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Educational Video Games

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Educational Video Games

Postby AzNbuddypaul » Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:21 pm

Hey OLR,
I just encountered an article talking about current developments on educational video games and how professors are continuing to take them seriously as fundamental learning tools. What do you guys think? Will we see real great educational -and- fun video games popping up in schools in several years? I mean not just the classics in elementary school like Word Muncher (hell yes) but like some similar to the ones stated in the article. Maybe like some video games that teach english to non-native speakers to get them up to speed and maybe even switchable to popular studied foreign languages, japanese, french, spanish, chinese, just to name a few. I think it'd be great. As for real-life scenario games involving ethics and real life situations like "firing someone" and tough decisions, I'm slightly skeptical but I could see them put into intriguing action/adventure games. Sex Education the video game XD. Anyway, just asking what you guys think. ... Education/

As always much love,
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