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360/ps3 worth it on non HD tvs?

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360/ps3 worth it on non HD tvs?

Postby MrWonderful » Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:56 am

Hey everyone
I poked around and hadn't seen this question asked, and I'm pretty curious. My gaming tv isn't HD yet, and I was wondering if it's really worth it to pick up a 360 or a ps3 without an HDtv. I've heard horror stories about how Dead Rising is unplayable on regular definition, and gears just bleeds together. Obviously, that would suck. I'm kicking around buying a 360 with my Wii this holiday season, but if it's going to be unplayable, then hell with that. Any of you folk play 360/PS3 games on regular definition? or am I just behind the times?
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Postby mikew0440 » Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:25 pm

I'm also playing my 360 on an SDTV but I'm hoping for an HDTV for hanukkah.

Here's the thing. It's not unplayable, but it's not as enjoyable. It looks ok, but I would suggest an HDTV. But is it worth it to have a 360? In two words, hell yes. The online services like Live and the marketplace make it great no matter the resolution of the TV. If you're considering something last gen over this gen, don't. If you get a 360 and Live you won't regret it.
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Postby ssj100matt » Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:57 pm

The PS3 was created with the idea that sooner or later people would get an HDTV (much like with the DVD player in the PS2)... Your not butchering it by not playing on a HDTV par-say but you will get a more richer/fuller experience with one...

and PS: Big ups to mikew0440... Because now im not longer the token jew of the show/forums :p

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Postby ctbx » Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:48 am

The Xbox 360 is fine on a Standard Definition TV; it still looks great. However, after a while, you'll probably want to upgrade to an HD display. Since I'm too cheap to get an actual HDTV, I instead purchased a 19 inch widescreen flat-panel monitor that is 720p-ready. After that, all I needed to do was get a VGA cable.

I can't say anything about the PS3, since I do not own one. I would hope it looks fine on a Standard Definition TV.
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Postby sephiroth1215 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:22 am

I honestly can't say about the PS3 yet since right now it's hooked up to a really crappy 15 year old TV for now. But once I can live in my own room again I will give an honest opinion.
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Postby richmini99 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:15 am

I've been playing my 360 on a SDTV since April. I'd have to say it is worth it. The only issue I had was text that was too small to read in Enchant Arms, and Dead Rising. I have to say Gears of War made my TV look great. That being said; i just bought a 32 inch LCD this moring. I'll post my impressions about the differences later.
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Postby richmini99 » Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:59 am

Man; what a difference HD makes. Enchanted Arms had just been sitting there because I couldn't read and of the text. The game also looked like a PS2 game, so I was a little underwhelmed. I must say, now that I'm playing the game at 720p it's a whole new experience. I can read the text AND it looks amazing.
There are some very good deals on HD TVs now. I picked my 32 inch LCD up for $499. If you can afford it I suggest making the switch.
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Postby MrWonderful » Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:45 pm

Thanks for the replies guys!
Especially Richmini's response, knowing how huge the difference is, especially with Enchanted Arms, (a game I really want), I'm going to pick myself up an HDTV for christmas, and hold off on that 360 for a little bit longer.
Oh well, maybe Dead Rising or Chrome Hounds will drop in price by then...
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