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The Hunt: The Second Gate!! PDF Print E-mail
Written by DarkTetsuya   
Sunday, 29 April 2012 22:16

So, have you been completing the challenges I've set forth for you all? If you have, then hit the jump to learn what awaits you behind... the second gate!!!





The video opens outside a large stone castle. The sky is a eerie dark red, as large majestic scaled dragons fly back and forth, letting out glorious streams of fire from their massive horned heads. The camera cuts to the entrance of the castle, where your gracious host DarkTetsuya is standing, wearing a steel suit of armor and a horned helmet.

"If you're watching this, then you've survived Zork. For those of you who've made it this far... congratulations! But it only gets trickier from here. This next challenge? To be perfectly honest it even kicked my ass trying to make it! I can tell the suspense is killing you so I'm gonna just up and say it: Your next challenge is to best my high score on the Capcom classic coin-op, Black Tiger!


High Score: 35,250

I'm warning you now this one's tough... quite possibly the toughest challenge yet!! So only the best of the best will be able to beat this one... but I'm sure the 200,000 190,000 point bounty (after OrangeRight's successful completion of this challenge) could still give anyone a humongous lead!! So you know the drill, twitpic/email me your scores with #thehuntolr or some way of letting me know, and the bounty and a Jade Gate icon will be your reward!!


Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 May 2012 18:51

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