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Postby TheIchibanCrush » Wed May 10, 2006 10:25 pm

Eh, everyone rips off Nintendo's ideas. It's been like that since the begining of time. Hell Jesus probably ripped off Nintendo somewhere along the road, but I'm actually a really bad historian so I can't confirm or deny. But anyhoo, Sega did it with the Menacer after the SNES had the SuperScope6 (only [insert diety] knows why). Then they did it with the (rare but existing) Genesis mouse after the Mario Paint mouse came out.

Oh it doesn't end.

N64 controller? Nights controller and every other one out after it. Rumble pack? Hey, Sega stole that too for the DC. And then Sony stole a lot of those with the first Dual Shock.

This industry REVOLVES around ripping off Nintendo. So yeah, this was the one thing I saw coming.

Now, change of topic. When Sony showed off the Batarang last year, about 96% bitched about it. In fact, I was one of the first ones, and I'm going to show you why in just a moment. But now people are griping because the controller is pretty much exactly like the last two DualShocks. I figured it would be, but now I'm actually seeing people bitch about that, and it's more than just the remaining 4% that didn't bitch last year.

Something DarkSakura mentioned when I called in babbling about my lack of faith in the next generation in it's entirity was how she was looking forward to the batarang. To each their own, as I hate debates, but I would like to bring to all ye's attention, if you will, a controller that for some reason is still in my possession. This was a third party controller for the PS1...


That's right, a PS1 Batarang, pre-Dual Shock. Now the guy who left this swore up and down this thing was ideal for fighting games. Let's take a better look at this sucka'...


I tested it several times out of boredom with CvS2 (my favorite fighting game). And out of sheer brute honesty, it is the third most cumbersome, awkward and insanity inspired brick I've ever had my claws on to this date. It would have made #1 on my list, but I've tried that one-handed PS1 "RPG" controller. Oh, and the PowerGlove. [insert The Wizard reference]

Granted, it appeared that Sony's own batterang would have been marginally better. But really, not by much. Take my word for it... change isn't always better. And I feel for once that Sony made a very justified move in this bleak pre-launch game.

Still, overall, the new version of the controller actually makes me feel worse. You know that episode of South Park where Cartman inherited a million bucks, bought a theme park, and advertised all these awesome rides on TV, and followed it up with "YOU CAN'T COME!" and little by little let people into his park? Crazy Ken Kutaragi is pulling the Eric Cartman method, and the new controller is another ride in that park for me and many other forced-to-be-tightwad-gamers. It really is. But that, in itself... is another story. Take it away Falcore.

I am so fucking high on sleep meds right now... so I'll probably have a lot of s'plainin to do in the morning.
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