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Streaming OLR to PSPRadio Possible through Stream Redirect?

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Streaming OLR to PSPRadio Possible through Stream Redirect?

Postby Deekman » Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:33 am

Now I'm posative this has been braught up before. Although this idea is a bit different.

Now I've tried streaming OLR directly through PSP Radio and it doesn't work (I've tried downloading a winamp play list and then edditting the code to try and make it compatible but no matter what I do it won't connect.)

Now my idea was re-streaming OLR to the PSP from your PC through winamp.
Now if I had your playlist file entered into winamp streaming the media from Live 365, could I then use a program such as Shoutcast.

Shoutcast server: (This has a guide on setting it up as well)

Shoutcast DJ Plugin for Winamp: (You will want the DSP plugin)

To then play the Live 365 stream from my winamp play list sending them down through shoutcast server and then pick them up wirelesly on my PSP.

Any one think this would work?
Any one with a shoutcast setup willing to try?
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Postby VxJasonxV » Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:11 pm

Yes, this will work;

Having said that, I need to make a pretty important disclaimer:
Please please please don't set up a Global Live365 relay, we really do like accounting for each and every one of our listeners.

Assuming that you are behind a router, (or use WiFiMAX or something, i.e. your PSP connects to YOUR PC) we have no problem with fair use private relays.

Yes, download the shoutcast server, and the winamp DSPs, and then start a server.
Then you just have to connect to the private IP (the 192.* address) of your computer/shoutcast server with your PSP, and BAM, walk away and enjoy.

1) It will not be in mp3PRO. Even if Shoutcast supports it (not sure?) the PSP won't.
2) The computer has to remain on (duh?).
3) Enjoy!
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Postby Deekman » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:50 pm

Oh heck no I'd only set it up for my own home use. Screw the rest of you I don't have the bandwidth to host a relay service!

Besides that'd just be stupid, I was just curious if it was possible from a technical point of view.
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Postby VxJasonxV » Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:49 pm

Then the answer is:
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