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The Hunt: The Crystal Key! PDF Print E-mail
Written by DarkTetsuya   
Sunday, 06 May 2012 22:51

So we've whittled down the field, and only three have survived to these last few challenges. So hit the jump, and find out what awaits the three of you left in this competition!



As the video opens, you see a dark and mysterious cave, an axe-shaped guitar can be seen protruding from a lone rock formation in the center of the room. Then the narration begins:

"I lie awake staring out at the bleakness of Megadon. City and sky become one, merging into a single plane, A vast sea of unbroken grey. The twin moons just two pale orbs as they trace their way across the steely sky. I used to think I had a pretty good life here, just plugging into my machine for the day, then watching Templevision, or reading the Temple paper in the evening.

My friend John always said that it was nicer here under the atmospheric domes of the outer planets. We've had peace since 2062 when the surviving planets were banded together under the Red Star of the Solar Federation. The less fortunate, gave us a few new moons. I believed what I was told. I thought it was a good life. I thought I was happy.

Then I found something that changed it all..."

As the narration ends, the master of ceremonies himself DarkTetsuya emerges from the shadows. "Okay so I'm not a humongous Rush fan, but since apparently the man who originally created this contest was a big Rush fan, I thought I'd leave it in! Anyway what I want from you, is simple:

Since Rush's '2112' album (which apparently has a really sci-fi-ish backstory that takes place in the distant future, even further out than the story I'm basing this little game on) is available on both Guitar Hero (either 5 or 6, I don't remember which) or ROCK BAND ... Just pick your insturment of choice  (Gutar/Bass/Drums/Keys/Vocals) and a difficulty, then send me your best score!

(and hey if you can't complete the entire thing ... which is pretty epic ...and long from what I understand, I'll be happy to settle for just a score on 'Temples of Syrinx'.)

First place is worth 64,000 points, the final key, and entry into the finale... so I hope to see you all there!!

EDIT: OrangeRight just came through with  an epic score on the 'Temples of Syrinx' from Guitar Hero... so the score drops to 63,000... either of the others could take the lead though so stay tuned!!

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 May 2012 14:46

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