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Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby DarkTetsuya » Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:14 pm

<gs68> /nick [NICKNAME]
<gs68> if you actually change your nickname to "[NICKNAME]" I will slap you.
* UnfoldedRaptor is now known as [NICKNAME]
* gs68 slaps [NICKNAME] around a bit with a large trout
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby DarkTetsuya » Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:27 pm

<ssj100matt> Jon: I see your going the asshole route in Fallout
<DarkTetsuya> misty: I know rite?
<Misty> yus
<Misty> i'm having a little trouble deciding.... g33k b33r or cherry bawls? ^^;
<DarkTetsuya> g33k b33r :D
<Misty> ooh, or i could thinkgeek the b33r and maybe get a few cherry cans off a different site... i think i remember froogling one that had individual cans for sale in addition to cases
<gs68> iah
<gs68> ... =18&flip=1
<gs68> now, someone make smoooochroll
<Bresslol> how am i going the asshole route
<ssj100matt> did you blow up the town?
<Bresslol> no
<Bresslol> i disarmed the bomb
<ssj100matt> i thought you got the achievement for it
<ssj100matt> nm then
<ssj100matt> why are you not going the asshole route
<Bresslol> thats what second playthroughs are for
<Bresslol> first run i go on my gut with dialogue and such
<Misty> I fucking hate DHL. next time i order from newegg i need to remember that's what their egg saver shipping is
<ssj100matt> how is your gut not the asshole route is the real question :P
<Misty> ^this ^^; lol
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby act_deft » Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:46 pm

[17:34] <TigerClaw> would redirect to the OLR JTV page
[17:34] * Misty likes that idea :D
[17:34] <TigerClaw> instead of typing
[17:34] <ssj100matt|Sick> Radio show first plz
[17:35] <act-deft> Tiger, that's what I said <_<
[17:35] <ssj100matt|Sick> actually T-shirts first plz
[17:35] <Misty> ^this
[17:35] <Misty> but it's still an idea
[17:35] <TigerClaw> Yeah, Its all about the merchandising
[17:35] <TigerClaw> OLR The Lunchbox
[17:35] <TigerClaw> OLR The Flamthrower
[17:35] <act-deft> OLR Game!
[17:35] <act-deft> OLR Movie!
[17:35] <TigerClaw> OLR: The Animated Series
[17:36] <act-deft> OLR the Movie: The Game!
[17:36] <Friz-Bee> OL2R
[17:36] <TigerClaw> Then we have.
[17:36] <TigerClaw> OLR 2: Electric Boogaloo
[17:37] <act-deft> OLR: The Series.
[17:37] <RobRoberts> o_o
[17:37] <act-deft> OLR Apparel
[17:37] <act-deft> XD
[17:37] <ssj100matt|Sick> OLR: The running joke book :P
[17:37] <RobRoberts> Orange Lounge Hoodie-o
[17:37] <TigerClaw> OLR The Breakfast Cereal
[17:37] <TigerClaw> What would the shapes of the flakes be?
[17:38] <act-deft> Tiger, O-shaped
[17:38] <Hendersonman77> OLR the Darksakura chronicles
[17:38] <Friz-Bee> OLRios
[17:38] <ssj100matt|Sick> Xtofer-O's
[17:38] * Dj_darkknight has joined #orangelounge
[17:38] <act-deft> and they should be orange.
[17:38] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Dj_darkknight
[17:39] <TigerClaw> true
[17:39] <act-deft> Orange Lounge Cereal! It's a part of a complete breakfast!
[17:40] <TigerClaw> Therrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre! Greeeeaaaaaaaaat!
[17:40] <RobRoberts> orange lounge oranges. real california oranges
[17:41] <act-deft> Orange Lounge Radio Figures!
[17:41] <act-deft> DarkSakura with real FU flipping action!
[17:41] <TigerClaw> OLR the Comic book

No, MGS4 isn't coming to the 360. Never was, never will.
If I'm mistaken, Ranma gets a free copy of it. =P
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby DarkTetsuya » Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:55 pm

<ssj100matt|Lets_Go_Rangers> 4-0 but you only seem to remind me that when they win
<Dj_darkknight> same with u lol
<ssj100matt|Lets_Go_Rangers> just sayian
<DarkTetsuya> just saiyan?
<Misty> *facepalm*
<ssj100matt|Lets_Go_Rangers> yes just super sayian
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby DarkTetsuya » Tue May 12, 2009 6:42 pm

<Misty_> -
<DarkTetsuya> *picks up the -* I think ya dropped this :P
<Misty_> lol, i dun rly needs it tho
<DarkTetsuya> so I can keep it then? XD
<Misty_> if u must
<DarkTetsuya> ok *sticks it in his pocket* well I don't *have* to, but if you say so
* SakuraMaxX steals - from DT's pocket
<DarkTetsuya> wtff
<SakuraMaxX> no idea :P
* SakuraMaxX stares at it
<DarkTetsuya> well can I have it back? :D
<SakuraMaxX> After I finish looking at it
<DarkTetsuya> ok XD
* SakuraMaxX hits it against the wall
<SakuraMaxX> Nothing happen?
<DarkTetsuya> well no its just a -
* SakuraMaxX tosses it back to DT
<SakuraMaxX> Boring -_-
<DarkTetsuya> thx
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby ssj100matt » Sun May 31, 2009 7:15 pm

<ssj100matt> Sony DROP THE BOMB by leaking the PSP GO. Too bad its not worth my BOOM BOOM DOLLAR. If they added a touchscreen then it would be END OF THE CENTURY and a HAPPY WEDDING.
<act-deft|TUZOS> Matt just won chat.

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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby gs68 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:49 pm

<Giove_Dea> cock vs garbage disposal...GO!
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby DarkTetsuya » Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:32 pm

Drewnami Your best friend asks you to buy him a bull. So, you buy a bull for him and you have $1.00 left. You are about to call him to tell him you got the bull, but there is a blackout. Your only option is to mail it to him, but the post office is crazy and charges you $1.00 per word in your letter.
17:28 Drewnami Assuming you cannot deliver the bull to him and you do not wait until the blackout is over, what do you write to your friend?
17:28 DarkTetsuya idk
17:28 Drewnami Comfortable.
17:29 Drewnami
17:29 DarkTetsuya throws tomatoes
17:29 DarkTetsuya *facepalm*

... seven years later and he still has that damn joke book.
OLRmy since 6/23/2002!
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby DarkTetsuya » Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:37 pm

17:25 TigerClaw An all guys show
17:25 DarkTetsuya ya rly
17:25 RobRoberts yes all men *man grunt*
17:25 TigerClaw hahah
17:26 RobRoberts i was at red robin eating lunch today and they were actually re-running home improvement D
17:26 RobRoberts XD
17:26 Ranma|laptop oh hay rob!
17:26 TigerClaw Are you still in Darksakura's place?
17:26 Ranma|laptop what, no rice princess or intern drew?
17:27 DarkTetsuya guess not :(
17:27 therobd What time is it, RobRoberts?
17:27 RobRoberts yes it is scary because we are at DS's place even though she's not here
17:27 RobRoberts we broke in
17:27 RobRoberts jk
17:27 RobRoberts 5:@7
17:27 RobRoberts 27
17:27 therobd TOOL TIME
17:27 DarkTetsuya XD
17:27 Ranma|laptop will dan be on the show?
17:27 RobRoberts HAHAHAHAHHA i fail
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby DarkTetsuya » Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:08 pm

(No I don't know either....)

GoldAnthro USL 4.0 50 EPISODES! 50 MORE!
22:33 Ray_Ayanami CAWKS..
22:33 Ray_Ayanami er
22:33 Ray_Ayanami CAWKS.
22:33 act-deft Sonic fanfics... ew...
22:33 Friz-Bee also Baraks...
22:34 act-deft 50 episodes and going strong.
22:34 act-deft Also crocks
22:34 act-deft Also Box
22:34 act-deft Also Fox
22:34 DarkTetsuya also socks
22:34 Loogaroo Also, Botox.
22:34 act-deft Also locks
22:34 Friz-Bee Also Fort Knox
22:34 GoldAnthro peace out guys. night
22:34 act-deft Also knoks
22:34 act-deft knocks
22:35 akeripper KNULLA KNULLA
22:35 Friz-Bee Flocks
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby ryc3 » Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:22 pm

[07:16pm] <ryc3> rawr
[07:16pm] <AzureEdge> Man I want a 360 still.
[07:16pm] <AzureEdge> Oh hey
[07:16pm] <ryc3> ohai
[07:16pm] <AzureEdge> Either a 360 or netbook. 360 is going to cost me more, sadly...
[07:16pm] <AzureEdge> So screw the 360, I want a netbook :D
[07:16pm] <ryc3> I don't care for the 360
[07:17pm] <AzureEdge> It's starting to become lower priority for me
[07:17pm] <AzureEdge> I just need to figure out what to do about my TV issue, and I'll just play a ton of PS2
[07:17pm] <AzureEdge> Still needs the Persona 3.
[07:18pm] <ryc3> You realize that look like French to me right?
[07:18pm] <AzureEdge> o_O
[07:18pm] <AzureEdge> o_O??
[07:19pm] <ryc3> ... I have no idea what are you talking about.
[07:19pm] <ryc3> :P
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby DarkTetsuya » Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:04 pm

18:48 *** DJMorpheus joined #orangelounge
18:48 +++ ChanServ has given op to DJMorpheus
18:49 TigerClaw Sup Travis
18:49 Ranma|laptop Travis, sup crcka
18:49 Misty oshi
18:49 DJMorpheus hey
18:49 TigerClaw Plan on doing a little tribute for John Hughes?
18:49 Ranma|laptop he better
18:49 DJMorpheus no not really
18:49 DarkTetsuya at least play 'don't you forget about me' at some point :P
18:49 DJMorpheus no not really
18:49 TigerClaw Im sure it will probably be in the taste test
18:50 DJMorpheus no not really
18:52 TigerClaw I'm sure you guys will mention which john hughes movie is your favorite
18:52 TigerClaw the most
18:52 DarkTetsuya no not really
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby DarkTetsuya » Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:21 pm

17:02 Ranma|laptop Y'know...
17:03 Ranma|laptop After listening to USL! Classics, I can never look at Rob with a straight face ever again.

(<3 rob ^^;)
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby act_deft » Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:45 pm

<act-deft> is there gonna be a USL tonight?
<@DarkTetsuya> fuck if I know :P
* Bresslol has joined #orangelounge
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Bresslol
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<@Bresslol> Sir
<act-deft> Well, speaking of the devil...
<+Friz-Bee> I guess that awansers your question
<@Bresslol> >:D

No, MGS4 isn't coming to the 360. Never was, never will.
If I'm mistaken, Ranma gets a free copy of it. =P
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Re: Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Postby Misty » Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:46 pm

[21:32:59] <ssj100matt> So wait... If pee is sterile how could one die in an ocean of piss aside from drowning?
[21:33:15] <therobd> If the piss were boiled, you could die of piss scalding.
[21:33:17] <gs68> Yu Suzuki and Sega AM2.
[21:33:18] <gs68> Win.
[21:33:18] <Ranma> urine doesn't have the proper nutrients.
[21:33:20] <act-deft> matt, probably only drowning.
[21:33:24] * AmazedSastsuma remember playing this on thhe dreamcast via Shenmue
[21:33:26] <therobd> Or your skin would boil in the ocean of piss.
[21:33:39] * gs68 shoots therobd with a big yellow shot
[21:33:43] <skie> <3
[21:33:45] <therobd> Stop pissing on me, gs68!
[21:33:46] <Misty> somebody ninja'd behind you and attacked you which is why you drowned in the ocean of piss XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddddddd
[21:33:49] <XLINK> Skie is being pissy tonight. lol
[21:34:10] * Ranma is now known as Jesus_C
[21:34:19] <Jesus_C> skie, it's okay. I'm cool with it.
[21:34:27] <gs68> Planet Harrier was ass.
[21:34:27] <XLINK> Yo JC in the house!!
[21:34:31] <gs68> er, is ass.
[21:34:38] <skie> oh JC, you're so forgiving <3
[21:34:39] * Misty XDs and applauds
[21:34:40] <ssj100matt> Jesus, Moses and half of the apostles...
[21:34:46] <skie> p.s. how do you feel about homosexuality
[21:34:47] <Jesus_C> XLINK: Sup
[21:34:48] <therobd> You know what my favorite secret organization is from a video game?
[21:34:49] <gs68> AAAAHHHHHHHHH
[21:34:49] <therobd> SCAT
[21:34:50] <gs68> GET READY
[21:34:52] <therobd> From NIght Trap.
[21:34:53] <act-deft> I have a friend called Jesus, he's a Jehova's Witness
[21:34:53] <therobd> Yeah.
[21:34:54] <therobd> SCAT
[21:34:54] <Friz-Bee> Mommy, wow! I'm a Nintendo kid now!
[21:34:57] <Giove_Dea> if you get stung by a jelly fish you can pee on it to take away the stinging
[21:34:57] <ssj100matt> Wasn't OLR and USL born on nasty stuff? :P
[21:35:08] <Jesus_C> skie: I'm cool with it. The question is... Are you? :)
[21:35:12] <Misty> XDDDDDDDDDDDD
[21:35:20] <therobd> Are you going to cover that one Final Fantasy fighting game?
[21:35:21] <therobd> Pissidia?
[21:35:23] <XLINK> JC: Is is ture the the Earth will come to the end in 2012? If so, how??
[21:35:25] <Giove_Dea> Also...the biggest pee joke.........waterworld
[21:35:25] <AmazedSastsuma> robd: he can't help it, the gs in gs68 stand for golden shower
[21:35:32] <therobd> AmazedSastsuma++
[21:35:33] <gs68> gah, more "gs" jokes
[21:35:43] <Misty> less music more pew pew :p
[21:35:43] * gs68 executes a NAME CHANGE!
[21:35:46] * gs68 is now known as Ray_Ayanami
[21:35:57] <act-deft> gs, don't be pissy about it
[21:36:03] <skie> note: we have ONE twitter topic so far *hint hint*
[21:36:07] <ssj100matt> Giove_dea: what about Golden Sun?
[21:36:23] <Misty> sorry been distracted by heroes and beatles rb ^^;
[21:36:29] <Ray_Ayanami> skie: not enough details on T*tr*s TGM4 yet! besides screenshots
[21:36:37] <Ray_Ayanami> which got shown this week
[21:37:02] <SalaciousPop> i dont know if this counts as retro news, but Sega announced an HD 2D Sonic game
[21:37:06] <SalaciousPop> no footage though
[21:37:21] * Misty opens her log file.
[21:37:25] <Ray_Ayanami> SalaciousPop: Sonic Team can't do that! It makes too much sense to them!
[21:37:28] <act-deft> Project Needlemouse
[21:37:34] <skie> ray, send it as a tweet because it's not in our showroll
[21:37:55] <Misty> o.O 33.4 megs, i need to split this fucker up somehow
[21:38:10] <therobd> What's that one game coming out?
[21:38:13] <therobd> Need for Speed: Shit?
[21:38:16] <therobd> Er, SHift?
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