I love that song! - VOTE MIKE HAGGAR FOR MAYOR 2010! Print
Written by DarkTetsuya   
Tuesday, 20 April 2010 17:26

Final Fight:
Magic Sword:
(Normally this is the part where I'd say I can't make these available for download, but read the article for details!!!)

Normally I wouldn't do such a recent release, but after getting to check this game out early at WonderCon 2010 (if you haven't seen my write-up it's back on the site a little ways, go read it if you haven't!) I can safely say the game looks to be particularly awesome. It's available now on PSN and XBLA so if you're looking for some oldschool Capcom-flavored beat-em-up action, then I highly recommend checking this out!

Final Fight is probably the more popular of the two. Mayor Mike Haggar's daughter has been kidnapped! and it's up to our muscular ex-wrestler hero and his friends Cody and Guy to save her from the evil Mad Gear gang! Smash your way past armies of the Mad Gear's thugs on the way to rescue her!

Magic Sword probably isn't as popular, but still a pretty good action-platform game. Run from left to right thru over 50 levels slashing enemies and jumping on plaftorms and over pits, all in an attempt to destroy the evil Black Orb. You can also rescue compainions to aid you along the way, and have a 2nd player join in at any time.

But what's really awesome about this update, is that you can play with both the original CPS1 audio, or the newly remixed soundtrack! They hired Simon Viklund to remix the music (for Final Fight -- Magic Sword was remixed by Trond-Viggo Melssen and Erik Thunberg, both of them also former employees of Grin. Thanks gunnaranka for the heads-up!) and I have to say he did a really fucking amazing job with Final Fight. I really liked this arrangement (So much that I muted the music on my copy of Capcom Classics Collection and played thru the game using the arranged version soundtrack.)

Lastly, did you notice the lack of a disclaimer saying I can't tell you where to download this soundtrack? Another sweet bonus is that Capcom has actually made the soundtracks available for free! You can download it HERE! Just so you know the mixes I've featured don't contain the entire OST, (both of them would've been a good 10 minutes each otherwise) but I think I captured a good selection of the music from both games.



Last Updated on Monday, 26 April 2010 19:29