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Return of the #orangelounge quote thread

Get to know those other listeners of Orange Lounge Radio... maybe things you didn't even want to know about o_O

part two

Postby Misty » Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:37 am

[23:32] <thelegendofzaku> remember kids, bush wasn't elected, he was appointed

[21:20] <JonFields> My difibulator is broken because its using Windows ME!

[23:49] <Sigurd> I WANT DDR ECHO !MAGE MIX

[23:04] <Dinky> But strangers have the best candy.

[22:38] * Rychan would IRC rape her boyfriend but it wouldn't be rape ;)
[22:39] <thelegendofzaku> it would be surprise sex

[22:48] <DJRanmaS> ill donate to olr as long as it helps olr. screw the tsunami aid. :/

[20:30] <skie> omg guys
[20:30] <skie> it's episode 117
[20:30] <skie> on 11/7
[20:30] <skie> :O
[20:30] <Rychan> Nice
[20:30] <DarkTetsuya> damn
[20:30] <Misty> that's just cool
[20:30] <ElMullet> Episode 117 on 11/7, fuck yeah
[20:30] <Podo> What a coincidence...
[20:30] <Misty> ^^
[20:30] <ElMullet> Now the trick is to have Episode 911 on 9/11.
[20:31] * BEMANICADE ( has joined #orangelounge
[20:31] * skie sets mode: +v BEMANICADE
[20:31] <DarkTetsuya> and speaking of which.... LOL
[20:31] <Podo> I think the trick really is if it will last 911 episodes XD
[20:31] <Misty> i know i'll keep listening <3
[20:31] <ElMullet> Both tricks are acceptable.
[20:31] <skie> lol very good point podo
[20:31] <ElMullet> Well, there's a better chance to have Episode 511 on 5/11.
[20:32] <skie> that's like ummm 15 years? o_O
[20:32] <DarkTetsuya> LOL podo
[20:32] <ElMullet> Not by much, but the probability increases.
[20:32] <Podo> I dont plan on living that long :P
[20:32] <JonFields> mmm General Tso's chicken wings
[20:32] <DDRAngel> shoooooooooow tiiiiiiiiiimmmmeeee
[20:32] <DDRAngel> :)
[20:32] <Misty> yay
[20:32] <ElMullet> I'll be in my 40s with my broken hip listening to this show and not being able to play DDR 347th Mix.
[20:32] * VxJasonxV yawns
[20:32] <DarkTetsuya> "well here we are, episode 911, on todays show: DDR ULtramix 12, DDR Extreme 8 and Pop'n 69'
[20:33] <JonFields> Gotta love that new technology bringing us all more information than we need to know
[20:33] * mpq ( has joined #orangelounge
[20:33] * skie sets mode: +v mpq
[20:33] <JonFields> Actually by then it'll be DDM 15
[20:33] <Sigurd> DT: Pop'n 69 is slated for next month... by the time those shows role around it will be Pop'n 834654894709583740928573409857349857oiserjho84375
[20:33] <JonFields> Dance Dance Maniax 15

[21:49] <Flarone> if you put a captain jack on speed 2
[21:49] <Flarone> he sounds like satan

[21:07] * DarkTetsuya changes topic to '_7|| OLR Ep. #104 IS LIVE (show note: no skype tonight, sorry.) || Pump Up The Volume Mon. @ 7 || DiVERSiON Tuesday @ 7PM ||'
[21:08] <VxJasonxV^Clone> I'm late aren't I :(.
[21:08] <Dork> not as much
[21:08] <DarkSakura> It's ok.
[21:08] <DarkSakura> We're craptacular tonight

[21:09] <[BEMANICADE]> for those who don't know... WEBCAM IS LIVE ---
[21:09] <Dork> YES!!
[21:09] <Dork> PR0N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:10] <Dork> FU'S OF THE WEEK!!!!!1
[21:10] <Dork> ^_________^
[21:11] <Dork> O_O
[21:11] * Misty pokes Dork. _1Dude... are you OK?
[21:11] * Dork refreshes the cam
[21:11] <Panda> lol
[21:11] <VxJasonxV^Clone> is loki's mic off?
[21:11] <Dork> hey! it's 9 fricking pm
[21:11] <VxJasonxV^Clone> or is it supposed to be a one-way chat with Jamie?
[21:11] <Dork> i NEED pr0n!!!

[22:09] <Misty> actually, i need something that may or may not try to pass itself off as caffinated. be back in a few minutes.
[22:09] * Misty is now known as missingice
[22:09] <Podo> caffine <3

[23:38] <ddrcoholic|work> songs on the radio can't go over 300 bpm because the AM/FM frequencies are too low, only Loki's portal can pick up songs that are above 300 bpm.

[20:59] <DarkTetsuya> I thought there was a vortex to hell, its at RVGL

[20:59] <Izam> So if Loki successes in building a vortex to hell, does that mean I can send people to him when I tell them to go to hell?

[21:56] <MuffinJuice> live365 is slow fucking me

[21:59] <MuffinJuice> if they play b4u. I'll crap a rainbow

[22:58] * VxJasonxV whacks a Unknown_Gamer
[22:58] <Unknown_Gamer> @_@
[22:59] <Unknown_Gamer> * VxJasonxV whacks (off?) Unknown_Gamer
[22:59] <Unknown_Gamer> I'm sorry, I couldn't h elp it. XD
[22:59] <Panda> only you, Unknown_Gamer, would want to be wacked off by VxJasonxV :P

[23:32] * Moo hugs anyone who types !hugmoo
[23:32] <Moo> :P
[23:32] <Panda> !hugmoo
[23:32] * Moo hugs Panda back [ - 278 - ].
[23:32] <Lunarius> reminds me of the Hello Kitty vibrator lol
[23:32] <saozao> !hugmoo
[23:32] * Moo hugs saozao back [ - 279 - ].
[23:32] <Panda> !glompmoo
[23:32] <skie> !hugmoo
[23:32] * Moo hugs skie back [ - 280 - ].
[23:32] <Panda> !rapemoo
[23:32] <Moo> :D
[23:32] <Rychan> !fondlemoo
[23:32] * Moo had his naughty bits violated by Rychan [ - 1281 - ].
[23:32] <Panda> !milkmoo
[23:32] <skie> !shootwaterupmoosasshole
[23:33] <Moo> my asshole doesn't rotate

[23:00] <EvilNaokiIIDX> Nevada-tan
[23:05] <Illusion> one of those pictures has vagina action
[23:05] <Illusion> cartoon vaginas make me :(
[23:05] <JAS> a LOT of thos pictures have vagina action
[23:05] <skie> OH MY GOD SHE'S 11!!!!
[23:06] <Dork> AND SHE'S SMILING!!
[23:06] <skie> why is there vagina action ;____;
[23:06] <skie> that makes me sad
[23:06] <skie> and gayer

[20:15] * Unknown_Gamer rapes Panda, hard!
[20:15] <Unknown_Gamer> <Nicole_Richie> That's hot.
[20:16] * Panda rapes back harder
[20:16] <Unknown_Gamer> By the way...
[20:16] <Panda> ?
[20:16] <Unknown_Gamer> If we're raping each other... wouldn't that just mean we're having sex?
[20:16] <Panda> dunno
[20:16] <Unknown_Gamer> o_o
[20:16] * Panda skullfucks Unknown_Gamer
[20:16] <Unknown_Gamer> Hmm.
[20:16] <Unknown_Gamer> EW!
[20:16] <Panda> lol :P
[20:16] <Unknown_Gamer> Okay, what does that mean exactly, because I'll tell you what I think of.
[20:17] <Unknown_Gamer> You see, when I was in the 6th grade, there was this murder where this dude killed this chick and he fucked her eye socket.
[20:17] <Unknown_Gamer> So whenever I think of skullfuck, I think of that.
[20:17] <Panda> like, fucking you through the eye or the mouth and all
[20:17] <Panda> possibly ear would count too :P

[20:36] * Panda rapes Misty
[20:36] <Panda> Unknown_Gamer knew it was coming too ;P
[20:36] <Unknown_Gamer> Aw man.
[20:36] <Unknown_Gamer> XD
[20:37] * Misty whacks Panda in the balls with a big stick
[20:37] <Unknown_Gamer> Ow!
[20:37] <Unknown_Gamer> Ooo, I know what the feels like. @_@

[21:10] <Misty> gonna go AFK for about 15 minutes. Panda, don't do anything I'm gonna need the stick for, all right?
[21:11] <Panda> fine
[21:11] * Misty is now known as missingice
[21:15] <Panda> wanna see what owned is?
[21:15] <Unknown_Gamer> No. :X
[21:15] * Panda rapes missingice while shes away
[21:15] <Panda> x2
[21:16] <MuffinJuice> XD
[21:16] <Unknown_Gamer> Wow.
[21:16] <Panda> Unknown_Gamer < Panda
[21:16] <Unknown_Gamer> That's not nice!
[21:29] <Misty> _6*stick meets Panda again*
[21:29] * Panda rapes Unknown_Gamer back
[21:29] <Unknown_Gamer> @_@
[21:29] <MuffinJuice> awwwwww.........
[21:29] <Panda> x_<
[21:29] <Panda> you know you like it ;)
[21:29] <Unknown_Gamer> haha! Panda got his balls um, stick'd real good!
[21:30] <Misty> nuh-uh. i don't go for that shit

[21:14] <Unknown_Gamer> I decided to make my freeloading drug addict brother clean the dishes instead.
[21:15] <Unknown_Gamer> Why do us law abiding folk have to do everything?

[21:39] <MuffinJuice> my scanner is like a cheap whore, it only works for one night.

[16:22] * saozao is now known as KarmaTitan|Hacking
[16:23] * KarmaTitan|Hacking ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer_)
[16:24] <monty> haha
[16:24] <monty> he hacked himself
Proud ACen masquerade gofer: 2006-2008
Reg Staff: 2009
I still vote for the fort. >.> :P

Looking for old episodes that aren't on your feed reader or the OLR PSP site? I'm probably one your best bets. ^.^

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Postby Misty » Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:43 pm

[20:38] <DDRAngel> OMG! Rob remembers something from a past show??
[20:39] <DDRAngel> *shock* that's my job. :)
[20:39] <Sigurd> I wanna see sex guy ass :/
[20:39] <DDRAngel> lol
[20:39] <Podo> I think i see a few horsemen
[20:39] <skie> LOL shaddup angel

[23:32] <Rychan> beh
[23:32] <Rychan> no one on skype
[23:32] <Rychan> how sad
[23:32] <blackdevilrx> ^oops i forgot to close down
[23:32] <Toshin> aww :(
[23:33] * Toshin hugs Rychan
[23:33] <Rychan> Meh
[23:33] <Misty|sleep> i'm on skype, technically. ^^;
[23:33] <Rychan> not the worst thing to happen today
[23:33] <blackdevilrx> really.
[23:34] <Misty|sleep> dnd mode, but i haven't DC'd yet for some reason... ^^;
[23:34] <blackdevilrx> i don't think anything you had could compare to losing 100 % on bopmania
[23:34] <blackdevilrx> that was my low for today
[23:34] <blackdevilrx> definately
[23:35] <blackdevilrx> misty's on skype but doesn't want to be disturbed
[23:35] <blackdevilrx> probably because misty is sleeping...
[23:36] <Misty|sleep> not yet, not even close. just attempting to right now heh
[23:36] <blackdevilrx> is your comp right next to your bed? or are you falling asleep at your desk?
[23:37] <blackdevilrx> o have a LAPTOP!!!
[23:37] <Misty|sleep> comp's right next to the bed... laptop? that'd be sweet, but nope
[23:37] <DarkTetsuya> wait if she's sleeping how can she be typing on IRC?
[23:37] <DarkTetsuya> :P
[23:37] <blackdevilrx> she's...uh...DREAM TYPING!
[23:37] <blackdevilrx> no
[23:37] <Misty|sleep> dude, that's just my nick right now. :P
[23:37] <blackdevilrx> SLEEPTYPING!
[23:38] <Toshin> good katamari track ^_^...
[23:38] <Misty|sleep> hell with it...
[23:38] * Misty|sleep is now known as Misty
[23:38] <Misty> happy now? :P
[23:38] <blackdevilrx> we're sorry
[23:38] <blackdevilrx> you can go to sleep
[23:38] <blackdevilrx> i won't bother you
[23:38] <blackdevilrx> dunno bout DT, tho
[23:38] <blackdevilrx> ;)
[23:38] <Misty> not even really gonna try till it's midnight, so i still have about 20 minutes

[21:44] <ElMullet> Get your minds out of the gutter! Be ABOVE the porn related names!
[21:45] <DarkSakura> um...
[21:45] <DarkSakura> Porn names are more fun
[21:45] <DDRevolutionist> exactly
[21:45] * DarkSakura is now known as DSWantsNookie
[21:45] <DDRevolutionist> lol
[21:45] <ElMullet> Yes, but these particular porn names are getting...dumb.
[21:45] <DSWantsNookie> See?
[21:45] * DSWantsNookie is now known as DarkSakura

[21:46] <DarkSakura> OH I SHOULD VOTE
[21:46] <DarkSakura> =p
[21:46] <DarkSakura> I VOTE FOR HOLIC

[22:02] <thelegendofzaku> SPIDER STOMP IS YOUR GOD!!!!!
[22:03] <Ninst> hey now, I know someone who can AAA spider stomp :P

[22:07] <Podo> Rap + DDR? At least it wont interfere with the same sex marrige laws

[22:37] <thelegendofzaku> that song blew
[22:37] <DarkSakura> but not as much as you do. =)
[22:38] <ChibiAlpha> someone's blowing? where? o_o!

[22:44] <Rychan> Perhaps someone should make a shirt that's like a DDR FAQ
[22:44] <Rychan> that they can read the back while you are playing
[22:44] <OtakuRatt> that be hot
[22:44] * Toshin likes that idea
[22:44] <Rychan> XD
[22:44] <Toshin> 1 plz Rychan XD
[22:44] <Rychan> XD
[22:44] <OtakuRatt> I'd take one
[22:44] <Ninst> hahaha
[22:44] <Misty> or a handout-type thing... can't read a shirt when someone's in the middle of their game
[22:45] * Rychan thinks she's sitting on a gold mine with that*
[22:45] <Toshin> dibs on Canada distributing XD
[22:45] <Rychan> XD
[22:45] <Misty> Give me a pile for when I'm gaming. XD
[22:46] <Rychan> I seriously should do it
[22:46] <Rychan> ....
[22:46] <Toshin> do it!
[22:46] <Rychan> that way we'd never hear stupid questions again

[23:22] <OtakuRatt> sometimes Skype is gay...
[23:23] <DarkSakura> How does a program have a sexual gender preference?
[23:23] <Rychan> haha
[23:23] <DarkSakura> OtakuRatt, rephrase.
[23:23] <Rychan> XD
[23:23] <OtakuRatt> theory.. if it was gender able.. it could be gay
[23:24] * Rychan takes OLR's net penis in her hand and strokes*
[23:24] <DarkSakura> But how would it being gay be negative?
[23:24] <OtakuRatt> well... I'm not sure...

[23:29] <Phrekwenci> so
[23:29] <Phrekwenci> what do you people use skype for
[23:29] <thelegendofzaku> voice chat
[23:29] <Rychan> It's an internet telephone
[23:29] <thelegendofzaku> with skie
[23:29] <Rychan> XD
[23:30] <skie> it's to take "phone calls" on the show since we're too cheap for an 800 number

[20:42] <Misty> anyone wanna challenge me on multi-player bejeweled?
[20:42] <Misty> ... try to, anyway?
[20:45] <skie> is that online, misty?
[20:45] <skie> i used to have it on my phone :p
[20:46] <Misty> i've got it on my new phone... i know. didn't you also use the phrase "get my ass kicked at" in front of it in a phonepost? :P ^^;
[20:46] <skie> probably :p

[21:53] <skie> hey, it wasn't politics, it involved crack, so it was funny

[21:59] <Dork> i can't catch any of the live Sunday shows for quite sometime anymore
[22:00] <skie> ;___;
[22:00] <Dork> apparently, I won't be getting off till 12 every Sunday
[22:00] <skie> pssst thursday rewind :D
[22:00] <Misty> heya dork... aw, suck :-:
[22:00] <Dork> BUT IT'S NOT LIVE!
[22:00] <Dork> I WANNA BE A SKYPE WHORE!
[22:00] <Dork> ;_;

[22:04] * Toshin tosses his new pikachu around ^_-
[22:04] * Misty grabs teh Pikachu. ^__^
[22:05] * Dork humps the Pikachu
[22:05] <Toshin> heyy!! ;_;
[22:05] * Misty beats Dork in the head for humping the Pikachu. :\
[22:06] <Toshin> i paid 50 cents and won it fairly! stop it!
[22:06] <Misty> I just wanted to hug it. *gives it back*

[22:27] <skie> wow i got cut off because the pizza delivery guy showed up
[22:27] <skie> LOL
[22:27] <Vandalous> pizza for one?
[22:27] <Toshin> Pizza? :D
[22:27] <Vandalous> or do you have a guest?
[22:27] <skie> loki and nelly are here too
[22:27] <skie> just cuddling and doing couple shit :P
[22:27] <Vandalous> aw
[22:27] <Misty> "couple shit" ... sounds accurate
[22:28] <Vandalous> ooh, you called Matt and Nelly a couple of s**ts! I'm telling...
[22:28] <Vandalous> ;)
[22:28] <Misty> ... *clarifies* couples = bullshit, in my whacked opinion
[22:29] <Vandalous> i hear it's like crack though
[22:29] <Vandalous> i wouldn't knock it til you actually try it
[22:29] <DarkTetsuya> yeah you wouldn't be the first to compare it to illegal drugs :P

[22:28] <DarkTetsuya> we need more fucked up games like KD

[23:00] <skie> NOW PLAYING: Utada Hikaru - With or Without You
[23:02] <skie> :o this song put everyone to sleep
[23:02] <skie> ;_;
[23:03] <Dork> indeed, it's working
[23:03] <Dork> ._.
[23:03] <skie> alright, i'm going to wake you bitches up
[23:03] <Dork> are you coming over to give us blow jobs?
[23:03] <Dork> =P
[23:03] <Toshin> umm huh?
[23:03] <skie> i just might!

[23:38] <Toshin> skie, ummm hows the cuple stuff going in the back? >_>
[23:38] <Toshin> couple
[23:38] <skie> they took it to the bedroom
[23:38] <Toshin> anything on the doorhandle?
[23:39] <Dork> Couple stuff???
[23:39] <Dork> o_O
[23:39] <skie> nope, nothing on the doorhandle, but we don't exactly have a "system"
[23:39] <skie> because, you see, i never get laid :P
[23:39] <Toshin> skie, its a free game if nothing is hanging up outside :)

[00:23] <Misty> It's not like Pop 4's evil... It's called "... >.> bite me, it's still a high score."

[18:07] * Endless-Rain ( Quit (Quit: If my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN)

[19:41] <DDRAngel> it's a Katamari Damacy preshow
[19:41] <DDRAngel> hee hee
[19:41] <DDRAngel> :)
[19:42] <Toshin> I like it! ^_^
[19:42] * Toshin ballrolls randomly
[19:43] * Misty pokes Toshin. :P
[19:43] <Toshin> ahh
[19:44] * Toshin loses stuff off his Katamari

[20:27] <Ninst> I've seen much worse in the way of ascii porn
[20:27] <Misty> it is still ascii porn, dammit
[20:27] <Misty> :\
[20:27] <ElMullet>'s TAME ascii porn!
[20:27] * skie|bbat630 is now known as skie
[20:28] <Misty> i don't care
[20:28] <Ninst> I knew someone in the dorms at college who made ascii porn.... ver very details ascii porn
[20:28] <Bugged> shh, skie's awake
[20:28] <VxJasonxV> skie
[20:28] <VxJasonxV> wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[20:28] <Podo> imagin that, the word porn is mentioned and all of a sudden "hello skie" :P
[20:28] <skie> hi :P
[20:28] <skie> :D

[20:36] <Misty> ... Can't you be a fallen angel or something?? :P
[20:36] <Podo> Satan on OLR... saw that one coming.
[20:37] <Misty> ... I said "a" not "the main one" ^^;

[23:34] <Misty> i listen to more OLR than I watch comedy central...
[23:34] <Misty> even when i'm not just keeping winamp on to whore the hours... ^^;
[23:34] <skie> YAY HOURS WHORING
Last edited by Misty on Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Proud ACen masquerade gofer: 2006-2008
Reg Staff: 2009
I still vote for the fort. >.> :P

Looking for old episodes that aren't on your feed reader or the OLR PSP site? I'm probably one your best bets. ^.^

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Postby DarkSakura » Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:51 pm

<Reznor> Resident Evil + Silent Hill = ?
<Reznor> A connection between the two, maybe....
<DarkSakura|SSF> Resilent Evhill.
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Postby Misty » Sun Jun 26, 2005 9:13 pm

[22:42] <skie> woot, we're going to have a special guest during the premiere show. LOL
[22:42] <skie> via skype ^_^
[22:42] <DarkTetsuya> who damnit WHO? :P
[22:42] <skie> i'll give you a hint
[22:42] <skie> who do we ALWAYS talk about UM2 stuff with
[22:42] <Ninst> does his name start with S and end with igurd? :P

[22:00] <blackdevilrx> the blackdevil, in it's natural habitat, has been known to go all-out in acquiring the nutrients it needs for survival. For example, it just five minutes ago bought a pint of half-baked, a ben and jerry's ice cream known to have a blend of chocolate chip cookie dough as well as chocolate fudge brownie, both exceptionally good ice cream flavors.
[22:01] <blackdevilrx> this does not stray far from the devil's natural diet of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream

[22:04] <Misty> if i wanted to listen to crap, i'd buy a radio and tune into the local top 40 station. this shit's hilarious, and that's why i listen ^_^
[22:05] <blackdevilrx> ^WORD
[22:05] <Podo> all rap?
[22:05] <skie> <3 <3 misty
[22:05] <DarkTetsuya> this should be in ddr XD
[22:05] <blackdevilrx> k-rap
[22:05] <skie> <3 <3 everyone who is here
[22:05] <Toshin> woo
[22:05] <Toshin> feel the love
[22:05] <Podo> we finnaly get the <3 we diserve
[22:05] <DarkTetsuya> hell they did it with the original
[22:05] * blackdevilrx basks in e-<3

[20:36] <thelegendofzaku> don't forget election day
[20:37] <DarkSakura> Fuck the election!
[20:37] <Misty> election day can bite me in my big fat ass --;

[20:56] <skie>
[20:56] <VxJasonxV> fuck cast?
[20:56] <Podo> fuckcast... is that anything like over cast?

[22:23] <Podo> all i got out of that was "skie" and "ass"

[21:22] <DarkSakura|SSF> LOOK TO THE SKIE

[21:26] <blackdevilrx> skie high
[21:26] <Misty> damn, really? think he'll share?

[14:35] <Dork> but don't mind me, i'm just a whiny bitch
[14:36] <Misty> Whiny bitches aren't that bad. What do you think i'm doing half the time i'm at work? ^^;;

[22:39] * Shade23 ( Quit (Quit: I'm asian on the inside. 8th style wednesday... unless the guy at JVG lied to me in which case blood will be spilling)

[23:21] <ddrcoholic> I did your thingy Jamie
[23:21] <DarkSakura|SSF> my thingy? o_o
[23:21] <DarkSakura|SSF> Does my thingie know you did it?

[22:38] <skie> LOKI LOVES ME
[22:38] <skie> IN A NON HOMOSEXUAL WAY


Session Start: Sun Dec 05 21:12:41 2004
Session Ident: #orangelounge
[21:12] * Now talking in #orangelounge
[21:12] * Topic is '7|| EPISODE 121 IS ON LIVE NOW. TUNE IN OR SUCK ||'

[23:06] <skie> there's a party in my pants, and everyone's coming!
[23:06] <thelegendofzaku> FULL COMBO on skie's pants
[23:06] * Rychan takes Skie's pants and puts them on and sits down for some IIDX
[23:06] * Rychan is in Skie's pants
[23:06] <DarkTetsuya> skie's pants: the game
[23:06] <thelegendofzaku> Skiemania IIDX
[23:06] <skie> my pants might fall off you though. you'd need a belt
[23:06] <Flarone> Skie's Pants could be a new bemani game.
[23:06] <Illusion> it's like a party in my mouth!
[23:06] <thelegendofzaku> Skie Skie Revolution
[23:06] <Illusion> and everyone's invited!
[23:06] <thelegendofzaku> Skie'n Music
[23:06] <Illusion> Skie Maniax
[23:07] <skie> bukkake bukkake revolution :x
[23:07] <DarcLion_XVI> Skiemania III
[23:07] <Illusion> Skie Skie Skiadise
[23:07] <thelegendofzaku> Skieoke Revolution
[23:07] <SnowKat> Sky Sky Paradise
[23:07] <SnowKat> skie* sory
[23:07] <SnowKat> :P
[23:07] <DarcLion_XVI> Skie Freaks
[23:07] <skie> you guys are so weird ~.~
[23:07] <skie> <3
[23:07] <thelegendofzaku> Skietial Beat
[23:07] <thelegendofzaku> Skiebo a Go Go
[23:07] <thelegendofzaku> Skietar Freaks

[21:26] <darkknight> oh i got to remember to get that bopmania quiz ready for skie thursday
[21:30] <Misty> ... oh crud. i said i'd do one awhile ago... ^^; guess i need to get working on that again.
[21:30] <DT|Dinner> geez, now everyone wants to do one :P
[21:31] <Misty> hey, i said i was gonna do this one at least a couple months ago. :P
[21:32] <darkknight> i was saying misty in case i don't get mines done in time
[21:32] <Misty> i got distracted by shiny stuff... then i plain-ass forgot :\

[22:20] <JonFields> ... 1234 max 300

[23:24] <thelegendofzaku> skie's clues
[23:24] <thelegendofzaku> ferret's clues
[23:25] <darkknight> skie bob squarepants
[23:26] <thelegendofzaku> the fairly skieparents

[23:27] <JonFields> Say, what does it take to get to go to E3?
[23:27] <Blarg> A lot of sex

[22:41] <darkknight> note to self don't make jamie angry or you'll get boxcutted
[22:41] <darkknight> ;-)
[22:43] <DarkSakura|SSF> =P
[22:43] <DarkSakura|SSF> Maybe I should change my nick to "Nevada Tan"
[22:43] <darkknight> NO
[22:43] <darkknight> lol
[22:46] * DarkSakura|SSF is now known as Nevada-Tan
[22:46] * Nevada-Tan chases DK with a boxcutter.
[22:46] <darkknight> IEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:46] * Nevada-Tan is now known as DarkSakura|SSF
[22:46] <Misty> dammit dk
[22:47] <darkknight> OW PAIN
[22:47] * darkknight bleeds out
[22:47] <darkknight> and dies!
[22:48] * darkknight is now known as dk|rip
[22:49] * dk|rip is now known as dk|ghost
[22:50] * dk|ghost is now known as darkknight
[22:52] <darkknight> jamie, please don't do that again. lol
[22:54] <DarkSakura|SSF> =D
Proud ACen masquerade gofer: 2006-2008
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I still vote for the fort. >.> :P

Looking for old episodes that aren't on your feed reader or the OLR PSP site? I'm probably one your best bets. ^.^

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Postby DarkTetsuya » Sun Jul 03, 2005 4:32 pm

<skie> i dunno where you are in the stream but we had adventures of lol followed by kid icarus dungeon
<skie> oops... adventures of lolo
<DarkTetsuya> aha, no wonder
<skie> this lil lol went to the store
<skie> this lil lol rolled around on his lollerskates
<skie> ok i'll quit
<skie> i have to go get liquor :x
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Postby Misty » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:46 pm

[20:46] <Jaded2004> sickness: the gift that keeps on giving.

[00:38] <BlackLab> well, he's got a new shiny warning point and a friendly PM in his inbox abou tit
[00:39] <DarkSakura|SSF> TIT
[00:39] <DarkSakura|SSF> Good.
[00:39] <BlackLab> I ALWAYS MAKE THAT
[00:39] <BlackLab> WHY
[00:39] <DarkSakura|SSF> Because you are obsessed
[00:39] <darkknight> same here
[00:39] <BlackLab> o_o

[21:24] <Shade|KOTOR2> someone pick for me, light or dark?
[21:24] <Misty> dark
[21:24] <Shade|KOTOR2> meh alright
[21:26] <Misty> hey, you did say for someone else to pick one, shade :P
[21:26] <Vandalous> darth shade!
[21:26] <Vandalous> woot!

[20:24] <darkknight> you quest is to find the princess in the world and screw her senseless
[20:24] <VxJasonxV^Clone> :o
[20:24] * darkknight cast condom on his self

[20:24] <Jaded2005> hey my gf made a good point... What happends *IF* square comes out with an actual FFXXX?
[20:24] <darkknight> lol
[20:24] <Fireboma> press X and O as fast as you can and gyrate the analog?
[20:24] <VxJasonxV^Clone> the perverts of the world will have photoshop competitions
[20:25] <VxJasonxV^Clone> and mod contests
[20:25] <Jaded2005> lol
[20:25] <Fireboma> hehe
[20:25] <VxJasonxV^Clone> and dialogue hacks
[20:25] <VxJasonxV^Clone> etc. etc. etc.
[20:25] <darkknight> dang right they would jason
[20:25] <mpq> they'd probably stop using roman numerals
[20:25] <VxJasonxV^Clone> one would hope
[20:25] <Jaded2005> but they cant! =)
[20:25] * darkknight cast 69 on the princess
[20:25] <Fireboma> because all the fanboys would commit mass suicide
[20:25] * Shade|bb is now known as Shade23
[20:25] * VxJasonxV^Clone casts 69 level 2 on darkknight
[20:25] <VxJasonxV^Clone> I mean...
[20:25] <darkknight> lol
[20:26] * VxJasonxV^Clone acquires 69 level 69
[20:26] <blackdevilrx> this has been quite interesting
[20:26] <blackdevilrx> XD
[20:26] <Jaded2005> See, Final Fantasy wouldnt be the same without roman numerals.
[20:26] * skie|backat630 is now known as skie
[20:26] * darkknight cast karma sutra on jason
[20:26] <blackdevilrx> oh
[20:26] <blackdevilrx> HI SKIE

[20:56] <Rychan> Just so long as you aren't looking at 5 year old boobies
[20:56] <blackdevilrx> ...
[20:56] <VxJasonxV^Clone> :P
[20:56] * blackdevilrx cracks up
[20:56] <Rychan> >:O
[20:56] <Jaded2005> but what if they arent on a 5 year old body?

[20:58] <DJRanmaS> And as for porn nsfw... that's true, but in my line of work, finding porn on the pc is called getting a free lunch. :3

[20:59] <blackdevilrx> OLR? legit?
[20:59] <blackdevilrx> IT HINK NOT
[20:59] <blackdevilrx> *think
[20:59] <Jaded2005> LOL Legit? Whats that?

[21:24] <DMNeoblade> Knowing the japanese... Peach would get pantyshots

[22:55] <BRPOhioBemani> I swear, now that I can voice my opinion on Skype, loki is going to hate me :P

[23:03] <BRPOhioBemani> OLR chat is bemani craq

[23:29] <Misty> my final thought of the show: my college's website needs to support firefox
[23:29] <skie> lol hush

[21:23] <Shade23> UGH!, someone massage my teeth
[21:23] * blackdevilrx massages Shade's...
[21:23] <blackdevilrx> uhm
[21:23] <blackdevilrx> never mind
[21:23] * blackdevilrx stays away from Shade's teeth

[18:21] <DarkSakura|SSF> MY BITCHES. I mean, hi everyone!

[22:10] <DJRanmaS> My girlfriend got me into DDR. Then we broke up. Fuckin ho.

[22:15] <Jaded2005> Does it count that opposites attract if my last name begins with a Z, and her last name begins with an A?

[19:09] <Unknown_Gamer> Wow, Howard Stern called Laura Bush a dumb bitch. That's so funny. :)
[19:10] <Unknown_Gamer> Excuse me, a "stupid bitch".
[19:10] <skie> she is a dumb bitch, look at who she married.

[22:40] <sgoast> my girlfriend is molesting me with a NKOTB pin

[22:50] <Sigurd> I'd kill to be able to go play Plinko on the show
[22:50] <darkknight> punch a hole man that was the best game ever
[22:51] <Sigurd> Punch A Hole was only good when they couldn't punch through the paper

[22:55] <darkknight> FETCH THE OLR BAD JOKE BOOKS
[22:56] <thelegendofzaku> pics of Akira Yamaoka fucking a ferret
[22:56] <VxJasonxV> goat porn
[22:56] <XXXPlizit> haha. Sigurd and Akira.
[22:56] <XXXPlizit> Hardcore/Anal.
[22:56] <Sigurd> VERY hardcore/anal
[22:56] <Podo> wouldnt have it any other way
[22:56] <thelegendofzaku> with some bondage pixz
[22:57] <darkknight> why does that name sounds familar dc?
[22:57] <thelegendofzaku> haha
[22:57] <Misty> ... great. and i log this shit, too. --;;;;;

[21:31] <blackdevilrx> WHAT GAME IS THIS?
[21:31] <Toshin> katamari Damancy
[21:32] <blackdevilrx> oh
[21:32] <ElMullet> The goal: make your stinky balls bigger!

(Pump Up the Volume theme night: cartoon theme songs. Current song: Samurai Pizza Cats theme)
[00:05] <Toshin> see
[00:05] <Toshin> this is werid karma now
[00:06] <Toshin> I work at Pizza hut and know sword arts

[21:40] <ElMullet> This segment has degenerated into sex and pie jokes. Not that I'm complaining, mind you...

[21:43] <DDRevolutionist> call her up up down down left right B A Select Start and fuck me

[18:56] * Dork Is Now [AWAY] Reason: [Who gives a shit?!]
Last edited by Misty on Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Proud ACen masquerade gofer: 2006-2008
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I still vote for the fort. >.> :P

Looking for old episodes that aren't on your feed reader or the OLR PSP site? I'm probably one your best bets. ^.^

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Postby Misty » Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:10 pm

[22:42] <ssj100matt> i have returned
[22:42] <mpq> I don't understand this mix
[22:43] <DarkSakura|SSF> WB.
[22:43] <Reznor> I don't undertand the lyrics. :D
[22:43] <DarkTetsuya> LOKI *and* echo image? I'll be surprised if this doesn't win
[22:43] <DarkTetsuya> damn

[23:32] <Toshin> I dig Take Me Away
[23:32] <Toshin> the arrows dancing in my mind ^_^
[23:32] <Dork> fight the arrows Toshin
[23:33] <Toshin> can't...must resist.....the pretty ...
[23:33] <Dork> fight them!
[23:33] <Dork> smash them!
[23:33] <Dork> destroy!
[23:33] <Daggett> Solo mode!!!
[23:33] <Toshin> can't i just step on them ? ^_^
[23:33] <Daggett> kill the red ones!
[23:33] <Daggett> :p
[23:34] <Dork> ...
[23:34] <Toshin> mmm beat and rythmic patterns...^_^
[23:34] <Dork> apparently, you don't get the concept of arrow-smashing
[23:34] <Toshin> not yet no :o
[23:34] <Toshin> is there a FAQ somewhere?
[23:35] <Toshin> is it like pac man and eating dots for points? ^_^

[23:40] <Dork> what are we talking about here?
[23:40] <skie> i'm not sure anymore o_O

[00:21] <skie> i think i've played this song on ddr a whopping 1 time :X
[00:21] <Misty> then i could prolly kick your ass at it, huh?
[00:21] <Misty> :P
[00:21] <Dork> same here, the gallops kills me
[00:22] <Dork> i've never even played Cartoon Heroes because of the same reason
[00:22] <skie> probably :P
[00:22] <Toshin> on the train
[00:22] <skie> now i've played cartoon heros a bunch...
[00:22] <skie> ... ON TRICK
[00:22] <Toshin> dooo do do dooo do
[00:22] <skie> hahah
[00:22] <skie> as part of pop 4 :X
[00:22] <skie> >_>

[20:59] <DarkTetsuya> OLR: The Musical
[20:59] <darkknight> dt...... don't give him any ideas lol

[21:05] <Podo> Thats all that OLR is, thrown together at the last minute and broke

[23:13] <MJSi24> the problem with enter the matrix is that the best part of it was the hacking. something is wrong when the best part of your game is the cheat menu

[22:17] <Podo> OLR - crossing the line again, and again, and again

[22:19] <blackdevilrx> mahstahpiece thea-tah hates you skie

[22:21] <Podo> I'll go get my salty slut nuts

[22:42] * blackdevilrx puts his chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream back
[22:43] <Misty> >.> *steals the ice cream and puts a spongbob alarm clock in its place*
[22:43] <blackdevilrx> !!!
[22:43] <DarkTetsuya> LOL
[22:43] <blackdevilrx> SUPERSAIYAN!!!!
[22:43] <DarkTetsuya> oh you've really done it now
[22:44] <darkknight> no blackdevilrx don't!
[22:44] * blackdevilrx dismantles and sells the spongebob alarm clock, sells it on ebay
[22:44] <Misty> Now don't go makin' me channel my RPG char and shoot ice at ya... hel- LO... damn was just kidding. o_O
[22:49] <Misty> if i gave the ice cream back, can i have the clock back? i need that damn thing for in the morning.
[22:49] <blackdevilrx> dunno if you'd want the clock, its probably frozen
[22:49] <blackdevilrx> but ok!
[22:49] * blackdevilrx gives the frozen clock back
[22:49] <Misty> *gives the ice cream back*
[22:49] * blackdevilrx puts the ice cream in the freezer
[22:50] * blackdevilrx bolts, chains, firewalls, casts a defense matrix around, sends 2 bodyguards over to and basically makes the freezer impenetrable

[23:12] <skie> i might crash the station here
[23:12] <skie> so if i do, i apologize :x
[23:13] <skie> oh yay, i didn't crash it :D

[22:09] <blackdevilrx> bi-partisan orgy

[20:50] <skie> i honestly have no clue what we will talk about tonight :P
[20:51] <darkknight> uh that means total randomness tonight Like that's different from most other times? :x

[21:54] <Podo> If the DS has sex with you, how does the PSP compare to it?

[20:08] <DarcLion_XVI> i hope Sony doesn't develop a chocolate brown color for the mini PS2.
[20:09] <DarkTetsuya> dare I ask, why?
[20:09] <DarcLion_XVI> I might mistake it as a chocolate bar when I want a snack while playing.

[20:31] <DarkTetsuya> in *this* episode... O_o

[21:49] <skie> dunno why you dropped, station didn't go down
[21:49] <skie> stop the porn torrents
[21:49] <skie> jk
[21:49] <Misty> just 'cuz you say it don't always make it pr0n torrents. :p
[21:50] <thelegendofzaku> skie got owned

[22:10] <Miklotov> I want like Suikoden Yaoi Edition... oh wait... THATS ALL OF THEM YAY

[21:36] <blackdevilrx> the early shows are great for quotes: "when we get back we'll get off the pornography subject..."
[21:36] <blackdevilrx> "AHAHAHA yeah right."

[20:37] <BlackLab> i'd hop in my car and go there right now
[20:38] <BlackLab> but my girlfriend would be rather upset with me
[20:38] <BlackLab> and she will NOT go to RVGL with me
[20:38] <IguanaGrrl> aww no horse crack for you

[18:47] <JonFields> OMG, i have gotta get that for my father for his birthday. My father gave me a cake with fake candles that didn't exactly work, now I wanna give him a cake that throws itself at him.
[18:48] <skie> a launching cake?
[18:49] <JonFields> ya
[18:49] <JonFields> there's a switch built into the plate
[18:49] <JonFields> and it launches part of the cake at the victim

(night of the cagematch with What You Waiting For?, Nitro Narcosis, and AAA)
[22:52] <skie> SEND YOUR ANGST NOW: /msg skie *fu*

[23:00] <VxJasonxV^Clone> P.S. Be Together for FUs = PRICELESS

(this is only here because of skie's reaction)
[23:31] <Flarone> 8===>
[23:31] <ddrcoholic> oooo, penis!
[23:31] <Flarone> Wow.
[23:32] <Flarone> Good job.
[23:32] <Flarone> You're sharp.
[23:32] <Sigurd> yay for penis... wait... what?
[23:32] <Flarone> 3 Cheers for penis!!!!
[23:32] <Flarone> Hip hip--
[23:32] <Sigurd> hurray!
[23:32] <ddrcoholic> yay penis!
[23:32] <Flarone> Hip hip--
[23:32] <Sigurd> hurray!
[23:32] <Flarone> Hip hip--
[23:32] <Sigurd> hurray!
[23:32] <Flarone> YAY!!!
[23:32] <ddrcoholic> yippie!
[23:32] <skie> o_O
[23:32] <skie> i think i've seen everything now

[22:25] * Shade23 ( Quit (Quit: I'm asian on the inside. 8th style wednesday... unless the guy at JVG lied to me in which case blood will be spilling)

[23:16] <darkknight> ROOM CHECK WHO'S STILL AWAKE IN HERE!
[23:17] <DarkSakura|SSF> MY ASS.
Proud ACen masquerade gofer: 2006-2008
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I still vote for the fort. >.> :P

Looking for old episodes that aren't on your feed reader or the OLR PSP site? I'm probably one your best bets. ^.^

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Postby Misty » Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:13 am

[21:42] <Misty> hey, experts/people that have been around long enought to just know... what ep is this? i missed the opening, after all
[21:42] <rhayam> I think I heard #21, not sure.
[21:43] <Misty> would make sense, i think they played #20 last time ^^;
[23:35] <missingice> ... hmm, i'm glad i didn't know about the show this early... i might have ripped a couple people a new one if i were listening to this live...

[01:11] <MuffinJuice> omfg, i havent been here in a loooooong time
[01:13] <MuffinJuice> what episode is on tommorow?
[01:13] <MuffinJuice> thenumber
[01:13] <MuffinJuice> the number^
[01:16] <Ninst> beats me
[01:16] <MuffinJuice> lol
[01:18] <VxJasonxV> 119 I believe
[01:19] <MuffinJuice> really?!
[01:19] <MuffinJuice> i was here at 102 last time =p
[01:20] <VxJasonxV> welcome to november

[19:08] <mpq> so I was watching that stupid "Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi" thing when I thought, "This would be so much better with Be For U."

[19:21] * ElMullet ( has joined #orangelounge
[19:21] * skie sets mode: +v ElMullet
[19:21] <ElMullet> Poof. I have arrived.
[19:21] <VxJasonxV^Clone> =3 poof

[19:34] <skie> SOMEONE HOLD ME
[19:34] * Rychan hugs and holds Rob
[19:34] * ElMullet plays "Hold On Me" as a creative alternative to Rob's request.
[19:34] <skie> i'm just hoping this can be the beginning of a beeeeautiful trend :d
[19:34] <skie> :D
[19:35] * skie sways to "Hold On Me"

[20:10] <Panda> Rychan, i dont love you anymore
[20:10] <Panda> </3
[20:11] <Rychan> Why don't you love me Panda?
[20:11] <Panda> i want your collection ;_;
[20:11] <Rychan> so you hate me
[20:11] <Rychan> see Jason knew the right approach
[20:11] <Rychan> he likes my collection so yeah :P
[20:12] <Panda> how many times does he come over just to play bemani games? :P
[20:12] * VxJasonxV^Clone hugs Rychan
[20:12] <Rychan> That would be a long drive just for that
[20:12] <Rychan> He's got the machines for it all in AZ anyway
[20:12] <Rychan> ;__;

[23:08] <Illusion> it's true
[23:08] <Illusion> UM2 IS like heroin
[23:09] <Illusion> and so is Sigurd's sweet ass
[23:09] <Sigurd> HELL YES ILLUSION
[23:09] <Sigurd> YOU WIN
[23:09] <Illusion> :D
[23:09] <VxJasonxV^Clone> ...
[23:09] <Misty> ^ ditto, jason
[23:09] <VxJasonxV^Clone> ^ ditto, Misty
[23:09] <VxJasonxV^Clone> heh
[23:09] <Illusion> I'm changing my sig on DDRFREAK to "Sigurd's sweet ass is like heroin"
[23:09] <Sigurd> hahah yay that's super hot Illusion
[23:34] <Sigurd> omg Illusion you are like fucking young, you can't be wanting my sweet ass :X
[01:24] <skie> omg illusion your sig on freak O_O
[01:24] <Illusion> yep yep
[01:24] <skie> if i was shane i would so get a restraining order
[01:24] <skie> lol
[01:24] <Illusion> I thought he would love it
[01:24] <Illusion> he and his sweet ass
[01:24] <skie> :P
[01:24] <Illusion> XP
[01:24] <Trishtan> hahah nah no restraining order
[01:24] <Trishtan> though he's freakishly skinny and 16
[01:24] <Trishtan> so I should

[23:39] <Sigurd> I see like cowboys when I hear this song
[23:39] <Sigurd> I don't know why
[23:39] <Illusion> I see that weird guy from the background on UM2
[23:39] <Illusion> and he attacks me
[23:40] <Illusion> and yells "I'M WEARING A CLOAK YOU SQUIRRELY FOOL"
[23:40] <Illusion> then I cry

[00:02] <Sigurd> fucking official Suikoden 4 memory card ate my save or something... I hate you sexy blue card ; ;

[00:03] <Sigurd> JASON
[00:03] <Sigurd> WE SHOULD COSPLAY AT E3!
[00:03] <VxJasonxV^Clone> as who?
[00:03] <Sigurd> I dunno
[00:03] <Sigurd> But it'd be funny
[00:03] <VxJasonxV^Clone> I'll do it :D
[00:03] <Sigurd> because we'd be MAJOR GEEKS
[00:03] <Illusion> two girls from Rumble Roses
[00:03] <Sigurd> I wanna go as a suikoden character!
[00:03] <VxJasonxV^Clone> people suggested I shave it all off and go as.. that... shinra... guy
[00:03] <Sigurd> OMG no ; ;
[00:03] <VxJasonxV^Clone> Illusion... I hate you
[00:03] <VxJasonxV^Clone> :P
[00:03] <Illusion> ;)
[00:03] <Sigurd> what shinra guy?
[00:03] <VxJasonxV^Clone> uhhhh
[00:03] <VxJasonxV^Clone> dammit I don't remember
[00:03] <VxJasonxV^Clone> the bald one
[00:04] <Sigurd> rude?
[00:04] <VxJasonxV^Clone> think so
[00:04] <Sigurd> Was that Rude?
[00:04] <VxJasonxV^Clone> not sure
[00:04] <Sigurd> I haven't played in so long
[00:04] <Sigurd> I wanna go as Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigurd
[00:04] <Rychan> :P
[00:04] <Misty> why does that not surprise me? :P
[00:04] <Rychan> I'd go as Jason's love slave
[00:04] <Rychan> :o
[00:04] <Misty> again, not surprised

[00:19] <JonFields> YOu know, I pay for HBO, and I expect HBO to be on all the time. And yet, this emergency broadcast idiocy always comes up during the good movies

[00:45] <Illusion> casting directors=the biggest douchebags on this side of douchebaggeria
[00:45] * thelegendofzaku gives Illusion ten cookies for last comment
[00:45] <Illusion> mmm
[00:45] <Illusion> cookies
[00:46] <Sigurd> I want more cookies ; ; Where's Mullet when you need him ; ;
[00:46] <Illusion> dead
[00:46] <Illusion> or something
[00:46] <Illusion> how bout I just give you another compliment on your sweet ass
[00:46] <Illusion> would that make you feel better?
[00:47] <Sigurd> not really... I can't eat compliments ; ;

[01:10] <Trishtan> laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaater then jailbait Illusion!
[01:10] <Illusion> toodle LOO
[01:10] * skie|bbl is now known as skie
[01:10] <Illusion> yep
[01:10] <Illusion> I am jailbad!
[01:10] <Trishtan> pft rob is bad
[01:10] <Illusion> and by that
[01:10] <Trishtan> back
[01:10] <skie> o_O
[01:10] <Illusion> I mean bait
[01:10] <Trishtan> not bad
[01:10] <thelegendofzaku> looks like skie's back

[01:12] <skie> trishtan must be shane BECAUSE I CAN TELL BY THE CAPS
[01:12] <Trishtan> INDEED
[01:12] <Trishtan> CAPPPPPPPPPPS LOCK

[01:28] <Illusion> I miss Sigurd
[01:28] <Shane> Damn it, I hoped that by having Trishtan as my name, I'd get him recruited ; ;
[01:28] <Illusion> even though I've never met him
[01:28] <Shane> but noooooooooo
[01:28] <skie> LOL
[01:28] <Shane> I miss sigurd too... he's so damn fine
[01:29] <Illusion> I miss Trishtan too
[01:29] <Illusion> I hate that one guy Shane though
[01:29] <Illusion> I hate him so much
[01:29] <Illusion> SO much
[01:29] <skie> O_O
[01:29] <Illusion> not enough synonyms to express my hate for him!
[01:29] <Illusion> but what a sweet ass
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Postby NeoDude » Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:01 pm

[Oops, double post...]
Last edited by NeoDude on Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby NeoDude » Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:01 pm

[19:47] Reenee: i thought i found a diamond on my desk, but it turned out to be the cap for my iPod firewire cable

[19:48] kuwabara: PSP is a huge letdown for me
[19:48] kuwabara: Lumines is dumb
[19:48] Reenee: UH OH
[19:48] NeoDude: PSP rocks! DW forever!
[19:48] Reenee: UH OH UH OH

[19:53] Reznor: Being able to rent a game for a day and be able to rip it straight to your Xbox hard drive is nice. ^.^
[19:53] Malice: :P
[19:53] Reenee: I ENCOURAGE IT
[19:53] NeoDude: Talk about rent to own...

[20:01] Sakurina: Maybe they'll find Loki
[20:01] Malice: Lol.
[20:01] Sakurina: someday
[20:01] Malice: Lol.
[20:01] Sakurina: FINDING LOKI THE MOVIE

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Postby Misty » Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:02 am

[01:30] <JAS> i fucking HATE this show
[01:31] <JAS> @ tom goes to the mayor Noted and agreed with. --;
[01:31] <Illusion> I agree
[01:31] <Shane> what show?
[01:31] <Illusion> this is the most lazy show ever
[01:31] <skie> orange lounge? yeah i hate that show
[01:31] <Shane> dude, Orange Lounge is such utter crap
[01:31] <Illusion> especially that Rob guy
[01:31] <Illusion> don't tell him I said that
[01:31] <Illusion> he would KILL me
[01:32] <skie> dude, i heard rob forces people to sing
[01:32] <skie> what an asshole
[01:32] <Shane> he's a pansy Illusion
[01:32] <Shane> he couldn't kill you
[01:32] <Shane> he's THE GAY
[01:32] <Illusion> nope
[01:32] <Shane> he'd just stomp his feet and cry

[23:00] <darkknight> ONE MORE THING (talking like uncle from jackie chan adventures)
[23:00] <Vandalous> lol
[23:00] <Misty> ^word
[23:00] <darkknight> cue the barking dogs
[23:00] <skie> DAMMIT I FORGOT THE DOGS >_<
[23:01] <Misty> Encore presentation, maybe?
[23:01] <darkknight> aw skie didn't let the dogs out
[23:01] <skie> stay tuned
[23:01] * darkknight run away
[23:01] <Misty> but of course ^_^
[23:01] <JonFields> We have credits? *credits play*
[23:01] <darkknight> CREDITS 1
[23:02] <JonFields> Push Start
[23:02] <darkknight> all your bases belong to us
[23:02] <sephiroth1215> you mean "all your base are belong to us"
[23:02] <Vandalous> that was fun
[23:02] <Misty> you have no chance to survive make your time :P
[23:03] <Vandalous> launch all zigs
[23:03] <Vandalous> what you say?
[23:03] <JonFields> All your ears are belong to Orange Lounge Radio.
[23:03] <sephiroth1215> someone has set us up the bomb

[23:07] <darkknight> dude if that were to happen i'll be an angry beaver
[23:08] <JonFields> Oh what, you're gonna get a brother named norbert and live in a dam?
[23:08] <darkknight> no jon lol
[23:09] <darkknight> stop capitolizing on my jokes man. lol
[23:09] <darkknight> *captalizing
[23:09] <Misty> ... i have that theme running through my head now. hope you're happy :P
[23:10] <darkknight> oh sorry misty
[23:10] <Misty> eh s'ok
[23:10] <darkknight> but it was that or ren & stempy
[23:11] <Misty> hehe
[23:11] <Misty> quit distracting me, i'm trying to type a livejournal entry

[15:49] <DarcLion_XVI> How was IIDX RED?
[15:49] <VxJasonxV^Clone> The new screen is small, but the quality is so CRISP
[15:49] <VxJasonxV^Clone> and WE FINALLY HAVE VIDEOS!
[15:50] <VxJasonxV^Clone> AND ALL THE BUTTONS LIGHT UP RED har har har
[15:50] <VxJasonxV^Clone> but seriously, it's slick
[15:50] <VxJasonxV^Clone> they took pictures of me playing North. Mostly so they could show the screen to SVGL

[16:59] <ElMullet> I hate dorm Internet.
[16:59] <Jaded2004> ah, i live at home, i'am out of college with a network engineer license.
[17:02] <Jaded2004> but i know what dorm internet is like... Especially when 2 dorms face off in Q3 for 3 hours :)

[20:42] <mpq> what was episode 69 anyway?
[20:42] <Jaded2004> dont as me.
[20:42] <DarkTetsuya> you had to be there Or suck up to the right person.... ^^;

[20:50] <Sigurd> I don't have friends either mpq ; ;
[20:50] <Illusion> poor Sigurd
[20:50] <Illusion> you wanna hug?
[20:50] * SnowKat pokes Sigurd
[20:50] <Sigurd> nah, I'll just go get comfort from alcohol and sex
[20:50] <Illusion> touche Sigurd
[20:50] <Illusion> touche
[20:51] <skie> mmmmm.... alcohol and sex....

[21:46] <Misty> it's not bad. i know i've heard worse stuff *coughragemixcough*
[21:47] <SnowKat> agreed sigurd
[21:47] <Sigurd> MISTY NO
[21:47] <Sigurd> ; ;
[21:47] <Sigurd> cry
[21:47] <Sigurd> Your Rain was great
[21:47] <Misty> just compared to the original!
[21:47] <Misty> :(
[21:48] <Sigurd> ok you win this time misty
[21:48] <DarkTetsuya> next time Misty, NEXT TIIIIIIIIIIIME!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHH
[21:48] <DarkTetsuya> :P
[21:48] <Misty> nah, don't think so. :P

[22:04] <Illusion> Daybehavior+Echo Image=me happy
[22:04] <Misty> ^word, illusion
[22:04] <Illusion> you guys need more Echo Image in your cagematches
[22:05] <skie> no, jesus we need less... we WHORED echo image when they first "broke onto" the ddr scene
[22:05] <Illusion> there's never too much!
[22:05] <skie> although i do have a new echo image song i'm dying to play :X
[22:05] <Illusion> you should take Loki's song
[22:05] <Illusion> and replace it with that song
[22:05] <Illusion> be tricky
[22:05] <Illusion> he won't notice
[22:05] <skie> lol
[22:05] <skie> i'll see if we can play it post-show maybe
[22:05] <Illusion> distract him with something shiny
[22:05] <Sigurd> Echo !mage needs more whoring
[22:05] <Sigurd> MORE WHORING
[22:05] <Misty> YES
[22:05] <Illusion> YES
[22:05] <Illusion> DOUBLE YES

[22:37] <Misty> now... After the Game of Love... That just sucks ass
[22:37] <Illusion> AHHHHHH!
[22:37] <Illusion> IT BURNS!

[22:46] <skie> we're equal opportunity offenders, sheesh :P
[22:46] <DJRanmaS> skie: <3

[23:02] <Illusion> make out buddy my ass!
[23:02] <Sigurd> pffffffffffffft to you illusion
[23:03] <Illusion> ok Sigurd we are SO over!
[23:03] <Sigurd> FINE
[23:03] <Illusion> SO
[23:03] <Illusion> OVER
[23:03] <skie> jer-ry, jer-ry, jer-ry

[23:09] <Sigurd> man, I've not said a sexist comment today... I feel so... odd

[23:11] <Misty> ... glowsticks anyone? *holds up a handfull*
[23:12] <Illusion> yummy!
[23:12] <Illusion> *eats glowstick*

[23:27] <Misty> I like dumping gummi bears into something like a slurpee and then eating them once they're half frozen
[23:28] <DarkTetsuya> misty: I saw a thing where you can use a gummy bear to get thumbprints for ID scanners :P

[23:39] <Illusion> does anyone know the name of that song that was on the Macarena single with Macarena?
[23:39] <Illusion> it was all "Can you feel it? In the air in the air! Can you fel it it's everywhere?"
[23:39] <Illusion> sounded like a 2Unlimited knock off
[23:39] <Sigurd> it was called "also crap"

[23:42] <skie> OMG DON'T EVER HAVE SEX
[23:42] <skie> BE A VIRGIN FOREVER
[23:42] <skie> seriously
[23:43] <skie> THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE SEX. because then you'll be horny all the time
[23:43] <DJRanmaS> i walk away and i come back and there's talk of sex? well damn

[23:52] <Sigurd> two reasons I watched All That back in the day
[23:53] <Sigurd> Lori Beth's Vital Information
[23:53] <Sigurd> and
[23:53] <Sigurd> Josh SEXY Server
[23:53] <Illusion> what about Repairman-man-man-man-man
[23:53] <Sigurd> that doesn't count

[23:57] <Illusion> you know what show was great? Nick Arcade
[23:57] <DJRanmaS> Nick ARcade? You're shittin me right?
[23:57] <Illusion> I used to think they were in the games!
[23:57] <Illusion> IT BLEW MY MIND
[23:57] <Sigurd> hahah omg every day when I randomly walk somewhere (like over to the counter at work) I hum the Mikey walking music from Nick Arcade
[23:57] <Illusion> XD Sigurd that is the nerdiest (yet funniest) thing I've seen you say
[23:57] <Sigurd> I can't stop myself
[23:58] <Sigurd> and I haven't seen that show in months
[23:58] <Sigurd> I'm just like "do-do-doo-do-do-do-do-do-do-doo"

[23:07] * thelegendofzaku wants you donate money to the "I want a Import PS2 and Bemani hardware fund."

[22:33] <Illusion> what happened to Sigurd?
[22:33] <Illusion> did he die?
[22:34] <skie> we thought you took him outside and had your way with him :P

[22:59] <JonFields> You can't blame SquareEnix! They tell you not to let your life get too involved in it before you let you in!!!
[23:00] <Sigurd> I can blame Squeenix... they are like my crack dealer :X

[20:27] <Moo> !milkskie
[20:27] * skie slaps moo. that's not a tit
[20:27] <skie> :P
[20:27] * DarkSakura videotapes.
[20:27] * DarkSakura sells it on the internet for profit.

[20:59] * skie writes "PENIS" on a DS and hits "send" to jason
[20:59] <skie> there... just like every other picto chat i've had

[21:50] <skie> "Hi, my name is Rob. I like peanut butter. Wanna fuck?"
[21:50] <darkknight> lol
[21:50] <Outphase> lol
[21:50] <DDRAngel> lol skie
[21:50] <DDRAngel> :P
[21:50] <Jaded2004> lol
[21:50] <Outphase> or
[21:50] <darkknight> skie only you would think of something that left field
[21:50] <Outphase> Hey My name is Mike, wanna go 50/50 on a rape charge
[21:50] <Outphase> ?
[21:51] <skie> O_O
[21:51] <skie> oh dear

[20:21] <Ninst> fine, I'll throw down my point, FF11 is not fun to lay compared to other online games
[20:21] <VxJasonxV^Clone> no mmorpg should be fun to lay O_o
[20:21] <VxJasonxV^Clone> XD
[20:21] <Ninst> *play
[20:21] <Fireboma> XD
[20:21] <VxJasonxV^Clone> hehe
[20:21] <Ninst> cursed typos
[20:21] <VxJasonxV^Clone> mmoxxx should be fun to lay
[20:22] <darkknight> i can see it now PORNO MMORPGS
[20:22] <VxJasonxV^Clone> no
[20:22] <VxJasonxV^Clone> mmoxxx's dammiot
[20:22] <VxJasonxV^Clone> dammit*
[20:22] <darkknight> cue the porn music
[20:22] <darkknight> ff xxx
[20:22] <Ninst> NO
[20:22] <Jaded2005> LOL
[20:22] <Fireboma> I can see it now
[20:22] <VxJasonxV^Clone> final fantasy 30?
[20:22] <VxJasonxV^Clone> TARU TARU'S GET DOWN AND DIRTY!!!
[20:22] <Fireboma> "Yuna, go fetch me that stick"
[20:23] <VxJasonxV^Clone> :o
[20:23] <Jaded2005> LOL... FF30?
[20:23] <darkknight> no jason read in between the lines
[20:23] <VxJasonxV^Clone> ff xxx = 30 :P
[20:23] <darkknight> ff "xxx"
[20:23] <Fireboma> "Okay" *buttsex*
[20:23] <Jaded2005> lol
[20:23] <darkknight> like bmx xxx
[20:23] <VxJasonxV^Clone> exactly
[20:23] <VxJasonxV^Clone> 'cept not retarded

[20:32] <mpq> every time I hear the opening I think my mom will think I'm looking at porn or something

[20:38] <skie> i <3 you all ... in a non-homosexual way
[20:38] <skie> except for some of you that i DO like in a homosexual way
[20:38] <skie> jk
[20:38] <blackdevilrx> ...o.0

[21:05] <Jaded2005> maybe caffine will make me realize where i put the keys to my slot machine LOL

[22:18] <Illusion> when is this song gonna stop sucking?
[22:18] <Jaded2005> never LOL
[22:18] <DarkSakura|SSF> Illusion: I hope soon.
[22:18] <Illusion> I guess it lives up to the name ---> "IDIOTech"
[22:18] <Jaded2005> when its over, then it will stop sucking =)
[22:19] <rhayam> come on people, be nice. Everyone likes different things. B^)
[22:19] <Illusion> except this
[22:19] <Illusion> no one likes it
[22:19] <mpq> I'm usually the one who likes different things
[22:19] <mpq> and this sucks
[22:19] <skie> I would like to remind everyone:
[22:19] <skie> I put a song in last month called "Bitch"
[22:19] <skie> you all hated it
[22:19] <skie> yet, it won
[22:19] <skie> ???
[22:20] <Illusion> it was better than this though
[22:20] <Illusion> this isn't even music
[22:20] <Illusion> it's like PARANOiA
[22:21] <Illusion> oh wait it stopped sucking...
[22:21] <Illusion> oh nevermind
[22:21] <Illusion> no it didn't
[22:21] <Illusion> it tricked me
[22:24] <Misty> i actually managed to tune that fucker out while responding to something on ITG Freak
[22:24] <blackdevilrx> GOOD JOB
[22:24] <Illusion> I'm trying to do homework here, Loki
[22:25] <IguanaGrrl> HEY NOW
[22:25] <Illusion> oh wait I'm going to community college anyway
[22:25] * IguanaGrrl kills Illusion
[22:25] * Illusion dies
[22:25] * Illusion is going to community college
[22:28] <blackdevilrx> i can imagine Illusion in therapy now. all because of loki.
[22:38] <IguanaGrrl> I'm going to ban everyone who voted for 2
[22:39] <skie> LOL
[22:39] <skie> don't worry guys, your votes are safe with me
[22:39] <skie> (or are they? mwahahah)
Last edited by Misty on Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DarkSakura » Tue Aug 16, 2005 6:14 pm

<DarkSakura|SSF> I want to invite LORD VOLDEMORT to be interviewed on OLR...
<Sakurina> What's the next song going to be? "LET ME BLEACH YOUR ASSHOLE"?
<Sakurina> Here it comes.
<Sakurina> Watch it.
<DarkTetsuya> I'd pay to see that :P
<darkknight> same here dt
<Sakurina> Thirded
<Sakurina> Orange Lounge Radio: The only place where you hear grown lawyers cry like the DDR song they are.
<darkknight> but he's a wimp because he know that he'll enters loki's hell and rip him a new one
* ebe has joined #orangelounge
<darkknight> jamie will shoot first and ask questions later
<DarkSakura|SSF> "So what about the recent statistics from the Department of Justice that shows crime among youth in decline since the release of the PS1?"
<ebe> This is awesome
<DarkSakura|SSF> JT: ::starts whimpering::
<Misty> :D
* DarkSakura|SSF sets mode: +v ebe
<Sakurina> I bet he'd say something retarded like: "This is because parents started taking control of their children. We want to increase the numbers blah..."
<DarkSakura|SSF> "This was BEFORE GTA."
<DarkSakura|SSF> "Now explain yourself, little man. NOW."
<Sakurina> Haha.
<Sakurina> You should sell that episode of the show
<DarkSakura|SSF> HAH!
<Sakurina> You guys could become millionaires
<DarkSakura|SSF> Make my ego groooooooow!
<Sakurina> "ONE NIGHT IN SAN ANDREAS: The Interview That Owned LORD VOLDEMORT"
<darkknight> i can so see jamie in a dominatrix outfit with whip to boot
<darkknight> ;-)
<darkknight> as she tortures the hell out of him
* Maple has joined #orangelounge
* Cow sets mode: +o Maple
<Sakurina> I'll be pretending to sleep for a few minutes.
<Sakurina> brb
<Misty> all right
<darkknight> i know that was wrong
<DarkSakura|SSF> HAH!
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Postby Sakurina » Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:24 pm

18:21 <+tomokun> Norton Disc Utility. Raping your macs HD since 1995 or so.
18:21 <+Spiritsnare> XD
18:22 <+Sakurina> Dick Utility. Fixing your raped HDs since 2001.
18:22 <+tomokun> erm
18:23 <+tomokun> that sounds like it would be worse :3
18:23 <+Sakurina> Oh, sorry. Disk Utility
18:23 <+Spiritsnare> Nice going.
18:23 <+Spiritsnare> I shudder to think what the icon for the Dick Utility would be.
18:23 <+tomokun> Lawl.
18:23 <+Sakurina> It's a pink wrench
18:23 <+tomokun> ....
18:23 <+Sakurina> surrounded by a white glow
18:23 <+tomokun> rofflewoffle.
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Postby Misty » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:32 pm

[20:43] <VxJasonxV^Clone> What? I said visit. Not: COME TO ME MY CHILDREN
[20:43] <Illusion> I thought Jason was Jesus
[20:43] <Illusion> all this time
[20:44] <ElMullet> HAH! You just said it!
[20:44] <ElMullet> Now to take it out of context!
[20:44] <VxJasonxV^Clone> >_>

[20:46] <Illusion> Penises are good for nothing
[20:46] <VxJasonxV^Clone> >_>
[20:46] <Illusion> except having a penis
[20:46] <Illusion> and sex
[20:46] <Illusion> and masturbating
[20:47] <VxJasonxV^Clone> ...
[20:47] <VxJasonxV^Clone> because
[20:47] <VxJasonxV^Clone> that
[20:47] <VxJasonxV^Clone> made sense
[20:47] <Jaded2005> I dont need IIDX to survive, but i do want to play it, heh.
[20:47] <Illusion> *crickets*
[20:47] <DJRanmaS> lol
[20:47] <Illusion> this is too naughty
[20:47] <Jaded2005> oh i know.
[20:47] <ElMullet> I'm the only one that's allowed to kill the chat room with idiotic comments.

[18:21] <mpq> hey, you missed a weird conversation about zombie assemblies
[18:21] <mpq> or something
[18:22] <Fireboma> yup
[18:22] <DarkSakura|SSF> Good!
[18:22] <DarkSakura|SSF> I mean.
[18:22] <DarkSakura|SSF> Aw.
[18:22] <DarkSakura|SSF> Too bad.

[22:34] <Dork> wtf?! i just tuned in and i heard "topless at the age of 17"
[22:34] <blackdevilrx> dork
[22:34] <blackdevilrx> WELCOME TO OLR


[23:03] <Unknown_Gamer> I prefer hot dogs over fish. :X
[23:03] <Unknown_Gamer> :X!!!
[23:03] <Rychan> :o
[23:03] <Panda> ....
[23:03] <Unknown_Gamer> That was the gayest thing I have ever said.
[23:03] <Rychan> hot dogs are good :P
[23:04] <Panda> Unknown_Gamer has finally come out of the closet!!!
[23:04] <Unknown_Gamer> Panda: Holy crap! o_o
[23:04] <violent_hyper_girl> I'M STAYIN IN
[23:04] <violent_hyper_girl> XD
[23:04] <Panda> ITS TRUE!
[23:04] <Unknown_Gamer> I did?! @_@

[21:06] <skie> misty, i approved your link
[21:06] <Unknown_Gamer> Approved link?
[21:06] <skie> for our links page on the site: ... =Web_Links you can submit your own links
[21:07] <Unknown_Gamer> Oh, hehe, none of my sites will get approved. ^___- *bowchakabowwow*
[21:07] <skie> LOL yeah they have to somewhat releate to bemani/the station :P
[21:07] <Unknown_Gamer> What if they have Beatmania IIDX male DJ porn? =.=
[21:07] <Unknown_Gamer> Which one of them will have soon. *cough*
[21:07] <skie> borderline :P
[21:08] <Unknown_Gamer> Or will that be added to your personal link database? XD
[21:08] <skie> *cough*
[21:08] <DarkTetsuya> LOL
[21:08] <DarkTetsuya> :X
[21:09] <Unknown_Gamer> I see. You're very discrete, skie.
[21:09] <Unknown_Gamer> Skie! Stop pestering me for the URL on PM!

[20:45] * DarkSakura|SSF changes topic to '7|| Pump up the Volume is NOW. Listen or get water in your....... nevermind ||

[16:55] * Topic is '7|| Orange Lounge Radio's official idiling spot || Episode 108 this Sunday at 6:30PM PDT!!! || ||'

[18:46] <Panda> wheres Unknown_Gamer ;_;
[18:47] * Panda is in the mood for rapeage of gamer
[18:53] <monty> pc gaming for life
[18:57] <Panda> im not talking about pc gaming here ;P
[19:00] * MuffinJuice rapes panda
[19:00] * Panda rapes back
[19:01] <MuffinJuice> it's nice to know you care.
[19:01] <MuffinJuice> XD
[19:01] <Panda> your just another person to rape

[21:50] <blackdevilrx> how do you emote you guys?
[21:50] * skie types /me at the beginning of his sentence
[21:50] <blackdevilrx> thanks skie
[21:50] * Reenee likes hentai
[21:50] <Unknown_Gamer> figures. e_e
[21:50] <Reenee> too obvious...
[21:51] * skie likes yaoi
[21:51] <skie> :P
[21:51] * blackdevilrx thinks he's learned something new
[21:51] * Reenee is offended
[21:51] * skie is happy to offend =D
[21:51] <Reenee> that's a first!
[21:51] <Unknown_Gamer> skie: you go boy. :X You should go look at my... nevermind.
[21:51] <RicePrincess> have you ever actually SEEN/READ any Yaoi, Rob?
[21:51] * blackdevilrx is laughing hysterically
[21:51] <skie> O:-)

[23:52] <VxJasonxV> UG keeps his software up to date
[23:53] <VxJasonxV> Misty does not IMO, this falls under the "If it ain't broke..." category. Most times, I just don't give a crap.^^;

[23:05] <skie> i can't wait to kick your ass on live, sigurd :D
[23:05] <Sigurd> It'll happen I'm sure
[23:05] <Sigurd> I suck at DDR as of late

[20:59] <blackdevilrx> that's what i love about this show--i leave, and then i come back, and loki's all, "yeah, i used a whip. that's about all i did this week."

[20:28] * skie|backat630 is now known as skie
[20:28] <skie> ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?
[20:28] <Unknown_Gamer> YEAH!!!
[20:28] <MeowMeow> yay Rob;s back ^_^
[20:28] * Unknown_Gamer rocks out.
[20:28] <MeowMeow> oops Rob's
[20:28] <DarkTetsuya> bring it ON XD
[20:28] <skie> ok well unfortunatley we have orange lounge radio instead, but hopefully we can rock later =D

[20:54] <ElMullet> Family Guy is awesome.
[20:55] <VxJasonxV> family guy... I watch it, ehhhhhhhhhh
[20:55] <VxJasonxV> *shrugs*
[20:55] <skie> i love family guy ;_;
[20:55] <Xeno> Who doesn't?>
[20:55] <Moo> that's the one with the butt-shaped chins, right?
[20:55] * VxJasonxV eaises hand
[20:55] <VxJasonxV> =3
[20:55] <VxJasonxV> butt faces ahoy
[20:55] <Xeno> Didn't fox like bleep the word crap?
[20:55] <Moo> yeah, that
[20:55] <Moo> :)
[20:55] <silentben> lol
[20:55] <darkknight> ew!]
[20:55] <ElMullet> Ah, crap [KICKED FOR SWEARING]
[20:55] <DarkSakura|OLRmy> We have no bleeping here
[20:56] <DarkSakura|OLRmy> so shit fuck damn cock whore bush
[20:56] <Misty> no, leave out the damn cock whore in that string --;
[20:57] <DarkSakura|OLRmy> Bush is a dirty word
[20:57] <ElMullet> So is Dick. Yet both are in the White House...

[22:07] <JAS> when is playgirl going to do a videogame spread?
[22:07] <JAS> :X
[22:12] <VxJasonxV> JAS
[22:12] <VxJasonxV> you already have naked Rayden, wasn't that enough?
[22:13] <Sigurd> It wasn't enough... Rayden was ugly

[22:29] <Sigurd> IT BETTER BE FUCKING ECHO !MAGE way for me to take this one outta context --;

[20:24] <Sigurd> Girls don't play video games, that's a lie
[20:25] <Sigurd> that's like saying girls do something other than be in the kitchen
[20:25] <sgoast> Sigurd: My girlfriend wants to hurt you for that
[20:25] <Sigurd> Tell her BRING IT
[20:25] <ElMullet> Oh, Sigurd, you attention whore...
[20:25] <sgoast> Shes just like :O
[20:25] <sgoast> and then she hit me
[20:25] <sgoast> fucker
[20:25] <Sigurd> Oh no, sgoast's girlfriend is going to throw brownies and nicely cooked ham at me
[20:26] <skie> BWAHAHAHAHHAHA
[20:26] <sgoast> AGHABJ
[20:26] <skie> you best hope darksakura doens't see any of that shane No, he needs to be damn glad that I didn't see it when I could act on it.

[23:19] <DarkSakura|SSF> me = fucking exhausted
[23:19] <skie> feel better jamie :(
[23:20] <skie> trust me, the show just isn't the same without you >_>
[23:20] <DarkSakura|SSF> doing my best. thank god for nyQuil
[23:20] <darkknight> lol
[23:20] <darkknight> hell yeah
[23:20] <Jaded2004> lol
[23:20] <DarkSakura|SSF> Capital N
[23:20] <DarkSakura|SSF> Small y
[23:20] <DarkSakura|SSF> BIG FUCKING
[23:20] <DarkSakura|SSF> Q
[23:20] <Jaded2004> Big Fuckin Q!
[23:20] <darkknight> but will knock the fuck out
[23:20] <DDRAngel> Jamie <3 !!
[23:20] <Jaded2004> I love that Fuckin' Q dont you?
[23:20] <DarkSakura|SSF> Might suck down a pair of benadryl with it and slip into a blessed coma

[23:29] <mpq> if I hadn't gotten that useless xbox, I could have gotten a JPS2 and IIDX

[00:50] <BRPOhioBemani> ok, I'm collapsing now. one more song and I go ni ni
[00:51] <darkknight> i'll be right behind you
[00:51] <BRPOhioBemani> get out of my room :P
[00:51] <DarkSakura|SSF> I have only two more songs queued. ;_;
[00:51] <BRPOhioBemani> ok, I'll stay
[00:51] <darkknight> not like that you fool
[00:51] <darkknight> lol
[00:51] <BRPOhioBemani> jamie can be so convincing :P
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Postby Misty » Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:00 am

(search term: 'fuck')
[20:42] <darkknight> I HAVEN'T HAD TACOBELL IN ENOS!
[20:42] <skie> you mean eons?
[20:42] <skie> but ENOS was fucking funnier
[20:42] <Rychan> mmm
[20:42] <VxJasonxV^Clone> I would hope you haven't had anything /in/ Enos
[20:42] <VxJasonxV^Clone> that's ewwie
[20:42] <skie> yeah that's kinda rude to put taco bell in enos without asking

[20:49] <VxJasonxV^Clone> Install Linux, here's $0
[20:49] <Fireboma> screw you Jason *steals money*
[20:49] <Fireboma> *gets banned*
[20:49] <VxJasonxV^Clone> congradulations
[20:49] <VxJasonxV^Clone> you stole $0.00!

[20:51] <ElMullet> "Water! Water!" "Here guy, have a Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper!" "I'm not THAT dying of thirst!" ;-; am i one of the few people that actually likes that stuff?

[02:35] <VxJasonxV> panda
[02:35] <VxJasonxV> you're not playing amplitude online at the moment are you?
[02:35] <Panda> nope
[02:35] <Panda> dont even own that game
[02:35] <Panda> and if i was, i wouldnt be on irc
[02:35] <VxJasonxV> we just found someone online with the name panda
[02:35] <Panda> :|
[02:35] <Panda> we?
[02:35] <VxJasonxV> myself and Moo
[02:36] <Panda> ah
[02:36] <Panda> are they trying to rape you?
[02:36] <Unknown_Gamer> Yes.
[02:36] <Unknown_Gamer> Like the 5'1" Asian Queen.
[02:36] <Unknown_Gamer> *shudders*
[02:36] <VxJasonxV> O_o
[02:36] <VxJasonxV> no
[02:36] <Panda> if the panda is trying to rape you then its me :P
[02:36] <Panda> nope, its not me then lol

[21:57] <Illusion> Bitch sucks ass
[21:57] <Illusion> and not just regular ass
[21:57] <Illusion> syphilitic whore ass

[15:07] <BRPOhioBemani> ooh, a reason to like G4
[15:07] <BRPOhioBemani> never thought I'd find one
[15:08] <BRPOhioBemani> they're gunna be carrying the Formula D circuit

(was listening to ep 111, search term "penis")
[22:44] <DarkSakura> my internet penis wants to be big like Jason's

[23:38] <Lunarius> use a condom on the joystick! you never know where Loki's hands have been!
[23:39] <Unknown_Gamer> Lunarius: On his penis.

[21:44] <DJ-Specte> masturbation should become an olympic sport
[21:44] <Dork> hahaha
[21:44] <Dork> i'd win that for sure
[21:44] <DDRAngel> huh?
[21:44] <Dork> ^_^
[21:44] <djtakuya> YES!
[21:44] <DJ-Specte> that would be funny to watch
[21:44] <djtakuya> yea so does th UK
[21:44] <ElMullet> How would masturbation be graded?
[21:45] <ElMullet> Technical and freestyle?
[21:45] <MuffinJuice> O.o
[21:45] <DarkTetsuya> STICK STICK STICK
[21:45] <djtakuya> how long u can last lol!
[21:45] <Dork> who's penis can turn purple first
[21:45] <DJ-Specte> masturbation can be done all year long
[21:45] <MuffinJuice> o_o!!!
[21:45] <G-Pan> >.>
[21:45] <djtakuya> yes it caN!
[21:45] <ElMullet> Why not go even further and add Archery to it?

[21:46] <ElMullet> I love the Internet. I don't know if I'm being made fun of or not.

[23:33] <Sigurd> I totally drew a penis on Mario 64DS and then used the stylus to drag it around hehe
[23:33] <Rychan> :X
[23:33] <WannaBoardX> hahahaha
[23:33] <mpq> sounds like I should get a DS then
[23:33] <Sigurd> OMG ROB WE ARE PERVS

[01:14] <Illusion> ok maybe she's dead
[01:14] <Illusion> but that's not the point
[01:14] <Illusion> the point is
[01:14] <Illusion> penis
[01:15] <Illusion> wait
[01:15] <Illusion> that's not the point at all
[01:15] <Illusion> stop distracting me
[01:15] <Trishtan> hahah that's the only good point!

[20:46] <Illusion> (Sigurd it's better if we lie to ourselves :P)
[20:47] <Illusion> (helps our self esteem)
[20:47] <Illusion> (and by our I mean me)
[20:47] <Illusion> (and by me I mean penis)
[20:47] <Sigurd> so its better if you penis yourself??????
[20:47] <Illusion> yes yes it is Sigurd
[20:47] <Sigurd> does that make sense?
[20:47] <Illusion> no
[20:47] <Illusion> no it doesn't
[20:47] <Sigurd> ok just checking!
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