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So I have a crazy concept for a new video game...

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So I have a crazy concept for a new video game...

Postby MrKenji » Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:23 am

Hello all, I'm Kenji. Nice to meet you; hopefully you'll see me around more often, seeing that the majority of these tiny forums are composed of people actually caring about video games and the industry as it is.

So about this concept; yes, I know, crazy first post. Please bear with me.

It reminds me of an orchestral song I played in high school: Sinfonia Voci, I sing the mighty power of God. Which got me thinking.

I think with the direction that RPGs are going nowadays, more refreshing ways to play through the tedium of battles are becoming the focus. The Tales series has always been focused on the LBS; FF XII is using the Gambit System; Riviera (don't dis the game- it was well recieved in Japan) had the Rage system. With this, I think that ATBs and random encounters are becoming a thing of the past.

So I was rocking out to some music the other day, and thought to myself during one particularly bad-ass song (Xepher, if I recall), that this would make a frickin' awesome boss theme. Problem: it was only two minutes and a few seconds long. That got me thinking: what if heroes had to beat the boss before the boss theme ended? What happens if they don't? Do they like fall out of character, the director going "CUT, CUT!", a la Viewtiful Joe? Or would they, in all seriousness, die, as if the music was some sort of oxygen, or lifeline, even?

Enter, what I call at the moment, Sinfonia Voci.

Long ago, a kingdom under the heavens existed. Powerful and prosperous, it ruled benevolently for many a year, secluded from the rest of the world.

And yet isolation did not last long, for humans, with their newfound technology and curiosity, entered the kingdom. At first peaceful, the Kingdom was friendly to their wishes. But as curiosity grew into desire, and then into greed, the humans longed to gain the power of the Kingdom under the heavens. And they would go to any length to reach the heavens- even war.

So the Kingdom was given the only order they could follow- bury the very thing they wished to obtain. The very voice of God.

No one knows what became of that Kingdom.

And because every good story needs some sort of poem (hey, don't knock it- Link to the Past had the same thing)

Long ago and far away,

Across far and distant lands,

The people of God still sing

Beneath the ocean of sifting sands.

Accursed, the humans, chosen well

To hear the maidens cry;

O woe to he who hears no voice

For twixt they are to die

Let mortal angels walk the earth

To die a death in vain

For he who wields the Voice of God

Shall end the world of pain.

Players assume the role of a veteran knight of some republic. On a recon mission he inevitably gets tied up in a scheme with the church of a neighboring kingdom to recover "The Voice Of God"- a relic of unknown power from the kingdom long since buried beneath the sands.

The weapon (which starts out as a sword, shaped like a quarter-rest) he wields is something of a curse- another relic from said kingdom buried long ago, its bearer expires when "The voices fail to reach him" (i.e. the music dies). Giant catastrophe of biblical proportions; heroic paranoia ensues. (After all, wouldn't you go crazy if you kept hearing music whenever you encountered anyone, a la Rez?)

The meat of the story is the link between the hero who is cursed; the "weapons of God", the maidens of the hidden kingdom, and trhe Voice of God itself- and those who wish to take the power for their own selfish designs.

The battle system is as such: Linear, much like the Tales series, but extremely fast-paced- Enemy HP bar at the top, Hero's HP bar on the bottom. During the music (think Guitaroo-Man), the enemy attacks at certain melodies in the song while the Hero attacks at others. When attacked, the HP bar diminishes, but also renders the Hero unconcious for varied amounts of time, depending on the type of attack. As the song goes on, however, the Hero's HP bar continues to diminish even if not attacked- at the end of the song, the Hero expires and is returned to a nearby safe spot for another retry. Thus, EACH ENEMY MUST BE BEATEN BEFORE THE SONG ENDS.

The Hero can jump, block, and attack with his sword. Attack opportunities are made apparent when the sword shines RED; and block or parry when the sword shines BLUE. Imagine Wind Waker's parry system. But faster. To music that only lasts one minute. Trying to beat an Iron Knuckle.

That's what I'm trying to go for.

During the music, however, if one was musically inclined enough to hit the attack button when their sword was glowing red along to certain melodies in the music (think Mother 3's background music timed hits system), massive additional damage would occur; as opposed to just mashing the attack button when the sword shines red.

Certain weapons would give advanced properties; for instance, some may actually display rhythm bars and meters during the song/battle, giving hints on when to strike for additional damage; others may slow down the music or fluctuate it; others may add multiple-hit combos or even magical affinities.

Items would replenish the Hero's HP or otherwise help him by playing back the song in reverse for a set time, buying the Hero more time (but reversing all buttons); returning to a certain measure for another "repeat" (for the musically inclined); and even stopping the song to get in a few cheap hits.

And of course, the race from the hidden said kingdom buried beneath the sands would be capable of using summoned deities. Nothing like FF XIII, though; three second, gloriously beautiful 2D sprites ripping apart monsters. That's... about it.

Monsters would appear on the map screen (random encounters can go screw themselves); as you approach them, a faint preview of the song would play, getting louder as you close in on the enemy.

Gil and Exp. would be given as such; but certain conditions in finishing the battle (such as using the last beat in a song as the finishing strike; finishing the battle in under ten seconds; etc.) Would yield additional Gil and Exp.

In order to keep the game fresh, however, after a single playthrough, I'd imagine more than 200-300 monsters/songs to keep people entertained and guessing for the right rhythm patterns to effectively defeat monsters.

I have more notes on this idea, as it's literally coming together in my head as I sleep (sort of). Any comments and criticism would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Postby PkerUNO » Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:23 am

I would seriously buy this.
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Postby krispykreme » Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:16 am

Dude. Holy damn. When did you find the time to write this? Its amazing.
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Postby The23rdMagus » Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:50 pm

That's innovative. Not only would I buy and play it, I'd help write the damn script!
The future is comin' on...
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Postby ssj100matt » Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:51 pm

Better Patent that idea before someone takes it...

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Postby Sai-kun » Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:57 pm


srsly. I would totally buy that.
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Postby MrKenji » Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:06 pm

Thank you guys for the praise; I really do appreciate it. I would be hard at work on the actual PHYSICAL game; but alas, since I only know BASIC, I'm pretty useless when it comes to modern game programming. And I'd love to submit this idea to some dev team, indy or otherwise; but in this day and age, what dev studio would even listen to my ideas?
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Postby skie » Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:15 pm

A music-based RPG. Highly Original... wow that would be tricky to pull off but if done right, a real fast paced RPG like that could be a crap-load of fun.
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Postby PkerUNO » Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:00 am

I'm thinking.

Q! did both Ninety-Nine Nights and Rez/Lumines/EEE/etc. This would be right up their street. :)
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