It's just nature taking its course.

8 ) Pupii is intricate. With the word "pi" in the name, Pupii can be as easy as pie, or as intricate as Pi. Pupii doesn't stop at 3.14, it's 128-bit processing allows numbers 3.141592, and Pupii goes way beyond number 2.

9) Pupii is an easy clean-up. When you're done Pupiing, stand up, stretch and use the convenient controller locks on the system itself. Then you're ready to wipe the screen blank and go outside for some more exercise.

Pupii is, Pupii will be, so Pupii happens.

End of Joke :lol:
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Postby krispykreme » Mon May 08, 2006 2:10 pm

My brother would like to know if there is going to be anything spore related at E3.
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Postby ssj100matt » Tue May 09, 2006 1:08 pm

krispykreme wrote:My brother would like to know if there is going to be anything spore related at E3.

yeah im wondering what the requirments are for that game...

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