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Revenge of the Nerds remake in the works

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Revenge of the Nerds remake in the works

Postby ssj100matt » Mon May 01, 2006 9:47 pm

Considering no one in Hollywood can come up with an original idea anymore (except for a few) we all knew this was going to happen... Well according to many sources including Variety, Slashdot, and IMDB the 1984 comedy classic will be remade... Now i heard about this about a year and a half ago but they are very close to shooting this... CNN says as early as this Summer...

Apparently this will be a nightmarish Production collaboration between MTV Films and the people who brought us The OC... Yes eventhough Producers dont physically make the movie but they do influence how the movie will be made (IE hiring directors that think the same as them)... The one good thing that i like is that they hired a few writers from the guys who wrote Freaks and Geeks and Just Shoot Me... I wasent a fan of Just Shoot me but i liked Freaks and Geeks...

Anyways no word on who's in it or who the Director is but a couple of the cast members from the original have been contacted to make small cameos in this version but no word on who will be in it... But all i hope for is that the producers dont make this into a Laguna Beach (most idiotic show on the planet) with nerds in it type of movie because i would just change my career if they did that... Im hoping to see some Gaming and internet pop culture incorperated into this remake some how... If they do it right it can be good... Anyways... Comments? Thoughts on what type of things should be in it?...

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Postby Illusion » Tue May 02, 2006 1:10 pm

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Postby YURILOVER » Fri May 05, 2006 1:07 pm

Click All Zig.
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