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Sending DarkSakura to Disneyland for her Birthday!

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Sending DarkSakura to Disneyland for her Birthday!

Postby Marron » Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:12 am

So, as many of you know, DarkSakura's birthday is on this upcoming Sunday, April 19. Some of her girlfriends and I are taking her to Disneyland for her birthday.

I'm sure many of you are aware of Disney's promotion to get into the park free on your birthday; the only problem is that the promotion only lets you into Disneyland, not into California Adventure--which is where Jamie's favorite ride, California Screamin' is. I'm trying to collect $69 to buy Jamie a ticket into California Adventure so that she can enjoy a full Disney experience for her birthday. So far, I've had one donation of $5, but I'm still a long way from the goal!

What will it take to send DarkSakura to California Adventure? 13 donations of $5, 10 donations of $6, 6 donations of $10. It's not a lot, as you can see. I know that the OLR crew is very grateful to you for helping them get a new studio PC, and I'm absolutely positive that DarkSakura would be very grateful and thrilled to go Disneyland and California Adventure.

If you're interesting in contributing, send a payment thru paypal to "lenawar [at] gmail [dot] com" with the subject "DarkSakura Disney" (or something similar). If, somehow, I get over the $69, any extra money will be given to Jamie to pay for her to have a fancy birthday dinner at the Blue Bayou Restaurant inside of Disneyland.

Thanks for the help, OLRmy!

UPDATE: We're up to $25! That means just $44 to go!
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