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What podcasts do you listen to?

Postby lordkaosu » Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:56 am

Besides OLR of course. I'm trying to find some good ones and looking for recommendations.
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Postby lordkaosu » Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:23 am

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Postby skie » Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:45 am

I know this is going to sound awful, but I don't really listen to other video game podcasts. I'm not going to lie, I've dropped in on an episode here and there, especially if a listener told me the podcaster was talking about us ;) LOL... but honestly it's just so difficult when you do essentially 6 hours of game-related radio a week (3 on sunday, 1 for podcast, 2 for wednesdays show) to listen to other shows regularly, because it's a really really weird feeling to hear other people talk about the same stuff you did. That all being said though I totally support other independent video game podcasters out there, because I know first hand it takes a crap load of effort to put a solid podcast together, and I'm not going to knock another program just because maybe they play different games than we do, or have a different attitude on how they approach it. Great, it can cater to a different audience. I don't think we'll ever be the "" show in listeners, and I'm really truly OK with that because we have our little nitche, and have a wonderful fanbase that fits in with it.

OK I got off topic :) Some other podcasts I've tuned into are the new music podcast on iTunes, Answer Bitch (it's corporate, being done by E television, but kind of interesting), Feast of Fools (a gay couple in chicago that's campy fun... I know we don't talk about my sexuality a lot on the podcast because it has nothing to do with games at all but it's not exactly a big secret either that I'm gay, so I like hearing & supporting some of the gay-oriented shows once in a while), Midiheads cast (even though it's few and far between) and often times just random crap I find on iTunes, i'll grab episodes here and there. I like a lot of pop culture and entertainment stuff...
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Postby VxJasonxV » Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:50 am

Various tech podcasts, and various Air America radio podcasts. Most notably, the Al Franken show podcast.

I wish I could catch his TV airing on Sundance though :-\.
Much less his show on AAR itself.
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Postby Guest » Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:39 pm

In order of preference:

The Retrocast
Gaming Steven


Postby lordkaosu » Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:26 am

skie wrote:I know this is going to sound awful, but I don't really listen to other video game podcasts. I'm not going to lie, I've dropped in on an episode here and there, especially if a listener told me the podcaster was talking about us ;) LOL... but honestly it's just so difficult when you do essentially 6 hours of game-related radio a week (3 on sunday, 1 for podcast, 2 for wednesdays show) to listen to other shows regularly, because it's a really really weird feeling to hear other people talk about the same stuff you did. That all being said though I totally support other independent video game podcasters out there, because I know first hand it takes a crap load of effort to put a solid podcast together, and I'm not going to knock another program just because maybe they play different games than we do, or have a different attitude on how they approach it. Great, it can cater to a different audience. I don't think we'll ever be the "" show in listeners, and I'm really truly OK with that because we have our little nitche, and have a wonderful fanbase that fits in with it.

OK I got off topic :) Some other podcasts I've tuned into are the new music podcast on iTunes, Answer Bitch (it's corporate, being done by E television, but kind of interesting), Feast of Fools (a gay couple in chicago that's campy fun... I know we don't talk about my sexuality a lot on the podcast because it has nothing to do with games at all but it's not exactly a big secret either that I'm gay, so I like hearing & supporting some of the gay-oriented shows once in a while), Midiheads cast (even though it's few and far between) and often times just random crap I find on iTunes, i'll grab episodes here and there. I like a lot of pop culture and entertainment stuff...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not just aimlessly trying to knock others pocasting, it's just more of a way to catagorize what I like and recommendations. With my current school situation, I do around 10hrs of commuting per week(and unlike CA, that time isn't being stuck in traffic..heh). I really don't like the radio, so I try and find other things to kill the time a bit. I think I'm done on game news though, funny thing is I'm just not hugely into games. I don't even play bemani games anymore, still love OLR for some reason, both the 3hr show and the podcast. I used to play DDR and Martial Beat at least so I'm a tad familiar with bemani. I think my wife has the first Karaoke Revolution as well, but I never got into that one.

Although those few I listed in the "bad" section I really don't feel like they put much effort into it. Maybe they tried, but they are pretty crappy. I'm actually more of an anime fan then game fan as well so I keep trying to find a good anime related pocast. So far, no luck. It seems there are much better game oriented podcasts out there. It really shows how popular games are nowdays.

I had no idea you were gay, you should have said so on the show!!...ok, not really. I should give that gay show a whirl, my wife loves the campy gay fun.
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Postby skie » Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:47 am

Sorry Kaosu I wasn't like trying to counter what you said or anything, LOL. You're right-- it's kind of sad because some podcasts are really poorly put together. The people may have good intentions but people need to remember that radio is more than just you talking into a microphone and radio stations are more than just you putting mp3s on shuffle all day long. So I applaud those podcasters that take the effort to "package" their stuff as a show, of which I've been fairly lucky in that most things I've checked out have been well packaged (for instance, all the gaming podcasts that we were nominated with in the podcast awards are obviously all labors of love and i support them)

But it's an interesting dichotomy here because podcasting doesn't HAVE to be about polished shows... technically if i wanted to make an audio blog of nothing but cell phone rants i make at midnight when i'm upset, that's technically a podcast, and I could even get listed in apple's store. I think therein lies the key difference between an "audioblog" and a "podcast" but noone has really stepped up ever to clearly define the difference, I think. iTunes certianly doesn't help differentiate but who can blame them, if they were to start saying "this isn't really a shooow" then people would be pissed, LOL.

Soooo, that's why we rely on word of mouth so, so heavily to get the word out about us. iTunes featured 16 gaming podcasts on the front page of their store this week and we're not one of them. Doesn't matter we were probably one of the first 16 out there overall, the market is so crowded now with commercial gaming portals and gaming companies and very well-produced indie shows in the mix, there's probably about 100 gaming podcasts out there now. So I can't really fault iTunes for not listing us although I have to admit I'm a little saddened that they didn't mix it up a little bit more from what they've listed previously. However, we have been featured on iTunes before not as a gaming show but as an "interesting indie" show so I can't really complain too much, LOL. Yeah so anyway, the show is tricky to promote in such a crowded market. We can only do what we enjoy doing on the show and hope that someone enjoys it :)

Wow that was a really bloated response, LOL sorry. A lot of this is rambiling ^^

edit: oh and I forgot to respond to one part of this, LOL my bad... if you listen to enough 3 hour shows, the gay topic does come up once in a while, i'm sure it did after E3 and all the booth babes, LOL... but because our podcast is all about games it hasn't really come up. It might someday *shrug*
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Postby lordkaosu » Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:32 pm

I actually found your podcast in itunes. Although I just did a search for games or video game or some such thing to bring up items. I actually didn't try to find some sort of specific section for it. To note, that crappy podcast "I Like Anime" that's just 12 year old kids whining and cussing(did I just describe Halo 2 on Live?... :P ) is on the front page. And you folks aren't? Go figure, oh well.

I've only heard 3 of the live shows so far(161-163) so I haven't heard anything mentioned. I wasn't really serious about just blatantly announcing it on the show, there's no sense in that. Probably about as much sense as LOKI just coming on and announcing how much he likes boobs on a gaming show.
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Postby lordkaosu » Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:26 pm

Added Weekly Anime Review, went through them today. It's a good anime podcast that will most likely improve(only 8 eps out so far).
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Re: What podcasts do you listen to?

Postby lordkaosu » Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:37 pm

Josh In Japan (good stuff, just some guy in the Navy stationed in Japan giving info about living in Japan. On paper, it sounds boring. I was surprised at just how much I enjoyed his podcast though, a real winner. Thanks to Weekly Anime for plugging his podcast so I could discover it)
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Postby Guest » Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:43 am

PC Engine City A UK podcast mostly playing video game soundtracks from the PC Engine (the Japanese version of the Turbo Grafx)


Postby lordkaosu » Wed Nov 16, 2005 7:57 pm

That seems like it would definately be worth checking out, I love the PCE/TG16. Only recently did I finally decide to sell off my large collection of it.
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Postby RandomSegaFanboy » Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:16 pm

Rangercast (I started it, actually, so this is a shameless plug)
Major Nelson Radio
This Week In Tech
The Chris Pirillo Show
Anime Today ('s show)
Infected by Martin Sargent
R5 Central
Slate Magazine
No Pink Spandex
The Official LOST Podcast
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Postby lordkaosu » Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:28 pm

I've got some more to add to my list:

Otaku Generation - I was hooked on this from ep.1, that hasn't happened since OLR. I would actually say this is as good for anime(and some other news) as OLR is for games(as well as other tidbits). Great crew, podcast runs about 1hr 20min so it's fairly long. I'm only up to ep 6 so far, but it's worth checking out.

(more to come, I got busy at work)
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Postby gs191 » Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:05 pm

Buzz Out Loud from CNET
Diggnation (Video) (Video)
Inside The Net
X-Play's Video Podcast
Systm (Videos)
The Endgadget Podcast
Lonely Planet Travelcasts
KFI Tech Guy
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