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Postby gs68 » Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:05 pm

[200748] * VxJasonxV was kicked by DMN|FuckL365 (DMNSANITY)
[200748] * DMN|FuckL365 was kicked by ChanServ (That user is protected.)
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:27 pm

<ChanServ> [Drewnami] Bad joke master on deck!
* gs68 tosses Drew overboard again
* Drewnami has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

gj :P
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Postby gs68 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:28 pm

[999999] <+gs68> EDIT: Quoting yourself is for cocks. Please delete.
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Postby gs68 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:34 pm

[183303] <+gs68|fuck420> I want an OLR-themed system.
[183327] <+GERARDAMO> gs68 - But then someone for sue for selling an orange box XD

[183535] <+gs68|fuck420> hmm, no sign of StrawEelUT tonight...
[183550] <@Ranma|420Time> gs68|fuck420: Don't jinx it
[183858] * OLRmyRecruit2256 has joined #orangelounge
[183912] * OLRmyRecruit2256 is now known as RawSteelUT
[183935] <@Ranma|420Time> You jinxed it gs68|fuck420
[183944] <+gs68|fuck420> ^_^
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Postby act_deft » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:45 pm

from the JTV chat room:


No, MGS4 isn't coming to the 360. Never was, never will.
If I'm mistaken, Ranma gets a free copy of it. =P
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Postby gs68 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:44 pm

[193813] * Now talking in #orangelounge
[193813] * Topic is '|| Orange Lounge Radio | | ep. 277 sun. at 6 | USL 4.0 DEBUTS MARCH 3rd! SO DONT MISS IT! | Call us! 877-GAME-OLR (4263657) or Skype: orangeloungeradio ||'
[193813] * Set by ChanServ on Wed Apr 23 15:40:48
[193836] <gs68> March 3rd?
[193839] <gs68> Joe.
[193839] <gs68> Joe.
[193840] <gs68> Joe.
[193840] <gs68> Joe.
[193841] <gs68> Joe.
[193842] <@DarkTetsuya> WHAT
[193843] <@DMN|[OLRmy-NOA]> HRs: Jon Bressler (IRV) - 12 - 509 ft off of Yuna
[193850] <gs68> FIX ZE TITLE YOU ASS
[193855] <gs68> er, TOPIC
[193912] * DarkTetsuya changes topic to '|| Orange Lounge Radio | | ep. 277 sun. at 6 | USL 4.0 DEBUTS MAY 3rd! SO DONT MISS IT! | Call us! 877-GAME-OLR (4263657) or Skype: orangeloungeradio ||'
[193924] <gs68> kthx
[193940] * @DarkTetsuya unplugs gs68's MSX :P
[194034] * gs68 sics Catball onto DT
[194035] <@DMN|[OLRmy-NOA]> !topic. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe.
[194044] <@DMN|[OLRmy-NOA]> !topic Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe.
[194045] * ChanServ changes topic to '|| Orange Lounge Radio | | Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe. | Call us! 877-GAME-OLR (4263657) or Skype: orangeloungeradio ||'
[194124] <@DarkTetsuya> :(
[194125] <@DarkTetsuya> WHAT
[194141] <@DarkTetsuya> CATBAAAAAAAAAAAAALLL
[194157] <@DMN|[OLRmy-NOA]> SAC 0 DEN 3 t2
[194203] <@DarkTetsuya> !topic WHAT
[194203] * ChanServ changes topic to '|| Orange Lounge Radio | | WHAT | Call us! 877-GAME-OLR (4263657) or Skype: orangeloungeradio ||'
gs68 / TsundeRay - The OLRmy's SF Bay Area representative!
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Postby gs68 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:40 pm

[184005] <+DJ_Jinnai> Eye of Judgement: Strip into a Tingle Outfit edition

[184255] * OLRmyRecruit6568 has joined #orangelounge

[184444] * ssj100matt[OLRmy_NY] sets mode: +b *!*@
[184445] * VxJasonxV sets mode: +b *!*javac@69.9.28.*
[184447] * OLRmyRecruit0512 was kicked by Dj_Darkknight (Kick!)
[184456] * @VxJasonxV hi5's ssj

[205145] <+gs68> Toshin vs. Foodie! BATTLE 1, FIGHT!!
[205306] <+gs68> Canada vs. Argentina?
[205312] <+act-deft> Argentina
[205325] <+act-deft> or Canada <_<
[205328] <+Toshin> shad join my team naaan
[205332] <+act-deft> INTERNATIONAL BATTLE!
[205341] <+Toshin> for the queen!
[205342] <+act-deft> FOR A CODE WON BY A MEXICAN!!!
[205348] <+gs68> ARG 0 - CAN 0
[205419] <+Friz-Bee> Mexico can bring Canada and Argentina together
[205430] <+act-deft> or split them apart <_<
[205431] <+Friz-Bee> to trear eachother apart
[205434] <+Friz-Bee> tear
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Thu May 01, 2008 11:07 am

I thought he was just someone Travis made up for USL/TDL? I guess not... :

* OLRmyRecruit1561 has joined #orangelounge
* OLRmyRecruit1561 is now known as DJ_Satan
* DJ_Satan has quit IRC (Quit: Java chat, out!)
OLRmy since 6/23/2002!
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Fri May 09, 2008 7:37 pm

<Misty> jon
<Misty> jon
<Misty> jon
<Misty> jon
<Misty> jon
<Misty> jon
<Misty> jon
<DMN> SAC 0 RIV 0 t4 SAC: Carpenter (3.1IP, 2H, 7K)

(edited to remove the | so this will post properly.)
OLRmy since 6/23/2002!
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Fri May 09, 2008 8:18 pm

moar from misty's vault:

[21:23:57] <Ranma> Miklotov, skie is allowed one stalker. :D
[21:24:21] <Misty_> I thought I was his stalker :P
[21:24:39] <Ranma> Misty_, reread the find print. :p
[21:24:43] <Ranma> *fine

[22:29:20] <Misty> assuming it doesn't break djdk's comp, i should join in :P ^^;;;;;;
[22:29:36] <DarkTetsuya> I was thinkin the same thing lol
[22:29:53] <DarkTetsuya> (swear to god it had nothing to do with you :P)
[22:31:01] <Ranma> Y'know... If y'all call me, I could host it. My bandwidth is as big as my cock.
[22:31:08] <DarkTetsuya> LOL
[22:31:20] <therobd> Ranma: But we need more than dial-up...
[22:31:30] <Ranma> who said anything bout dialup? ;)
[22:31:31] <DarkTetsuya> robd: ouch
[22:31:41] * Misty baps robd
[22:31:55] <Ranma> I'm on one one of the fastest isps in the country.

[22:43:21] <Misty> and for some reason i remember saying something like "well, fuckity fuck fuck fuck." a couple times today,
while i was trying to count money, iirc
[22:43:37] <DarkTetsuya> misty: what?! LOL
[22:43:49] <DarkTetsuya> dear november, hurry up. not love, DT
[22:44:52] <Misty> cuz the machine that we have that's supposed to count the money is retarded sometimes and when it is i use it to count the change then count the bills by hand. today was a day where it was being a spaz
[22:45:02] <DJTyrant> TAKE A SHOT FOR ME JON
[22:45:15] <DarkTetsuya> misty! fag your anger!XD
[22:45:21] <KevinDDR> FAG YOUR ANGER
[22:45:30] <Misty> hell no

[21:35:25] <DarkTetsuya> GO OUTSIDE!
[21:35:28] <ddrdollarbill> why!>?
[21:35:32] <ddrdollarbill> it's fucking raining!
[21:35:41] <DarkTetsuya> I hear there's girls out there in the real world... boys too if you're into that
[21:35:57] <ddrdollarbill> *laughs* I just came BACK from outside!

[21:36:40] <gferret68> What? Insanest is evolving!
[21:36:48] <gferret68> Congratulations! Your Insanest evolved into Indrunkest!

[19:41:50] <skie> ok guys i'm out... bai abi
[19:41:53] <skie> bai bai*
[19:41:54] <skie> <-- away
[19:41:55] <Misty> ah baibai
[19:42:01] <kadosho> aww so sad
[19:51:25] <Vandalous> bai abi?
[19:51:29] <Vandalous> :)
[19:52:19] <kadosho> what happens now?
[19:56:12] <Vandalous> we go back to our idle lives
[19:56:15] <kadosho> whoops the drugged version of olr

[20:39:53] <DarkTetsuya> uh oh they're hitting the liquor a little bit
[20:40:18] <Misty> where's the disclaimer? :P

[18:40:56] <VxJasonxV> !topic POWER PEVIEWS ARE DELAYED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE | Drunk show tonight at 6PM :X
[18:40:56] * ChanServ changes topic to '|| Orange Lounge Radio | | POWER PEVIEWS ARE DELAYED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE | Drunk show tonight at 6PM :X ||'
[18:41:01] <VxJasonxV> better better

[18:52:42] <Drewnami> Drunk show, eh?
[18:52:43] <Drewnami> So in.
[18:52:53] <Misty_> and i either miss it all, or at least the part where they're closer to wasted... :/

[18:56:18] * Drewnami changes topic to '|| Orange Lounge Radio | | POWER PREVIEWS ARE DELAYED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE | DUNK show tonight at 6PM :X ||'
[18:56:39] <VxJasonxV> dammit magus
[18:56:43] <Drewnami> :D
[18:56:53] <VxJasonxV> why did you remove my inside joke and replace it with another one?
[18:57:07] <Drewnami> Because you touch yourself at night.
[18:57:08] <Misty_> cuz i didn't notice the first one?
[18:57:12] <VxJasonxV> well, not /mine/
[18:57:20] <VxJasonxV> but the iidx community's inside joke
[18:57:34] <Drewnami> I decided to take a GAMBOL.
[18:57:48] <VxJasonxV> :|
[18:57:51] <YURILOVER> OH SNAP
[18:58:00] <YURILOVER> </3 GAMBOL
[18:58:05] <VxJasonxV> I'll take a hazing for $200, Alex
[18:58:37] <Drewnami> Whaaat? I like to GAMBOL.
[18:58:49] <Drewnami> But usually in the SUNSHINE.
[18:59:07] <Drewnami> And certainly not in the ABYSS of humor that is #orangelounge :(
[18:59:45] * VxJasonxV gets up to go to a computer, or get food
[18:59:48] <VxJasonxV> who knows

[18:59:55] <VxJasonxV> see you folks at shoowtime
[19:00:01] <Misty_> later
[19:00:15] <Drewnami> meh
[19:00:19] <Drewnami> need some jelly beans
[19:00:26] <Drewnami> BRB, getting CANDY <3

[02:28:05] <Misty_> I was not first out, at least, and I won one badass pot on one hand. ^^;
[02:29:20] <Drewnami> You WERE first out of the chat.
[02:29:22] <Drewnami> Goof.
[02:29:22] <Drewnami> :P
[02:29:47] <Misty_> In Texas Hold 'Em, goof.
[02:30:21] <Drewnami> Beat down with my own insult? INCONCIEVABLE.

[20:18:25] * Misty_ screenshots the chat cuz it's a record number of people
[20:18:32] <Misty_> (least to me it is)
[20:18:35] <skie> WE NEED 3 MORE PEOPLE FOR 69 PEOPLE

[21:46:07] <Misty> i get out once in a while... acen counts, right? :P
[21:46:15] <Dj_darkknight> rofl misty
[21:46:18] <DarkTetsuya> misty: sure why not
[21:47:44] <Misty> *snicker* the only time when the one addiction overshadows the other in the shiny, senory-overloady goodness

[22:48:03] <Misty> woot, derailment in action! *snicker*
[22:48:19] <gs68> *ding* Next station: Afterbirth! OH SHI WRONG TRACK

[00:35:07] <therobd> To protect the world from devastation.
[00:35:17] <Drewnami> To unite all peoples within our nation.
[00:35:33] <therobd> To denounce the evils of truth and love.
[00:35:42] <Misty> meh, i prefer the Butch and Cassidy version
[00:35:43] <Drewnami> To extend our reach to the stars above.
[00:36:00] <therobd> Jessie
[00:36:01] <Drewnami> James.
[00:36:17] <therobd> Team Rocket, blasting off at the speed of light
[00:36:19] <Drewnami> Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
[00:36:35] * therobd whispers, "Psstt... DarkTetsuya."
[00:36:47] <DarkTetsuya> what
[00:36:53] * therobd points to the above lines.
[00:37:05] <DarkTetsuya> meowth, that's right!
[00:37:08] <therobd> :D
[00:37:09] <therobd> ty

[21:02:03] <DarkTetsuya> I <3 DS
[21:02:11] <DarkTetsuya> but I <3 misty more so nyah :P

[20:19:00] <therobd> DarkSakura will autograph muscles for people at acen.
[20:19:07] <therobd> Sorry, I'm on an Acen high.
[20:19:13] <therobd> Expect many references to Acen tonight from me.

[20:28:03] <therobd> My favorite moment of Acen: 1,000 people singing the SEGATA SANSHIRO THEME SONG!
[20:28:08] <therobd> 1,000 people!

[20:14:33] <Jayveemon> Misty: Did you go to the dance on Friday?
[20:15:42] <Misty> masq ball or underground groove? neither of them. only spent about 10 minutes in the soap bubble sat
[20:15:49] <Jayveemon> Ah
[20:16:24] <Misty> and the ten mins was cuz i help the glowstick guy set up and he hooked me up for helping em

[21:32:32] <Misty> god damn stupidass kids >_< ... =17701&hl= all the shit those fucked up idiots do, i'm quite surprised we haven't been banned from the hyatt regency o'hare. -_-;
[21:32:58] <therobd> Misty: Uh-oh...
[21:33:21] <Misty> i know they get a hell of a lot of money off the con, but still -_-
[21:34:05] <therobd> Misty: Little do they know that it's actually the Midwest Vision Congress and Expo crowd that had the wild ones.
[21:34:51] <Misty> MVS&E, based on teh title alone, sounds like reasaonably well-behaved adults
[21:35:37] <therobd> Misty: You didn't see all the Congress cosplayers?
[21:35:45] <therobd> I saw at least 5 Hilary Clintons alone.
[21:35:57] <RawSteelUT> Political cosplayers?
[21:36:08] * RawSteelUT thought the anime cosplayers were losers.

[21:37:47] <therobd> LokiSpawn, coming to OLR in 2018.

[22:30:49] <Misty> I crashed in his hotel room Friday night ^^;

[22:36:03] <therobd> lol, I just noticed that Misty mentioned that she crashed our hotel room earlier.
[22:36:06] <therobd> Ah, well.
[22:36:23] <therobd> That was hilarious.
[22:36:27] <therobd> My friends were so confused.
[22:38:42] <gawdy_boi_> therobd: ????
[22:39:37] <therobd> gawdy_boi_: Misty wanted to watch the midnight panel, but the last shuttle to her hotel ran late, so she crashed at the hotel room me and 7 of my friends were staying at.
[22:39:50] <therobd> Unfortunately, some of my friends had already come back and were asleep.
[22:39:57] <therobd> So not all of them met her before they woke up.,
[23:34:25] <Misty> so, the general consensus on saturday morning was "wtfF?" huh? :P XD
[23:34:47] <therobd> Misty: Pretty much. It was highly entertaining.
[23:35:00] <Misty> i want quoteage XD
[23:35:51] <therobd> There were a lot of "Who is this girl?"s going on until I explained.
[23:36:00] <therobd> And, again, Jimmy asked several times.
[23:37:04] <Misty> i was awake a bit beforehand, but i decided it'd be best to get up for real when the sharpie was mentioned
[23:37:09] <therobd> Julie (the only other girl :P) thought it was Jimmy on the bed until she noticed the orange bracelets.

[18:48:22] <Misty> ooh, schlagwerk on olr. could tell it by the opening
[18:48:48] <PkerUNO> that's just fucked up :(
[18:49:07] <DarkTetsuya> aww that was bad

[19:53:24] * Misty finds her scissors and cuts open a giant pixy stick
[19:53:59] <DarkTetsuya> uh oh a hyper misty lol
[19:54:06] <therobd> Uh-oh...
[19:54:14] * therobd leaves the room before Misty starts bouncing off the walls.
[19:54:38] <Misty> (and no, this one's a blue pixy stick) i don't really get that hyper. remember, i'm a dew addict except for when i'm detoxing before acen :P
[19:54:42] * DarkTetsuya just hopes she doesnt land on him lol
[19:54:48] <therobd> haha
[19:54:51] <DarkTetsuya> damnit I didn't even think to ask LOL
[19:55:01] <therobd> Or does he?
[19:55:10] <DarkTetsuya> (thats usually my first reaction, 'is it orange?') XD
[19:55:13] <Misty> i just figured you would so i said "no, it's blue" in advance
[19:55:33] <DarkTetsuya> :D
[19:55:40] <Dj_darkknight> dt u not right lol
[19:55:54] <DarkTetsuya> I know. :P

[20:33:11] <gs68|CHG> OH FUK

[22:03:41] <Misty> *nod* i'm starting to think i should've saved my friday outfit for saturday, then they could've probably had better odds of noticing me and calling me over to their table
[22:04:02] <therobd> I wore my AG shirt on Friday. Granted, the badge was covering the AG part.
[22:04:28] <Misty> i still noticed what the shirt was, traitor. :P <3
[22:04:56] <therobd> I identified you at first for 3 reasons.
[22:04:58] <therobd> 1. The orange.
[22:05:07] <therobd> 2. The fact you took out your cell phone shortly after I texted you.
[22:05:13] <therobd> 3. You were by the Para Para machine.
[22:05:26] <DarkTetsuya> VIDS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN <3 :P
[22:05:43] <Misty> you don't want vids of me playing parapara >>

[22:38:15] <gs68> Dammit I'm getting buttsecksed in Koi-Koi

[03:18:48] * Khimaera mutters about stupid escaping ferrets
[03:18:48] * Ranma has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[03:18:52] <Khimaera> o.O
[03:18:54] <Khimaera> I didnt do it
[03:18:55] <Khimaera> I swear

[21:09:30] <geass68> DMN LIMIT BREAK
[21:09:58] <DarkTetsuya> seattle I've got no beef with, it's hicksville, WA--er spokane, wa :P
[21:10:03] <DarkTetsuya> *that I have issue with
[21:10:12] <DarkTetsuya> oh lord

[00:31:23] <Vandalous> so what was rob's 5 yr anniversary gift to the listenership?
[00:31:45] <TravisDonovan4Prezin08> quits his bitchin and goes stright
[00:31:50] <Ranma> Vandalous: Cancelling STFU. *zing!*
[00:32:02] <TravisDonovan4Prezin08> ouch that was un cool
[00:32:02] <Vandalous> oops!
[00:32:11] <Ranma> i keed, i keed!
[00:32:12] <Vandalous> lol goes straight
[00:32:31] <Ranma> Vandalous: After this past monday, it'll never happen.
[00:32:57] <Vandalous> what won't happen? rob going straight or stfu being canceled?
[00:33:02] <TravisDonovan4Prezin08> both
[00:33:17] <Ranma> rob going straight. I've never seen him so happy.
[00:33:33] <Vandalous> yeah, he and william are fun
[00:33:37] <Vandalous> and william's really cool
[00:34:00] <Ranma> Yeah, I have a picture of him and Will together, they're so cute togther. all teh gay guys on my job want a piece of rob.

[23:35:54] <Misty> i could call then hang up on my phone :p *refuses to do it on skype*
[23:36:03] <DarkTetsuya> ;_;
[23:36:13] <Misty> hey... ._.
[23:36:20] <DarkTetsuya> aww
[23:36:45] * gs68|dead is dead, unable to pester Misty to do it
[23:36:48] <DarkTetsuya> cmon he wont bite.... hard
[23:36:56] <Misty> Since they've had skype, i've called them like five times in teh whole history

[23:34:25] <Misty> so, the general consensus on saturday morning was "wtfF?" huh? :P XD
[23:34:47] <therobd> Misty: Pretty much. It was highly entertaining.
[23:35:00] <Misty> i want quoteage XD
[23:35:51] <therobd> There were a lot of "Who is this girl?"s going on until I explained.
[23:36:00] <therobd> And, again, Jimmy asked several times.
[23:37:04] <Misty> i was awake a bit beforehand, but i decided it'd be best to get up for real when the sharpie was mentioned
[23:37:09] <therobd> Julie (the only other girl :P) thought it was Jimmy on the bed until she noticed the orange bracelets.

[18:48:22] <Misty> ooh, schlagwerk on olr. could tell it by the opening
[18:48:48] <PkerUNO> that's just fucked up :(
[18:49:07] <DarkTetsuya> aww that was bad

[00:10:52] <Misty> i attack it with magic missle :P

[00:15:45] <BlondeDevil> Stupid Question of the Day: Do you work here? When I'm wearing a black apron that says the store name, a name tag with the store name on it, and a headset on....
[00:16:56] <Drewnami> ...
[00:17:14] <Misty> better yet! i'm in walgreens, wearing black pants, shoes, and in some cases a black tshirt (or my black bk shirt over a tshirt). no fucking walgreens vest and i stil get that "u werk here?"
[00:17:32] <BlondeDevil> I had to bite my tongue not to say very sarcasticly "No, I just wear an apron for fun"
[00:19:10] <Misty> i've had this happen in shop n save or walmart with regular ass clothing, not even on my way home from work (at the old bk) i'm looking for my shit and get a 'u werk here?" >.< what? just cuz i appear knowledgeable about a store means i work there? ><
[00:19:19] <INDRUNKEST|YEAAAAAAAAAAA> hey Misty u work herE>
[00:19:36] <Misty> in here? this chat room? sometimes :3

[20:27:38] <gs68> "i need the Halo 360! In return you can man-cannon me."
[20:28:05] <Misty> dude, i wouldn't lose that for a halo 360
[20:28:17] <Misty> hello kitty 360, maaaaaaybe

[01:23:28] <Ranma> dammit
[01:23:42] <Ranma> the closest white castle is like 30 - 45 min away
[01:24:03] <DarkTetsuya> ranma goes to white castle? XD
[01:24:11] <Ranma> nono
[01:24:21] <Ranma> Ranma and Drewnami Go To White Castle
[01:24:29] <Drewnami> o.o
[01:24:42] <DarkTetsuya> ranma: oh hehe
[01:25:37] <Ranma> Drewnami: What are you doing with my scissors? Ranma: Shaving my pubes. Drewnami: OMGWTF! Get out my room! Ranma: Fine... Still wanna smoke? Drewnami: I'll bring the bong.
[01:26:05] <Drewnami> Irony: I don't smoke - I only drink

[01:42:19] * Ranma hands DT some hentai
[01:42:28] * Misty slaps Ranma around a bit with a large trout
[01:42:31] * Ranma ducks
[01:42:32] <DarkTetsuya> LOL
[01:42:36] <Misty> dude he doesn't need hentai
[01:43:00] * Misty distracts ranma, then trips him
[01:43:07] <Ranma> lol all men need hentai, porn, etc. nothing wrong with a stash
[01:43:10] <Ranma> wtf!
[01:43:16] * Ranma falls down the stairs
[01:43:27] <DarkTetsuya> ranma pulled a rob/
[01:43:28] <DarkTetsuya> ?
[01:43:51] <Ranma> Hey! I'm not gay! :p

[19:44:11] <theDoctor> i play starcraft
[19:44:20] <cheezburger> muliplayer?
[19:44:24] <theDoctor> yes
[19:44:32] <cheezburger> whats ur nickname?
[19:44:37] <theDoctor> BLaiddDrwg
[19:44:43] <Misty> lol
[19:44:48] <theDoctor> she got it
[19:44:51] <cheezburger> i dont think ive seen u
[19:44:54] <theDoctor> nope
[19:45:05] * theDoctor is a bad wolf
[19:45:06] <Misty> what, i watch nuWho ^^
[19:45:07] <cheezburger> im cheezburger
[19:45:13] <theDoctor> woot!
[19:45:22] <theDoctor> Doctor=sex

[20:39:32] <Misty> lol @ pearl "fucker, come back!"
[20:39:54] <DarkTetsuya> wait you named your pokeyman 'fucker'? oh yeah you said you did huh
[20:40:03] <Misty> my ditto, yeah

[23:14:03] <skie> SONG 1 - PORTAL - STILL ALIVE
[23:14:34] <ssj100matt> Remember everyone: Song 4 is Holic, Song 5 is butt sex, Song 6 is Hard gay
[23:14:48] <Danger_Mouse_N> nono song 5 is now lolgeminiman


[00:40:14] <Blackwolf> I'm not a pro
[00:40:20] <Blackwolf> I'm just an attention whore with a $20 mic

[23:11:20] <Misty> ranma can you do a three way call on your phone?
[23:11:46] <DarkTetsuya> misty: why are you offering? XD
[23:12:08] <Misty> if only to be the only sober one, yes

[00:37:25] <Misty> fuck no. and yes, I am being shy bitch. don't make my cry again :/
[00:37:33] <Misty> *me
[00:37:43] <Ranma[party]> misty, just call dammit, dont be a puss. ^^
[00:38:16] <Misty> i barely call olr for special episodes... besides i thought someone else wanted to call in
[00:38:39] <Misty> FUCK NO I AINT
[00:38:50] <Dj_darkknight> her mic is messed up anyway
[00:39:10] <Misty> my mic's fucked, but technically i have a phone still
[00:40:49] <Ranma[party]> misty, just call in from your cell, have some balls. and before you say it, i know girls who have balls. *rolls eyes*
[00:41:08] <ssj100matt> ...
[00:41:15] <BlondeDevil> Misty, I did it!!!! I didn't want to....
[00:41:15] <AlphaCananogram> lol
[00:41:24] <Misty> and this is one time where i dont have them. you should see me when my minions won't fucking obey ><
[00:41:40] <Misty> oh fuck you too
[00:42:02] <ssj100matt> name your price misty
[00:42:02] <Misty> wait, this is supposed to be torture? >.>
[00:42:56] <Misty> when i'm not plagued and i don't have to fucking work ok? ;-;
[00:43:12] <ssj100matt> swearz?
[00:43:43] <Misty> 50/50 right now.... fuck that you shouldn't have picked up, the ringtone's better than the actual call ^^;

[00:43:38] <ssj100matt> this show is one long brain fart
[00:44:08] <Misty> no, work is one long brain fart ><
[00:44:16] <AlphaCananogram> Misty is correct
[00:44:21] <DarkTetsuya> ya srsly
[00:44:25] * AlphaCananogram is hating work
[00:44:31] <Misty> especially the 8-10 hour shifts ><
[00:44:38] <AlphaCananogram> ya
[00:45:16] <ssj100matt> try 15 with no breaks sister :P
[00:45:25] <AlphaCananogram> shit,,,,\
[00:45:36] <ssj100matt> thank god i don't do those anymore
[00:45:54] <Misty> god i kinda hope so, i know i'm off next saturday for sure. who knows? i may actually be better then. doubt it though; i hardly seem to be off enough to rest :/
[23:12:37] <ssj100matt> The show has derailed and the remains are burning...

[22:21:00] <gs68> Every time I have to explain a joke, God sets mode +b on a kitten.
[22:21:21] <Misty> gs, not a kitten, a noob

[22:39:33] * Misty baps skie with an empty c/b ds lite box for the hell of it :3 ^^;
[22:39:48] * skie coughs
[22:40:06] * therobd offers skie a cough drop.
[22:40:09] <Misty> i'm in a weird mood for some reason
[22:40:13] <Misty> >.>;
[22:40:16] <skie> yum thank you
[22:40:18] <DarkTetsuya> misty: olr is on? LOL
[22:40:18] <skie> ewwww menthol
[22:40:30] <Misty> and i'm here to listen? prolly
[22:40:32] <therobd> skie: It's an nda-flavored coughdrop.
[22:40:42] <skie> tastes like lawsuit :(

[19:52:12] <Dj_darkknight> disengenious radio will sue lol
[19:52:31] <DarkTetsuya> dk: why? lol
[19:52:55] <Dj_darkknight> rob said diaf
[19:53:10] <skie> BRING IT!
[19:53:22] <skie> we're going to launch a new show called diabf
[19:53:26] <skie> "die in a boat fire"
[19:53:31] <skie> and it will air on fridays
[19:53:32] <skie> mwahah
[19:53:34] <skie> <3
[19:53:41] <PkerUNO> in that case
[19:53:45] <Dj_darkknight> u know
[19:53:47] <Dj_darkknight> lol
[19:53:48] <PkerUNO> I shall make a rival show
[19:53:53] <PkerUNO> called diasf
[19:53:54] <Dj_darkknight> that may be a good i deal lol
[19:54:00] <skie> and then we'll have a spin off of that called "die in a boat fire in antartica"
[19:54:00] <PkerUNO> "die in a ship fire"
[19:54:05] <skie> so that after you burn up you die of hypothermia

[00:10:42] <DarkTetsuya> hahahah, it works XD
[00:11:36] <DarkTetsuya> "go back to start, bitch!"
[00:11:53] <Dj_darkknight> LOL
[00:11:54] <ColorOfSakura> Is this a soundboard, DT?
[00:12:09] <Misty> it's for an olr themed stepmania pack
[00:12:13] <ColorOfSakura> HAHAHA
[00:12:16] <ColorOfSakura> WIN.

[21:12:51] * Misty has Travis's Dr who theme remix for her calls, and robd's 'excuuuse me, darksakura' for her alarm clock
[21:13:01] <Misty> *+ soundclip
[21:13:07] <Darkshy> Misty ftw
[21:13:14] <Firz-Bee> what a great way to wake up

[23:31:14] * Drewnami pokepokes the Khim
[23:31:24] * Khimaera squeaks!
[23:31:57] <Drewnami> :D
[23:32:13] <Khimaera> You have poked the darkness
[23:32:24] <Drewnami> I'm poking the darkness!
[23:32:38] <Khimaera> A group of Drow come up behind you
[23:33:06] <Drewnami> ...oh snap. I'm assuming they're not Chaotic Good.
[23:33:23] <Khimaera> Not in the least
[23:33:33] <Drewnami> Drat.
[23:33:38] <Khimaera> They are level are lvl 2
[23:33:40] <Drewnami> How many are female?
[23:33:43] <Khimaera> None
[23:33:47] <Khimaera> Actually...wait
[23:33:48] <Khimaera> all
[23:33:49] <Khimaera> ^_^
[23:34:03] <Drewnami> I cast Bigby's Groping Hand and make a run for it.
[23:34:08] <Drewnami> ^________^
[23:34:12] <Khimaera> O.O
[23:34:16] <Khimaera> You...are insane
[23:34:23] <Drewnami> Noted.

[22:37:14] * Misty eats red peeps
[22:37:33] * nomywool puts his peeps in the fridge so he can shill with his peeps
[22:37:44] <Misty> lol
[22:38:05] <backmewool> hehe
[22:38:35] * backmewool puts peeps in the microwave with toothpicks and watches them joust
[22:38:44] <Drewnami> MORTAL PEEP FIGHT
[22:38:53] <backmewool> OMG SRSLY
[22:38:58] <backmewool> did you ever see those pics drew?
[22:39:03] <backmewool> or were you at that show?
[22:39:03] <Dj_darkknight> not that again
[22:39:06] <backmewool> lol
[22:39:11] * Misty lols again
[22:40:17] <Misty> but we need to update it with red peeps
[22:40:24] <Drewnami> What show?
[22:40:25] * Misty got them at target
[22:40:33] <Drewnami> No, I wasn't at that episode.
[22:40:35] <backmewool> I've never seen red ones before!
[22:40:36] <backmewool> !!!
[22:40:56] <Misty> target exclusive. i just found them yesterday
[22:41:02] <backmewool> oh man, that is way rad
[22:41:31] <backmewool> or should I say...that is way RED? XD
[22:41:59] <DarkTetsuya> lol
[22:42:08] * Misty is tempted to post on the forum "we need to update this with red peeps! you can get them at target"

[19:32:48] <therobd> I haven't been unhappy in general.
[19:32:55] <therobd> In fact, my sister's wedding was lots of fun.
[19:32:58] <therobd> ACen was lots of fun.
[19:33:07] <DarkTetsuya> acen? *sighs*
[19:33:14] <therobd> DarkTetsuya: Save money for next year.
[19:33:22] <DarkTetsuya> well its not just that lol
[19:33:29] <therobd> Maybe a friend of ours can crash with someone else next year... *winks*
[19:33:30] <therobd> jk
[19:33:41] <DarkTetsuya> yeah
[19:33:42] <therobd> Wow, she's going to hate me for that if she reads it. not hate, maybe, but sure bring it up in the quote thread :P
[19:34:02] <therobd> But she'll know I'm not serious.
[19:34:17] <therobd> Or maybe I'll get hammered at next year's ACen.
[19:34:21] <therobd> That would be fun as well.
[19:34:23] <The_Matrix> ...
[19:34:28] <The_Matrix> therobdrunkard
[19:34:28] <therobd> Hammered as in anime-hammered.
[19:34:31] <therobd> Not drunk.
[19:34:41] <therobd> I don't drink.
[19:34:42] <therobd> lol
[19:34:44] <DarkTetsuya> ahh
[19:34:49] <The_Matrix> lies
[19:34:58] <The_Matrix> wtf is anime-hammered
[19:35:04] <DarkTetsuya> well I'm waiting for november... and hoping I can find her a job here :/
[19:35:09] <therobd> Anime-hammered for implying something between DarkTetsuya and... Oh, you people get it already.
[19:35:11] <The_Matrix> sounds like some kind of special masturbation technique
[19:35:23] <therobd> The_Matrix: Stop spying on me!
[19:35:24] <DarkTetsuya> LOL
[19:35:33] <DarkTetsuya> therobd: no comment
[19:36:37] <PkerUNO> what is this dirty talk
[19:37:14] <therobd> PkerUNO: About how I hammer myself...
[19:38:11] <PkerUNO> that's an interesting euphemism
[19:39:05] <gs68|butts> *headdesk*
[19:39:06] <gs68|butts> *headdesk*
[19:39:06] <gs68|butts> *headdesk*
[19:39:18] <therobd> I was just talking about how I smashed a hammer on my hand this morning.
[19:39:25] <therobd> Get your mind out of the gutter, PkerUNO!
[19:39:26] <The_Matrix> ....
[19:39:46] <DarkTetsuya> srsly

[01:28:34] <DarkTetsuya> wow
[01:30:26] <DarkTetsuya> ok this leftover orange (<3) chicken definetly needs another trip around the microwave, brb
[01:32:04] <therobd> Orange Lounge Chicken?
[01:32:38] <G-Suck> and watermelon
[01:33:09] <DarkTetsuya> robd. yeah

[21:28:35] <Misty> if i win the lottery, i can count 5 that i'd be going to each year offhand
[21:28:55] <Dj_darkknight> a-boston, acen, fanime
[21:28:57] <Dj_darkknight> what else?
[21:29:04] <RicePrince> SAKURACON COME ON
[21:29:08] <DarkTetsuya> lol
[21:29:09] <RicePrince> stupid dk

[22:11:48] <ddrdollarbill> fuck off, I boguth a new car! :)
[22:11:56] * Ranma jacks ddrdollarbill's new car
[22:12:07] * Jayveemon joins in car jacking

[23:33:45] * TimeofDay has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
[23:39:09] * TimeofDay has joined #orangelounge
[23:39:13] <TimeofDay> sorry
[23:39:15] <TimeofDay> had stream problems
[23:39:21] <TimeofDay> it was bad
[23:39:31] <TimeofDay> my internets had food poisoning
[23:41:06] <DarkTetsuya> ack
[23:53:12] <TimeofDay> yeah
[23:53:15] <TimeofDay> bad chinese food
[23:53:24] <TimeofDay> but we're fine now
[23:53:50] <TimeofDay> (it threw up all over the carpet)
[23:53:59] <TimeofDay> (it's what happens when it drinks too much)
[23:54:06] <DarkTetsuya> um... tmi
[23:54:32] <TimeofDay> what? your internet doesn't get drunk and throw up on the carpet
[23:54:33] <TimeofDay> ?
[23:54:57] <DarkTetsuya> not usuall
[23:54:58] <DarkTetsuya> y
[23:55:05] <TimeofDay> oh ok

[19:22:03] <DMNheartsRicePrincess> boobs
[19:22:13] <DarkSakura> I know, mine are lovely.
[19:22:15] <DarkSakura> And REAL
[23:43:34] <AlphaCananogram> was it good?
[23:43:42] <DarkTetsuya> was it ever
[23:43:45] * AlphaCananogram will get podcast
[23:45:51] <DarkTetsuya> ok that didnt come out right at all >_<

[21:20:11] <DJMorpheus|H3> Next week, DMN makes love to Chris Crocker
[21:20:14] <DarkTetsuya> if hes gay how does that explain his S/O?
[21:20:19] <DarkTetsuya> oh snap
[21:20:26] * DJMorpheus|H3 was kicked by loltopman (PEW PEW PEW LASER BEAMS)

[00:45:47] <AlphaCananogram|TIRED> hey, in pokemon D&P, if you nickname your pokemon, and you play over Wi-Fi/online, can your opponent see their nicknames?
[00:46:11] <DarkTetsuya> I would think so
[00:47:09] <AlphaCananogram|TIRED> i was thinking of naming one "Rick James"
[00:47:25] <AlphaCananogram|TIRED> i'm gonna name some after the chappelle show characters
[00:51:37] <DarkTetsuya> um.... okay?
[00:53:14] <AlphaCananogram|TIRED> cause i'm rick jame Bi[shot]
[00:53:19] * AlphaCananogram|TIRED is dead

[22:09:33] <Dj_darkknight> travis do your best nascar crew chief blow up reaction!
[22:09:44] <DarkTetsuya> travis is possessed :P
[22:09:55] <darkshy> Nascar? Is that even a sport?
[22:10:13] <DarkTetsuya> darkshy careful you'll get kicked XD
[22:10:35] <darkshy> oh I mean. I love cars!

[14:33:12] * Drewnami has joined #orangelounge
[14:33:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Drewnami
[14:33:12] <ChanServ> [Drewnami] Bad joke master on deck!
[14:33:18] <Khimaera> Oh noes!
[14:33:20] <Khimaera> Its Drew!
[14:33:21] <Khimaera> Run!
[14:33:27] <Misty> ahhh! :p
[14:33:30] <Drewnami> A DREW APPROACHES!
[14:33:32] <Drewnami> COMMAND?
[14:33:39] <Khimaera> Run away
[14:33:39] <Misty> poke
[14:34:01] <Drewnami> THE DREW SQUEAKS FOR 3 DAMAGE!
[14:34:24] <Misty> lol
[14:34:25] <Khimaera> ....
[14:34:28] <Khimaera> I turn on the lights!
[14:34:41] * RicePrince casts Drewball
[14:34:49] <Drewnami> Thomas Edison pops up and says "You idiot, I haven't been born yet!"
[14:34:54] * xbskid summons Guy from 'The Green Mile', resurrects Drewnami
[14:35:35] <Khimaera> ....
[14:35:48] <Khimaera> The Drew has now been transformed into a Drewball
[14:35:53] <Khimaera> ready for punting to commence
[14:35:58] <Drewnami> ._.
[14:37:51] <RicePrince> Command?
[14:38:04] <Drewnami> FLEE
[14:38:23] <RicePrince> the Drewnami tries to fle, but was blocked in front!
[14:38:27] <RicePrince> Command?
[14:38:41] <Drewnami> ITEM -> SMOKE BOMB
[14:38:57] <RicePrince> The item fails.
[14:38:59] <RicePrince> Command?
[14:39:15] <Drewnami> MAGIC -> VANISH
[14:39:30] <RicePrince> You do not have wnough MP.
[14:39:38] <RicePrince> The RicePrince attacks!
[14:39:47] <RicePrince> You lose 4 HP
[14:39:52] <RicePrince> Command?
[14:40:08] <Khimaera> Don referee uniform
[14:40:11] <Drewnami> ABILITY -> COWER
[14:40:58] <RicePrince> The RicePrince casts KITTENS on Drewnami.
[14:41:15] <RicePrince> You lose 10 DEF
[14:41:35] <Drewnami> omgkittens
[14:43:19] <RicePrince> The RicePrince punts Drewnami
[14:43:28] * Misty watches an dr who episode, lols at the shirt Mickey's wearing
[14:43:29] <RicePrince> You take 573 damage.
[14:43:36] <Misty> *watches a
[14:43:43] * Haseo has joined #orangelounge
[14:44:37] <Drewnami> @_@
[14:44:43] * Drewnami sets mode: +v Haseo
[14:45:04] * Khimaera throws arms up over her head
[14:45:08] <Khimaera> Goooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaal!
[14:45:44] <Drewnami> ohsnap.

[17:22] <[OLRmy]Blaze> i think Beethoven would think this song has some kind of bizarre virus
[17:22] <Drewnami> This is gonna rock more than my graduation.
[17:22] <Drewnami> That was a stretch, Blaze.
[17:22] <Drewnami> A REAL stretch.
[17:23] <[OLRmy]Blaze> i know...but gotta show SOME sort of PIU love

(old school loggage that i lucked my way into getting)
[21:28] <Ardaniel> he sort of, kind of, knew when to stop.
[21:28] <VxJasonxV> yes... I Agree... :X
[21:28] <Bugged> clue! it exists!
[21:28] <Ardaniel> that's impressive. our pet lamer on our other network never quite gets that idea.
[21:28] <VxJasonxV> it exists, and it's not just a board game ;)
[21:29] <Bugged> it's a mooovie too!

[19:44] <Sigurd> I'll win this one or the DDRSpot one
[19:44] <Sigurd> Or both
[19:44] <Sigurd> BOTH
[19:44] <skie> sigurd you are not eligible, sorry ;_; you can win spot's contest though
[19:44] <Sigurd> I AM TOO ELIGIBLE
[19:45] <Sigurd> Why not? I've nothing to do with the show ; ;
[19:45] <DarkSakura> But you've been on a bunch
[19:45] <skie> you'll see why, sorry ;_;
[19:45] <skie> i still <3 you

[19:50] <ElMullet> THANKS A BUNCH, SIGURD!
[19:50] <Sigurd> I DID NOTHING
[19:50] <ElMullet> Okay then...THANKS FOR TWISTING HIS WORDS, OLR CREW!

[22:05] <DarkSakura|SSF> omg I am so happy.
[22:05] <DarkSakura|SSF> TaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaQ
[22:06] <Miklotov> where?
[22:06] <DarkSakura|SSF> In my CD player. =X
[22:06] <Miklotov> oh heheheh
[22:06] <DarkSakura|SSF> My birthday present from Rob. <3
[22:10] <DarkSakura|SSF> =D

[18:49] <VxJasonxV> What every you do
[18:49] <VxJasonxV> they don't fit ;_;
[18:49] <VxJasonxV> yes, and DON'T GET ANY HARD DRIVE BIGGER THAN 120GB!!!!
[18:49] <Lunarius> what? you don't like it big? ;)
[18:49] <VxJasonxV> ...
[18:49] <sgoast> owned.

[18:53] <sgoast> I'll remember magus's amazing buttsex.
[18:53] <sgoast> er

[18:46] <Podo> Flaming asses, a great way to start a show
[18:46] <EvilNaokiIIDX> lol
[18:47] <EvilNaokiIIDX> isnt Jam Jam Jam on 2nd mix?
[18:47] <Illusion> who DOESN'T love flaming asses?
[18:47] <EvilNaokiIIDX> lol Burning Seat!
[18:47] <Illusion> XP
[18:47] <Illusion> that was corny =P
[18:47] <DarcLion_XVI> Rich: Burning Up Your Ass
[18:47] <JonFields> The Legend of 1234 51.1 20 november A's paradise...
[18:47] <Vandalous> welcome to Memory Road on OLR
[18:47] <Vandalous> lol
[18:47] <Illusion> Burnin' the Ass
[18:47] <Illusion> (Momo Mix)
[18:47] * Misty slaps Illusion around a bit with a large trout
[18:47] <Illusion> yowch
[18:47] <JonFields> Whatever happened to that long list we did a long time ago?
[18:47] <Daggett> Ass 300
[18:48] <JonFields> It was like 3 x longer
[18:48] <Jaded2004> i hate the trout thing, it annoys me.
[18:48] <DarcLion_XVI> The legend of ass
[18:48] <Daggett> Ass period
[18:48] <Daggett> haha
[18:48] * Vandalous plays It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday - Boyz II Men
[18:48] * Illusion slaps Misty with a wheelchair
[18:48] <Vandalous> :)
[18:48] <Misty> wasn't that the ferret one that you're thinking of?
[18:48] <DarcLion_XVI> Silent Ass
[18:48] * EvilNaokiIIDX BRB as he goes off to work on his Creative Writing final
[18:48] <EvilNaokiIIDX> Temple of Butt
[18:48] <Vandalous> aw
[18:48] <Illusion> Justify my Ass
[18:48] <Vandalous> i need to go shopping too
[18:48] <Vandalous> lol
[18:48] <Podo> XD <3 ass puns
[18:49] <Vandalous> me = last minute
[18:49] <DarcLion_XVI> Pink Ass
[18:49] <Illusion> Monkey Ass
[18:49] <EvilNaokiIIDX> Butt Butt Sugar?
[18:49] <Illusion> Speedy Ass
[18:49] <DarcLion_XVI> Love Is Ass
[18:49] <Misty> Evil! w00t!
[18:49] <Podo> Assy Assy Assy
[18:50] <Illusion> I Ass I Ass I Ass
[18:50] <Vandalous> no one at the studio tonight?
[18:50] <Daggett> Paranoia Survivor Ass
[18:50] <Vandalous> wow
[18:50] <DarcLion_XVI> Cartoon Asses
[18:50] <Jaded2004> lol
[18:50] <Jaded2004> now that was funny
[18:50] <Illusion> Burn for Ass
[18:50] <Vandalous> OMG
[18:50] <Illusion> Tittle Asstle
[18:50] <DarkTetsuya> let them ass
[18:50] <DarcLion_XVI> Blow My Ass, Bitch
[18:50] <Illusion> Nebula GrASSper
[18:51] <Jaded2004> now that wasnt funny... The blow my ass comment.
[18:51] <Vandalous> what's an online name?
[18:51] <Jaded2004> actually it is if you think about it.
[18:51] <Podo> the most off the wall ass comment
[18:51] <EvilNaokiIIDX> Asstles In The Sky
[18:51] <Illusion> No Doubt Get Ass
[18:51] <Vandalous> mario party leet haxxors = OLR hosts too
[18:51] <Vandalous> :)
[18:51] <DarcLion_XVI> rottel-the-Ass
[18:51] <Podo> Make an Ass
[18:51] <Illusion> XD
[18:51] <DarkTetsuya> make edit get as<HaMiLtOn> */q HaMiLtOn
[18:51] <DarkTetsuya> <HaMiLtOn> .
[18:51] <DarkTetsuya> ack
[18:51] <Illusion> Make an ass XD
[18:51] <Illusion> Scorching Ass
[18:51] <Vandalous> fish tacos?
[18:52] <EvilNaokiIIDX> lol fish tacos
[18:52] <Vandalous> that sounds like an interesting topic
[18:52] <Vandalous> we can go in many different directions here
[18:52] <Daggett> Ass in the Night
[18:52] <Misty> Hyper Assbeat
[18:52] <Vandalous> Pescados
[18:52] <EvilNaokiIIDX> no its Burning Seat
[18:52] <Vandalous> except me!
[18:52] <Vandalous> lol
[18:52] <Daggett> Orion 78 Ass-Euro mix
[18:52] <DarkTetsuya> LOL naoki
[18:52] <JonFields> Be in my Preperation H Ass
[18:52] <Illusion> XD
[18:53] <DarkTetsuya> :
[18:53] <Illusion> 17 ASS
[18:53] <EvilNaokiIIDX> lol
[18:53] <Misty> Eggnog? Where?!?
[18:53] <Jaded2004> 17 ass? oh no... you dont even make fun of 17 if i think i know what your talking about.
[18:53] <DarcLion_XVI> Ass Unlimited
[18:53] <DarkTetsuya> AssS unlimited
[18:53] <Illusion> (17 Sai of course)
[18:53] <darkknight> lol
[18:53] <Misty> Screw you too, then. :P
[18:53] <Daggett> Cany (_)(_)
[18:53] <Daggett> *candy
[18:53] <Jaded2004> Yup, i thought thats what it was.
[18:53] <Illusion> Mad Ass
[18:53] <EvilNaokiIIDX> how could you forget Temple of Butt?
[18:53] <Illusion> Ass Blast
[18:53] <DarcLion_XVI> Captain Jack-ass
[18:53] <DarkTetsuya> LOL daggett
[18:54] <Illusion> I Was the Ass
[18:54] <JonFields> Dont Copy, Buy our music!
[18:54] <Vandalous> North Highlands!
[18:54] <Illusion> Logical Ass
[18:54] <Vandalous> woot
[18:54] <Misty> Sweet Sweet Ass Magic come up already?
[18:54] <EvilNaokiIIDX> nope
[18:54] <JAS> test my butt
[18:54] <Illusion> nope XD
[18:54] <Daggett> Ass message
[18:54] <Jaded2004> the ass unlimited thing was funny.
[18:54] <Vandalous> is there a hometown buffet NOT in the ghetto?
[18:54] * JonFields zips
[18:54] <JAS> Test My Ass even
[18:54] <JAS> ;D
[18:54] <Vandalous> gotta cater to the clientele?
[18:55] <DarcLion_XVI> All right, no more ass jokes. Skie's pissed off right now.
[18:55] <Illusion> Get up'n Ass
[18:55] <Illusion> So Ass
[18:55] <EvilNaokiIIDX> Vandalous: I think there was one in Fairfield that WASN'T in the ghetto
[18:55] <Podo> My (ass) is too big
[18:55] <Misty> ... i wouldn't consider the one that i go to sometimes to be in the ghetto...
[18:55] <EvilNaokiIIDX> but the food tasted like crap..
[18:55] <EvilNaokiIIDX> PO-TA-TOES
[18:55] <Vandalous> you made out with a pad?
[18:55] <Vandalous> ewww
[18:55] <Jaded2004> ew! OMG.
[18:56] <EvilNaokiIIDX> Boil em Smash em Stick em in a stew
[18:56] * Fireboma has joined #orangelounge
[18:56] * skie sets mode: +v Fireboma
[18:56] <Illusion> hello
[18:56] <Fireboma> hey
[18:56] <Jaded2004> Hey Fireboma
[18:56] <Shade23> ass of your dreams
[18:56] <Shade23> oh
[18:56] <Shade23> i was scrolled up
[18:57] <Fireboma> hehe, I love these song names
[18:57] <Daggett> hahahaha
[18:57] <Illusion> you missed a bunch!
[18:57] <Illusion> they were so funny
[18:57] <Jaded2004> so do I, but some people overdo it.
[18:57] <Vandalous> green beans?
[18:57] <Vandalous> yuk
[18:57] <rhayam> heh, heh,
[18:57] <EvilNaokiIIDX> how did people forget Glorious Ass?
[18:57] <rhayam> I turn arroud, and then I see all this chatter in the buffer. B^)
[18:57] <Misty> fine, i'll start pming the ideas to people.
[18:57] <Fireboma> i don't know
[18:58] <DarcLion_XVI> Enough ass jokes already.
[18:58] <Illusion> now they got me in the mood for buffet!
[18:58] <Podo> Ass <3
OLRmy since 6/23/2002!
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Postby DarkSakura » Sun May 11, 2008 8:11 pm

Had to!

<DJTyrant> Blackwolf*
<[OLRmy]act-deft> True.
<DJTyrant> OMG _>_
<blackboy> that's why I changed my nick…
<Blackwolf> ...Blackworf!? I do not like prune juice.
<DarkTetsuya> DJT: having a little hair of the dog huh? :P <3
* blackboy is now known as hyppolytus
<Zeppelinz> shockwave is a free single
<Blackwolf> And today is not a good day to die.
<Zeppelinz> cheap
<DarkSakura> But Bobby!
<Zeppelinz> people
<DarkSakura> It is a WARRIOR'S DRINK
<hyppolytus> hahaha
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Postby DarkTetsuya » Fri May 16, 2008 10:38 am

<Drewnami> Rawr.
<Drewnami> Fear the insufficiently caffeinated channel op!
<DarkTetsuya> hell yeah
<DarkTetsuya> .... god am I channeling her again?
* Friz-Bee has joined #orangelounge
<nate4322> ?
<Friz-Bee> ??
<Drewnami> Heh.
<nate4322> just thought i would come in and say hello to all orl fans
<Drewnami> If you're channeling Misty, I'm channeling Khim.
<Drewnami> She rawrs more than I do.
<Drewnami> 'lo, Nate.
<nate4322> i am at work i am just raping up the day
<nate4322> i get off at 4\
<DarkTetsuya> yah hes new lol .... just wait till sunday (or saturday, if you dare) ... don't you mean 'wrapping'? :P
<Drewnami> no
<Drewnami> he's really Pyramid Head
<Drewnami> :3
<DarkTetsuya> LOL
<nate4322> me?
<DarkTetsuya> yeah
<Drewnami> And he really does GET OFF at 4
<Drewnami> muahahaha.
<DarkTetsuya> ... XD
<Drewnami> ...yep, channeling Khim
<nate4322> what ar e ou talking about
<Drewnami> sod queen that she is


<ssj100matt|GTA_4> i wouldn't mind raping up the day if you ask me
OLRmy since 6/23/2002!
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Postby ssj100matt » Thu May 22, 2008 1:51 pm

<DarkTetsuya> Dear Nintendo, thanks for not letting me backup my fully unlocked SSBB save. fighting marth again is the least fun I have had in a long time. not love, DT
<DarkTetsuya> suck my cock, marth

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Postby gs68 » Sat May 31, 2008 6:51 pm

[195010] * [OLRmy]act-deft has joined #orangelounge
[195027] * [OLRmy]act-deft enters the Danger Zone, also known as the OLR Chat room
[195045] * [OLRmy]act-deft was kicked by dmn|brokenwrist (THE REAL DANGER ZONE IS MY CROTCH)
[195046] * [OLRmy]act-deft has joined #orangelounge
[195107] <[OLRmy]act-deft> =P
[195113] <@DarkTetsuya> orly?
[195119] <@dmn|brokenwrist> yes.
[195120] <[OLRmy]act-deft> That's a real danger zone DMN
[195126] <@dmn|brokenwrist> when i hit you wiht my massive wang
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Postby act_deft » Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:48 pm

[17:45] <[TMC]Vandalous> hi rib
[17:45] <[TMC]Vandalous> lol
[17:45] <skie> hi terry :D
[17:45] <[TMC]Vandalous> *rob
[17:45] <skie> *glomp*
[17:46] <Friz-Bee> rib
[17:46] <Friz-Bee> rib
[17:46] <Friz-Bee> rib
[17:46] <Friz-Bee> rib
[17:46] <[TMC]Vandalous> eek!
[17:46] * skie sets mode: +v AlphaCananogram|SSBB
[17:46] <Misty> XD
[17:46] <DarkTetsuya> LOL
[17:46] <OLRmyRecruit2789> ok i had some problems with last weeks show
[17:46] <skie> WHIT?
[17:46] * [TMC]Vandalous reciprocates the glomp.
[17:46] <[TMC]Vandalous> uh, *firrit*
[17:46] <[TMC]Vandalous> ?
[17:46] <DarkTetsuya> *furrut*
[17:46] <Misty> better a glomp orgy than the usual type, huh? :P
[17:46] <DarkTetsuya> LOL
[17:46] <DarkTetsuya> misty: sometimes <3
[17:46] <skie> *I* had problems with last weeks show

No, MGS4 isn't coming to the 360. Never was, never will.
If I'm mistaken, Ranma gets a free copy of it. =P
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