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Postby Sakurina » Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:09 pm

Name: Yanik Magnan (a.k.a. Sakurina, although I have gone as Kirby Kirby Kirby before)
Location: Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada
B'Day: April 14th, 1991
Why you enjoy Bemani Games: They're a breath of fresh air in the gaming world. Plus, the music rocks. And they have a pretty hardcore community.
Why you're here at Hey, it's *so* much fun. I had to bring that up in some way or another.
Favorite Bemani song: LOVE <3 SHINE. Preferably the version off of the BeForU album. As whored as it is, I'm actually good at it, unlike the locals.
Other video games you enjoy: SOCOM II, Katamari Damacy, FF I&II, Vendetta Online
Anything else you want to share: Guys are not allowed to hit on me. I am not a girl. The username is dedicated to a girl. And if you don't understand why, just ask yourself the following question: Loki, what do you think about gay sex?

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Location: Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada

Postby amidamaruflame » Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:34 pm

Name:Jon Berry

Location: Raleigh, NC


Why you enjoy Bemani Games: I just do

Why you're here at hmmmm i was looking for porn and this came up :D thought i'd check it out

Favorite Bemani song: Hmmmm... Somewhere Over The Rainbow (only on heavy)

Other video games you enjoy:hmmm amplitued, the ff series

Anything else you want to share:I'm gay, and my greatest acomplishment is that i beat bag (on heavy :)
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Postby DJRanmaS » Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:00 pm

Sure why not. ^^

Name: DJ Ranma S
Location: Bronx, NY
B'Day: 24 May 78
Why you enjoy Bemani Games: The music!
Why you're here at The fandom!
Favorite Bemani song (YES YOU HAVE TO PICK ONE): My Sweet Darlin' - DDR MAX
Other video games you enjoy: Naruto: Narutimate Hero 2
Anything else you want to share: I cosplay... Uh yeah, that's it. ^^;
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Postby ssj100matt » Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:44 am

Name: ssj100matt

Location: Phoenix, Arizona (born in Westchester NY)

Birthdate: 12/30/83 (age21)

Job: Camera man, Freelance videographer and film director

Why i like Bemani games: The music

Why on OLR: Gotta have something to do late on Sundays

Favorite Bemani song: hmmm Never Gonna make- Morganna (DDR 5thmix)

Other games i like: MVP Baseball 2005, GTA San Andreas, Gundam Battle Assualt (all of them), DBZ budokai, Capcom vs SNK2, Diablo 2, Unreal (the sniper hunter), ITG2, SSX, Cool Boarders 2 (the best one), and like 1000 others...

Anything else id like to share: haha too much to say but.... LETS GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by ssj100matt on Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ssj100matt » Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:45 am

Last edited by ssj100matt on Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ssj100matt » Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:46 am

crap double post sorry
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Postby gs191 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:20 pm

Name - gs191 (goes by other aliases such as crash_override003)
Location - Midlothian, VA
Birthday - 10-9-1987
Why do i enjoy bemani games - It was something diffrent in the arcades. I finally found a fun game that i could play in the arcade and didnt have to worry about ego or competition.
Why you're here at - I always lisen to OLR in the summer since i always had time and i might as well be on the fourms. now i have more time to lisen since i'm not stuck in that hell hole called public school.
Favorite Bemani Song - A from IIDX or DDR Extreme (i'm a sucker for remixes of classical music)
Other games i enjoy - i like any game except sports and fighting.

Anything else you want to share - Currently looking forward to the next gen consoles and i'm pretty picky (i rather shoot my self in the foot than work in the food industry).
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Postby Same » Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:48 pm

Name: Phillip G., Same, DJ Bytes, PG2011, Same_7, Fat Phil

Location: Lucas, OH

B'Day: March 7, 1989

Why you enjoy Bemani Games: Music. I love music. Any and all kinds of music, I just can't get enough of it. Composing, playing, keysounding, singings, dancing, all of it.

Why you're here at I <3 Online Radio. And the podcast gaves me a new found interest in the site.

Favorite Bemani song (YES YOU HAVE TO PICK ONE): Bunmei - Henry Henry. PHANTOM OF TEH OPERA AM I RTE?

Other video games you enjoy: Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3. I got out the old NES and that's almost all I've been playing.

Anything else you want to share: I run Edits.(period) (, which has been dissed on OLR by an unnamed Konami official. :D
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Postby Deekman » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:50 pm

Name - Deacon "Deekman" Ross
Location - NSW, Australia
Birthday - 16/08/1985

Why do i enjoy bemani games - Honestly benami games arn't my thing not to say I hate them just not really into them but my girlfriend LOVES them. So I'd say I enjoy them cause it gets her off my case for a couple of hours a day :-P

Why you're here at - Started listening to OLR to when I found it on podcast alley arnd abou E3 time this year and have been hooked ever since. Thaught I'd try posting here and get to know the hosts.

Favorite Bemani Song - Monkey Magic (can't remember which game it's from though I just LOVED the show when I was younger and it's fun to dance to it)

Other games i enjoy - Katamari Damacy, Minna Daisaku Katamari Damacy and Berserk (DC) and Berserk 2 (PS2)

Anything else you want to share: I'm a spriter as in I make sprites for video game and a webdesigner as well (both of them for the past 7 years now). I run a site with one of my mates and my girlfriend over at
I'm very into anime and the hand held scene.
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