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What game gave you the heebee geebee's

Postby metroid_eater » Fri Aug 05, 2005 10:16 am

I remember when I was in Kindergarten, my mom rented me Friday the 13th for the NES and also A nightmare on elm street..
Elm street gave me nightmares for weeks, and everytime i went into dream land on the game, it freeked me out to hear the Theme song ( One two freddy's coming for you... )
As an adult, Silent Hill 2 and 3 had it's moments as well. Especially when playing at 1:00 am alone, all is quiet in the house, then *BAM*, your two kids run out of thier room shreking on the top of thier lungs screaming bloody murder that they had a nightmare... I think I was more scared than them at that moment... :P , anyway, please post if you have any related stories
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Postby skie » Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:26 pm

dude, friday the 13th on the NES scared the crap out of me... lol. i think a lot of it was the excellent music loops in the game... and jason always shows up really, really unexpectedly. i can't figure out why this game usually ends up on "worst NES games" lists... i found it to be entertaining.

here's what a wuss i am... i used to play doom 2 with the lights out and wearing headphones... played it online via an old BBS where you could dial in and play multiplayer. so. much. fun... but scares the living crap out of you when there's someone right behind you that starts shooting you LOL.
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Postby metroid_eater » Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:32 pm

Yeah, I agree with Friday being on the worst game ever list.. that game was hard...
Hey kids, lets kill Jason Vorhees with a...... ROCK!!!!!!

The Resident Evil games were very creepy too... but nothing was as scarey as..... ready for this one.....

Yo! Noid.
Remember the Noid the domino's pizza "Logo".

That game was hilarious.
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Postby VxJasonxV » Fri Aug 05, 2005 11:06 pm

skie wrote:here's what a wuss i am... i used to play doom 2 with the lights out and wearing headphones... played it online via an old BBS where you could dial in and play multiplayer. so. much. fun... but scares the living crap out of you when there's someone right behind you that starts shooting you LOL.
Doom 1

When you're going through that narrow maze with all 90 degree corners.
I was playing it, IN DAYLIGHT. Had headphones on, turned up, etc. etc.
I was hearing this subtle roaring, There's one part of that maze where it's long and straight, with another opening in the middle.
I started running through that straight passageway because I knew the exit wasn't far from the other side.

Halfway along that passage way, a bulldog just went strolling into view. He was almost completely the contents of my screen, right in front of me.
I don't scream, but I do jam Esc on my keyboard, jump to my feet, and run out of the room. And I mean, I DASHED out the room.

I remember that every time I play the game, and laugh. Especially when I think about playing through Doom 3 >_>.
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Postby Illusion » Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:36 am

Resident Evil definitely. I love playing the games plus their "BOO!" scares always get me. Resident Evil 4 scared me in a different way - (Eek those chainsaw weilders... :().
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Postby blackdevilrx » Mon Aug 08, 2005 2:20 pm

When I first played it a while back, Half-Life scared the hell out of me. I mean, it was also fun, but, just...scary. I think it was the aliens that hopped at your face.
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Postby amidamaruflame » Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:22 pm

Don't laugh...
Luigi's Mansion.

I was playing it on my bed at like 2 in the morning (i was really tired at the moment) and a ghost popped out and scared the s*** out of me. lol i'm such a loser
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Postby ssj100matt » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:44 pm

Resident Evil 2.... The scene where you first see the zombie dogs scared the crap out of me... I go down the corridor and i hear a dripping and expecting the tongue monsters but instead a dog pass's by the corridor and starts chasing after me... i had to leave the room and come back later but that dog scared the crap out of me for at least an hour...
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