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Xbox 360 Questions (Memory related)?

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Xbox 360 Questions (Memory related)?

Postby zoobidubi123 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:19 pm

Since Gears of War came out, I have really wanted to purchase an Xbox 360. However, the price of the premium package is slightly too expensive for me. I was considering buying the core package, and eventually buying either a memory card (even though the price is a rip off) or a hard drive. I have been considering buying that off ebay.

However, I would like Xbox Live, and game saves to fit, so I was just curious how much space an Xbox Live account takes up, and if it is feasable to play Xbox Live without the hard drive.
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Re: Xbox 360 Questions (Memory related)?

Postby ssj100matt » Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:04 am

Yeah you need a Hard Drive... Not just for XBL but for any games itself... Most of the games you will be playing require patches or DLC, all of which are larger than any memory card out there... There are no 3rd party Hard Drive solutions out there (that can run XBL) for the 360 nor will there be... I would say just save up a little more and get the premium package or just get the core and a HD separate...

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