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Nintendo E3 2006 Conference Information!

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Nintendo E3 2006 Conference Information!

Postby jeremytodd1 » Tue May 09, 2006 10:28 am

The conference just got over, and it was great.


The price and launch date of the Wii still hasn't been revealed, but hopefully it will be revealed soon enough.

They showed a lot of videos from a lot of games, including Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxies, Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles, Red Steel, Wario Ware Wii, Tony Hawk Downhill Jam, Sonic, Pilotwings, and a lot more games that I can't think of right now.

They also showed Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess being played on the Wii. You can make quick jabs with the controller and then Link will swing the sword to hit enemies. You can also aim your boomerang, hookshot, and bow and arrow with the controller. There are also some other things they will talk about at a later time, like they are going to talk more about a fishing mini game.

It is also confirmed that the controller has a speaker in it, and this will add a whole new depth to video games.

The Wii will also ALWAYS be connected to the internet, (example:) so you will be able to go to a friends town in Animal Crossing even if they aren't playing.

One person of the audience also got to play the Wii on stage. They played a tennis game and they were running all around and it looks pretty fun.

--------Nintendo DS----------

They showed a few new games for the DS that will be out later this year. They also said there shoudl be over 100 new games out by the end of 2006.

Some of the bigger games were Starfox DS (finally!), Diddy Kong Racing 2, Legend of Zelda: Phantom Miniglass, and I think there were a few other games too which I can't think of.


It was a pretty good conference over all I think.
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Postby ssj100matt » Tue May 09, 2006 12:55 pm

great another FF:CC game... It was such a dissapointment... Maybe with the Wii controller it might be a little more fun

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