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OLR TG #39: Week of 9/26/05 - 10/2/05

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OLR TG #39: Week of 9/26/05 - 10/2/05

Postby skie » Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:55 am

Dragon's Quest VIII to have Final Fantasy XII demo... Guild Wars hits milestone... PSP 2.0 finally cracked?... Miyamoto makes public appearance in New York... Game Boy Micro news & expansions in Japan... EB out of XBox 360s?... Grand Theft Auto: Special Edition... Myst V... OLR Giveaways and much more!
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Postby robbway » Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:59 am

Some more information about a couple of topics.

RPG Maker 3 is pretty nice. The main news I want to add is that it supports HDD! I've only explored the sample game and trapsed thru the edit menus. I love the animation and detail. It has slowdown problems when you see too far ahead. The music selection is wonderful! The demo gets a little weird with the way towns are represented on the map screen that looks very artificial--they're surrounded by impassible walls. The demo game doesn't have any experience level-upping.

I have Qix II for the PS One. It has the original game and Qix II. Qix II was a mod of Bomb Jack and pretty awful.

Myst 5 Limited Edition is already released, not Jan 06.

XBox360 presells, and presells in general, are like airline tickets. They're way oversold, at least to the 200% level. The numbers become more realistic as we payoff our presells before the release date. I'm not getting one because, if you look at my forum posts, I wasted way too much money on games lately!
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Postby sephiroth1215 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:28 am

Heh that's weird I just reserved my 360 yesterday at EB. Those bitches better not screw this up for me. I thought it was odd when I asked if they were going to fill up with reserves and I get the answer of "Ummmmmm we have no number and stop at a certain date that we do not have yet". Ugh but I don't have time to listen to the podcast until wenesday night when I'm done with my classes for the week. Oh well I hope I win that Max 2 v-rare since it was only released on the west coast there was no way for me to get one :(
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Postby skie » Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:44 am

Robb-- not sure how I screwed up on the Myst 5 thing, I must have gotten my wires crossed... I'll try to remember to issue a correction on next weeks show, my bad!! As always, I appreciate that you present your feedback in a professional manner.

Very interesting about the Xbox 360 pre-sale thing... though not surprising at all. Another reason why I rarely pre-order games... Hmmm... I wonder if we could get more input on that from someone inside retail... more to come on that.

Sephiroth-- this won't be the last giveaway involving v-rares. Good luck to you!
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Presell Problems

Postby robbway » Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:19 am

The presell problems are not a manufacturer's problems. It's a direct response to retailers forcing you to reserve your next system. In order to ensure delivery, some will spread their pre-orders to different sources, and then decide if they want to get refunds or sell the spares on eBay. Consequently, I happen to know that EB (at least), will "short" the stores if necessary. Ironically, this "extra demand" often leads to unreserved copies being sold to the guy off the street--so don't give up! Either way they sell almost 100% of their stock on the first day.

Me? I like the Cabbage Patch Distribution model, which is now the Mac-Dash model. First come, first served, no real lines, fist fighting, threats, sprains, broken bones, and a couple of wounds.
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Re: Presell Problems

Postby skie » Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:30 am

robbway wrote:First come, first served, no real lines, fist fighting, threats, sprains, broken bones, and a couple of wounds.

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Postby Fireboma » Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:33 am

Don't forget the Tickle-me-Elmo approach, with the stabbings at the counter and little girls getting trampled.
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I Promise, Last One

Postby robbway » Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:49 am

Or (Robb shows his age :oops: ) a lottery like the Jacksons Tour in '84. You had to buy tickets, and then win the lottery draw. Losers got the money back, but that was presumptuous!

I'd just like to point to the PSP sales, where supply easily met opening-day demands. It was really easy if you know where to look. However, certain areas got drained fast. Populous metro areas, easy-access stores, and European Tourist Areas. My friend at Disney, FL couldn't find PSP all summer because the UK tourists were gobbling them up! Meanwhile, the Target closest to work had them all summer from opening day (in Maryland).

I'd like to see someone come up with a better solution than reserves.

Still all this Elmo talk reminds my of my psychotic Furby that wouldn't go to sleep and talk 100% of the time. Me love tickle. He he he. Woooooaaah! Me love U.
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Re: I Promise, Last One

Postby Fireboma » Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:44 pm

robbway wrote:Still all this Elmo talk reminds my of my psychotic Furby that wouldn't go to sleep and talk 100% of the time. Me love tickle. He he he. Woooooaaah! Me love U.

I'm sure it slipped in a "I'm going to kill you" and :I'm going to finally become a human again!", but I'm sure it isn't a new Chucky.

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Postby sephiroth1215 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:04 pm

Well I should probably stop by later this week, maybe when I pick up ex2 even though I'm getting that in another store away from the mall. But I do have to pick up the new bloodhound gang CD (gotta support my favorite bands and pay for their songs). I just hope my reserve is somehow not invalid, but I don't see why it should be, can't someone sue for that? The only exception would be sony for screwing up the PS2 before launch since it was sony's fault but in the case of the 360 it was EB denying someone of something that they put money down on and is not able to get it on the specific date, that is just wrong.
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Hold On

Postby robbway » Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:50 pm

You should stick with your reservation. The double-reservists will show their colors on release date. Also, get to your store early, because those present will get a system.
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Postby Reenee » Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:49 pm

Oh god, I got Qix for my monochrome Game Boy out of randomness. It was the ONLY game I got outside of getting it as a gift. =\

Qix was awesome though...
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Postby skie » Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:36 pm


... and try not to throw up in your mouth a bit:
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Postby scarecrow » Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:29 am

YAY for penguins :lol:
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Postby VxJasonxV » Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:05 am

I am VERY ashamed to say...
I've seen and played Super Big Brother >_>.
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